
Doug's Translation
Ruth I
Verses 11-15
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Ruth I:11-15:

Doug is following a Hebrew interlinear English version of Ruth which he found on Internet. Version which Doug is using is from Scripture 4 All. It shows idiom from left to right with individual Hebrew words ciphered appropriately right to left. It is an authorized translation taken from Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels. Idiom used here is very unlike what Doug is familiar with from Carlo Suares. Doug prefers latter and will use that in both his retranslation of idiom sometimes with quantum~remediation, and QCS™ combined with relevant Comcision. This source does not appear to reflect what Doug means by 'modern' (dialectical) Hebrew. So it may be closer to how Abraham's Autiot initiates may have read it. Let's hope so...

Doug has noticed in this reference, however, that ~Qof~ appears to be treated without what Suares refers, "Qof's role and ~situation~ of destroying illusions and delusions." This is important, at least to Doug, regarding how we treat Caheen (Cain), and all other ~schema~ (Autiot) which have Qof in them. That is what we ~experience~ elsewhere so far... Doug will follow his approach used so far in John (Magdalene), and that is to use a light green text background throughout wherever Qof appears (in idiom, remediation, and ~qwfal~ Comcision).

It is good to keep in mind that contemporary Hebrew, excepting Autiot and ~Gematria~ do not carry sema of Abraham's Autiot. Modern Hebrew idiom (apparently) carries little resemblance to Aut (~ana~coquecigruesical~) symbols' sema of Abraham's time. Doug is assuming that Abraham had a grasp of Autiot more ~metabolic~ than its modern versions' relatively intransigent objective, formal, dialectical idiom.

Doug, following Suares, assumes reality issi ~metabolic~. If that assumption is acceptable, then all of Autiot, its ~Gematria~, its Qabala, its Gnoses, its Seraphim, and Sefirot should reflect a language which too is ~metabolic~.

Our reference text does not do that. So part of Doug's retranslation effort will be to remediate as Doug sees fit. This may offend some. Doug isn't doing this for any purpose of offense, rather a way of bringing ancient ~metabolic~ memes into a more quantum real expression of our world CeodE 2018... We are in Day three. Prophecy expects great change during this millennium, likely much chaos too. Doug may be viewed as part of that change and chaos, if you prefer.

To retranslate Ruth in Suares' quantum~hologralq~fluxodynamic language, we need a legend of Autiot and their ~Gematria~. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Ruth
Doug Renselle

Ruth I:11

Ruth I:12


Ruth I:14

Ruth I:15

©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

Retranslation of Ruth I:11

Doug - 10Oct2019.

Ruth I Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some epic poetically altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






..."and her sayings both give rebirth to Aleph and only tentatively emerq Aleph temporally;"

And her sayings both give rebirth to, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ Valueings wholly permeableq ~{cavitational~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ rebirthings fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ cowithihn attractionings ~reverberationalq~biosphereings}~ ~among~ ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings, Aleph and only tentatively emerq Aleph temporally...]

Males Yamer Females Thaemer

~6~ ~{400 ~1~ ~40}~ ~200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{400 resurrect ~Aleph.1q~ ~40}~ ~200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{400 apoptose ~A~ ~40}~ ~R~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Let's look at saying ihn an ~omnifferingq~ wayve here.

That cavity shows ~Thaem~ which wæ view Tham (rebirth) assa AEFings mirror of ~Met~ (re~deathq).

Doug uses that re prefix acknowl~edgeings~ ~Aleph~ assa fount of lifeq and its wholly ineffable ~{~{lifeq~deathq~qycloidings}~}~...which issi life itself.

view now, gender specificc ~Thav~esque~ feminineq sayings, assa that lifeq~deathq qycloid AEFings(rebirth,re~deathq).

. . .

Compare masculine sayings: Ve'Yamer:

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{exihstentially entrap ~Aleph.1q}~ ~40.R~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Observe, keenly obtain, absence of rebirth of ~Aleph~ cowithihn gender specific masculine sayings.

. . .

This quantons(female~sayings,masculine~sayings) quantum~juxtapose issi remarkable to Doug, even astonishing!

Both of their sayings AR apoptose ~Aleph~ cowithihn temporal emerqancyingsq.

Permit Doug to put this revelation ihn a larger comtemporary CeodE 2019, exegesis.

