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Doug's offer to publish Garn Lebaron's Pirsigean-ethics paper, The Ethics of Euthanasia:

 Subject:  While you are pondering.
 Date:  Fri, 30 Jul 1999 11:50:13 -0500
 From:  Doug Renselle <NOFLAMEqtx{at}earthlink{dot}netNOSPAM>
 Organization:  The Quantonics Society & Quantonics, Inc.
 To:  Garn LeBaron <>


Consider publishing your paper on our site if you find that desirable.
Your Pirsig connection is valuable to us and to our community. If you
already published it on a web site, tell us where and we can link to it.

We look forward to your remarks.


Doug Renselle
In Quantonics

"It is not the facts but the relation of things that results in the
universal harmony that is the sole objective reality."

Robert M. Pirsig,
on Poincaré's assessment of classical reality, in
'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,' p. 241, Bantam
(paperback), 28th edition, 1982.

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