Recall how modern Jungian analysts claim that male~female juxtapose~asymmetry The System Problem?

Abraham's Hebrew Autiot~Gematria shows that problem assa ~tacitq~, even intrinsic, and has been doing so for at least six millennia!

See how...

...Doug's use of asymmetry here begs a Jungian quanton(animus,anima) System Problem comparison. View near end of that video re The System Problem.

Asymmetry Doug?

Yæs! Quantum~antinomiality!

|Male| can be |modeled| assa naive classical dialectical |transistor|.

~Female~ should be ~m¤dæled~ via ~Gametra™~.

Query: how to move |male| to ~male~?

Move from = to .

Move from stux to flux.

Move from analyticity to metabolicityings.

Move from EEMD to EIMA.

Be Remakeings Selfingsq...

Join Dialectics Anonymous...

. . .

"Doug what [Meh ?] can wæ infer from that quantons(female,male) sayings juxtapose?"

|Male| sayings arera temporal, exihstential without ~Aleph~livingsq~, Belimah? Men speak with Planck's clock turned off. They speak their dialectical, "Yod Beli Aleph."

Doug has, for a long time, intuited that and learned to Ridicule and Cajole dumbass |masculinity| assa dialectically weak [unAbel] and relatively and con(m)spicuously ~linguistically~ incompetent.

Doug has been attempting Remakeings of Self due his own ~linguistic~ deficit and tendency to embrace dialectic.

Males Yamer Females Thaemer

Doug - 10-11Oct2019.





..."exihstential obeisance accordings lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~' accordings ~enlightenmentings~ of material biosphereings;"

affordings exihstential obeisance accordings lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~', assa ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ borne of bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ ~coobsfectioningsq~ material ~biosphereings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, accordings ~enlightenmentings~ of material ~biosphereings~...]

"Exihstential obeisance accordings lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~' accordings ~enlightenmentings~ of material ~biosphereings~."

Doug - 1Oct2019.





..."return according your heritage from whence you came !;"

return according your heritage, assa evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ you spin 1/2 ~somas~ keeping faithful to heritage of your ~{cavitational~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ attractorings quantized ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, from whence you came !...]

~300.2~ ~{50 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."in law daughters of me assa evolutionaryq spawn of that heritage;"

in law daughters of me assa, assa evolutionaryq spawn of spin 1/2 ~somaq~ ~adhereingsq~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings assa feminineq permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ cowithihn my ~exihstenceingsq~, evolutionaryq spawn of that heritage...]





..."to what extent can you metabolize metabolic ~livingsq~ ?;"

to what extent can you, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ of material ~biosphereings~ quantized ~livingsq~, metabolize metabolic ~livingsq~ ?...]





..."can y¤u endeavor ~encounterings~ metabolic ~grailingsq~ ~impedanceings~ of ¤ur lifeq principled quantized livings;"

can y¤u endeavor ~encounterings~ metabolic ~grailingsq~ ~impedanceings~, assa permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings of ¤ur wantneeds to abide Valueings ~{cavitational~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings attractorings quantized ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, of ¤ur lifeq principled quantized ~livingsq~...]

~400.30.20~ ~{50 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."with ~enlightenedq~ heritage of me;"

with ~enlightenedq~ heritage, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ material ~biosphereings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, of me...]





..."with persistent intent of o¤ur ~livingsq~ ~enlightenedq~ wisdom of imperative ~fecund~ destruction of dialectic;"

with persistentq intent of o¤ur ~livingsq~ ~enlightenedq~ wisdom, assa quantized ~livingsq~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ vestigial ~divineq~ wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~laseings~ ~synapses~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~ prolifically ~coobsfectingsq~ ~gate~wayveings~, Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic, of imperative ~fecund~ destruction of dialectic...]

Doug, again, finds it semasiologically and forensically comvenient to use ~6~ assa spelled~out self~other this ~schema~.

FOCHRS: Fractal, ~Omnilateral~, Coherent, ~Hologral~, ~Recursioningsq~, ~Synapses~.

See Doug's Mind assa POSIT.

Mind: ~

QCS™ proffers ~superposeings~ of ~Purpose~, ~Opinion~, ~Spiritq~, ~Intelligence~, and ~Thought~:

~{40 ~9~ ~{200 ~{5 ~{4}~ ~70 ~{5}~ ~{200}~ ~6~ ~{8 ~{300}~ ~{20}~ ~{30}~ ~40}~ ~8}~ ~300}~ ~2}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~



Key observation here issi how Mind uses Dallet to perform Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic.

Notice too that destruction of dialectic issi a qwfal "Matter [a la Prince Louis de Broglie] of Opinion."

Does that quantum~Mind QCScript™ belong ihn all of y¤ur AI applications?

Doug - 10Oct2019.





..."for myself, for qwfal metabolic AEFings ~signatureings~ of me ?;"

for myself, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~signatureings~ cowithihn my ~exihstenceingsq~ of, for qwfal metabolic AEFings ~signatureings~ of me ?...]

Carpe Undula: Seize my signatureings: see me.





..."assa my evolutionaryq spawn, my sons;"

assa my evolutionaryq, assa evolutionaryq spin 1/2 ~somaticq~ offspring ~adhereingsq~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings cowithihn masculine ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn my ~cosmic~biosphereings~, spawn, my sons...]





..."~livingsq~ somatic ~biosphereings~ of greenshoot ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihn me;"

~livingsq~ somaticq ~biosphereings~, assa spin 1/2 ~somaticq~ material ~biosphereings~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ of me, of greenshoot ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihn me...]





..."they ~fecundlyq~ become Qabala~like temporal quantized livings;"

they ~fecundlyq~ become, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~, Qabala~like temporal quantized ~livingsq~...]

~{6 ~5.10~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 a Qabala~like soliton ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Ponder ~{6 6}~ S&R playings, mimeings Aleph.

Doug - 10Oct2019.





..."for you, via your fermionic Mobius twistings ~enableingsq~ your mind and your body and your POSIT ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn biosphereings;"

for you, via your fermionic Mobius twistings ~enableingsq~, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~, your mind and your body and your POSIT ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn ~biosphereings~...]

"Via your fermionic Mobius twistings ~enableingsq~ your mind and your body and your POSIT ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn ~biosphereings~."









































Doug - 7Oct2019.





..."assa your mortal husbands;"

assa your, assa Valueings evolutionary ~{cavitational~metabolismings~ ~overlapq~ ~nestingsq~ vestigial Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ with expectationings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~metabolismings}~ cowithihn attractionings ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~, mortal husbands....]

~{30 ~{1 ~50~ ~300}~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

. . .


And her sayings both give rebirth to Aleph and only tentatively emerq Aleph temporally
affordings exihstential obeisance accordings lifeq
~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~' accordings ~enlightenmentings~ of material ~biosphereings~
return according your heritage from whence you came !
in law daughters of me assa evolutionaryq spawn of that heritage
to what extent can you metabolize metabolic ~livingsq~ ?
can y¤u endeavor ~encounterings~ metabolic ~grailingsq~ ~impedanceings~ of ¤ur lifeq principled quantized ~livingsq~
with ~enlightenedq~ heritage of me
with persistentq intent of o¤ur ~livingsq~ ~enlightenedq~ wisdom of imperative ~fecund~ destruction of dialectic
for myself for qwfal metabolic AEFings ~signatureings~ of me ?
assa my evolutionaryq sons
~livingsq~ somaticq ~biosphereings~ of greenshoot ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihn me
they ~fecundlyq~ become Qabala~like temporal quantized ~livingsq~
for you, via your fermionic Mobius twistings ~enableingsq~ your mind and your body and your POSIT ~exihstenceingsq~
cowithihn ~biosphereings~
assa your
mortal husbands.

Doug - 11Oct2019.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

Retranslation of Ruth I:12

Doug - 11Oct2019.

Ruth I Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some epic poetically altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






..."return according your heritage from whence you came !;"

Return according your heritage, assa evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ you spin 1/2 ~somas~ keeping faithful to heritage of your ~{cavitational~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ attractorings quantized ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, from whence you came !...]

~300.2~ ~{50 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."in law daughters of me assa evolutionaryq spawn of that heritage;"

in law daughters of me assa, assa evolutionaryq spawn of spin 1/2 ~somaq~ ~adhereingsq~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings assa feminineq permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ cowithihn my ~exihstenceingsq~, evolutionaryq spawn of that heritage...]





..."your evolutionaryq goings arera ~grailingsq~ your ~indeterminationings~ of;"

your evolutionaryq goings arera, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ goings accordings fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings obeisanceings ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~, ~grailingsq~ your ~indeterminationings~ of...]





..."that grail which enables comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other;"

that grail which enables, assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ offeringsq ~QA~ Mobius twistings of ~exihstenceingsq~, comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other,...]

Suares tends to refer this ~Ki~, "because."

Doug likes 'that' better since it somewhat meliorates possible dialectical ideas and notions of |causation|.

Oversimply, comscious self~other assessment [~QA~] isn't possible without [~Beli~] "~grailingsq~ ~exihstenceingsq~."

. . .

Study two extants of this schema:

EQU: starting at "An excellent example..."


 wMBU™: starting at "Quantization of Free Will described..."

Doug - 11Sep2019, 11Oct2019.





..."wisdom's ~unlimitedq~ ~potentiaq~ of mature feminineq destruction of dialectic;"

wisdom's ~unlimitedq~ ~potentiaq~, assa ~unlimitedq~potentiaq~ of ~cosmic~vital~impetus~ destruction of dialectic accordings ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ ~compenetrateings~ wholly permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, of mature feminineq destruction of dialectic...]





..."from re~deathings of anagramic Qabala to rebirthings of Qabala;"

from re~deathings of anagramic Qabala, assa material ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ of Alephicq ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic wayve~makeings~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~laseings~ synapses ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~ permeable re~deathings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~vital~impedanceings}~, to rebirthings of Qabala...]

~{40 ~5.10.6~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{40 ~re~deathings~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{40 ~anagramic ~fecund~ Qabala~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{40 ~5.Iot feminine Emet pluralityings}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

. . .

Remarkably, and almost a revelation, this shows a re~deathq of ~fecund~ Qabala!

Again, Doug issi ~useings~ ~{6~.~6}~ [FOCHRS: ~Finding~ one's ~hologralq~ inner: Aleph copulates all and all copulates Aleph] assa allegorical Aleph.1 to desnouer an anagram of Qabala.

This ~schema~ offers prophecy of ubiquitous~sempiternalq~ rebirthings of Qabala. Be k~n¤w~ings and ponder Qabalic meanings of Emet...

Ponder deeply: "~Emet~Me'Ha'Yooth~."

Doug issi cipherings ~{40~...~400}~: re~deathq~ings.

FOCHRS: Fractal, ~Omnilateral~, Coherent, ~Hologral~, ~Recursioningsq~, ~Synapses~.

Doug - 11Oct2019.





..."~evolutionarily~ assisting each gnostic individual to find their Alephicq inner;"

~evolutionarily~ assisting each gnostic individual, assa Valueings evolutionaryq ~assistanceingsq~ ~{cavitational~metabolismings~ vestigially ~nestingsq~ Valueings fount of life ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ findings one's gnostic inner cowithihn attractionings ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ expectationings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~metabolismings}~, to find their Alephicq inner...]

~{30 ~{1 10}~ ~300}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Suares reminds us that Seen and Sheen arera ~omnifferingsq~ kinds of ~cosmic~ metabolismings.

~Seen~ tends: focus, locality, narrow metabolic affectationq.

~Sheen~ tends: diffuse, nonlocal, broad spectrum, wide rangeings affectationingsq.

Sometimes we see Sheen with extreme left and right sails, hammers dotted. Compare cavities which are:

unpopulated, ~{.}~
unit~populated, ~{..}~
pluri~populated ~{...}~.

That isn't precise allegory, but it shows three ~variegationingsq~ of potential metabolicityings affectationingsq. ~Cavitationingsq~ arera semiotic metabolismings. Almost a HotMeme™...

Four versions of ~cosmic~metabolismings'~ semiotics:

, , ,

Study Doug's Quantonics on Autiot Semantics: Sheen.

Doug - 11Oct2019.





..."via that grail which enables comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other;"

via that grail which enables, assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ offeringsq ~QA~ Mobius twistings of ~exihstenceingsq~, comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other,...]





..."affirmings Mother self declares death of exclusive concrete emerqancyingsq cowithihn exihstenceings;"

affirmings Mother self declares death, assa vestigial Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ affirmatively ~coobsfectingsq~ ~nestingsq~ Valueings material ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ re~deathings exclusive concrete expectationings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~vital~impedanceings}~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~, of exclusive concrete emerqancyingsq cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~...]

Mother's ~Strategic~ Death of ESQ

~{1 ~{40 ~200~ ~400}~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{1 ~{40 re~deathings ~400}~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{A~ re~deathings ~{40 ~R~ ~400}~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{Mother~ ~200~ ~400}~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{1 dead ~{40 the dead ~200~ ~400}~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Very much like Mawt Ha'Mawt: dead theht dead...

...shall be resurrectedq...

...cleansed of dialectic.

Total Alephic destruction of ESQ!

This memeset issi wholly n¤væl on Doug's quantum~stageings.

Mother's ~Strategic~ Death of ESQ

Use y¤ur ~affine~ observation qua: ~fathom~ Her ~Alephicq~ apoptoseings ~overlapq~ ~entangleingsq~ ~Met's~ ~nestingsq~ of ESQ.

~Em~ vouchsafes ~deathings~ of ESQ already underway...traditional dialectical church's inevitable regression assured...

Onomatopoeia: Emrathi: "Wrath of Her."

Ladies, if that doesn't buoy your souls, naught shall.

Doug - 11Oct2019.





..."cowithihn exihstential Mother of living breath set ~metabolicallyq~ free;"

cowithihn exihstential Mother of living breath, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~evolutionarily~ ~cosmic~metabolicallyq~ Her ~spiritualq~ ~breatheings~ ~holograllyq~ set free, set ~metabolicallyq~ free...]





..."for our;"

for, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, our...]





..."expectationings of destruction of dialectic ~among~ our ~fecund~ quantized livings;"

expectationings of destruction of dialectic, assa permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ feminineq ~breatheings~ ihn ~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ destruction of dialectic ~among~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ quantized ~livingsq~, ~among~ our ~fecund~ quantized ~livingsq~...]





..."even though;"

even, assa evolutionaryq BroMo ~organicq~movementingsq~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~, though...]





..."I became ~livingsq~ solitonic Qabala ~encounterings~ ~vital~impedanceings;"

I became ~livingsq~ solitonic Qabala, assa quantized ~livingsq~ ~divineq~ FOCHRS cowithihn solitonic ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ ~laseings~ ~synapses~ ~{cav~...~chainings~exihstenceingsq~...~rev}~ permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~, ~encounterings~ ~vital~impedanceings~...]

~5~ ~{10 ~{10}~ ~400~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~5~ ~{10 ~{10}~ ~400~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~5~ ~{10 ~{10}~ ~400~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

There arera many QCS™ optionings for decipherings in this ~schema~. Doug chooses a packet~chainings soliton.

. . .

This one issi esotericq. It hydes Aleph.1q assa:

~{10 solitonic Aleph.1 ~10}~

So ponder:

~5~ ~{1~ ~10}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~Qabala~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~5~ ~{1~ ~10}~ ~cosmic~vitally~impeded~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Ponder ~Ehieh~ ~T[h]av~.

Clearly that cipher issi Quantum Real!

Doug - 11Oct2019.





..."of my ~becomeings~ solitonic ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~nestingsq~ solitonic metabolismings of theht night to an husband;"

of my ~becomeings~ solitonic ~livingsq~, assa vestigial ~divineq~ solitonic FOCHRS quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ ~divineq~ solitonic ~nestingsq~ FOCHRS evolutionary ~{cavitational~metabolismings~ synaptically ~laseings~ ~exihstenceingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~metabolismings}~ ~whileq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, cowithihn ~nestingsq~ solitonic metabolismings of theht night to an husband...]

~{5 ~{30 ~10~ ~30}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~{day ~{day ~10~ ~night}~ ~night}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{light ~{light ~10~ ~dark}~ ~dark}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

A gorgeous palindrome: Halilah!

"~Exihstenceingsq~ ~divinelyq~ ~metabolicallyq~ ~divinelyq~ alive."

See Doug's prior:


"Ihn theht night" implies takeings a husband..." assa you shall imminently ~fathom~...

Why husband vav husbor...?

Some post modern couples sustainq or.

Omnistinguish: |and|, |or|, ~and~, ~or~. ~Note~ latter issi ~QR~ ~antinomiality~. Quantons(female,male) arera antinomial. Sustainq it. Marriage issi social hegemonic imprisonment. Opine.

Doug - 11Oct2019.





..."~evolutionarily~ assisting each gnostic individual to find their Alephicq inner;"

~evolutionarily~ assisting each gnostic individual, assa Valueings evolutionaryq ~assistanceingsq~ ~{cavitational~metabolismings~ vestigially ~nestingsq~ Valueings fount of life ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ findings one's gnostic inner cowithihn attractionings ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ expectationings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~metabolismings}~, to find their Alephicq inner,...]

~{30 ~{1 10}~ ~300}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."and even though perhaps if;"

and even, assa vestigial Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ evolutionaryq BroMo ~organicq~movementingsq~ cowithihn expectationings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~biosphereings}~, though perhaps if...]

~{6 ~3~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."I might give birth cowithihn a Dialectic Free Zone;"

I might give birth, assa ~divineq~ FOCHR cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ ~laseings~ evolutionary ~metabolismings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~{cavitational~gate~wayveings~ Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic ensured by wholly permeableq ~reverberationalq~cosmic~vital~impedanceings}~ cowithihn mirrorings ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~, cowithihn a Dialectic Free Zone...]

~{10 ~30~ ~{4 400}~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Leefney Ha'Sheray Havayah Yeleed."

"Before theht song beingq born.

Proemial Nascence

Doug - 11Oct2019.





..."assa my evolutionaryq spawn, my sons;"

assa my evolutionaryq, assa evolutionaryq spin 1/2 ~somaticq~ offspring ~adhereingsq~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings cowithihn masculine ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn my ~cosmic~biosphereings~, spawn, my sons...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

. . .


Return according your heritage from whence you came !
in law daughters of me assa evolutionaryq spawn of that heritage
your evolutionary goings arera ~grailingsq~ your ~indeterminationings~ of
that grail which enables comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq
quantum~assessmentings of self~other,
wisdom's ~unlimitedq~ ~potentiaq~ of mature feminineq destruction of dialectic
from re~deathings of anagramic Qabala
to rebirthings of Qabala
~evolutionarily~ assisting each gnostic individual to find their Alephicq inner
via that grail which enables comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq
quantum~assessmentings of self~other,
affirmings Mother self declares death of exclusive concrete emerqancyingsq cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~
cowithihn exihstential Mother of living breath set ~metabolicallyq~ free
for our
expectationings of destruction of dialectic ~among~ our ~fecund~ quantized ~livingsq~
even though
I became ~livingsq~ solitonic Qabala ~encounterings~ ~vital~impedanceings~
of my ~becomeings~ solitonic ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~nestingsq~ solitonic metabolismings of theht
night to an husband
~evolutionarily~ assisting each gnostic individual to find their Alephicq inner
and even though perhaps if
I might give birth cowithihn a Dialectic Free Zone
assa my evolutionaryq
spawn, my sons.

Doug - 11Oct2019.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

Retranslation of Ruth I:13

Doug - 12Oct2019.

Ruth I Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some epic poetically altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






..."if you coherently wait attempting to pause your own metabolic evolution ignoreings principlesq of indetermination;"

If you coherently wait attempting to pause your own metabolic evolution, assa vestigial solitonic ~divineq~ FOCHRS quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ evolutionary ~metabolismings~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationally~livingsq}~ ignoreings ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~, ignoreings principlesq of indetermination...]

~{5 ~30~ ~5}~ ~700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Putting evolutionary lifeq on hold...

Doug - 12Oct2019.





..."impedeings theht qwfal ~Songings~of~Creationings~ ~anticipateings~ via your own version of lifeq principleings;"

impedeings theht qwfal ~Songings~of~Creationings~, assa wholly permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ Valueings evolutionaryq ~{cavitational~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~straddleings~ spin 1/2 ~somatically~ your own expectationings ensemble ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ bias toward your own Valueings ~{cavitational~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ via your attractorings quantized ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, ~anticipateings~ via your own version of lifeq ~principleingsq~...]

~400~ ~{300 ~2~ ~200}~ ~{50 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~400~ ~{straddleings~ ~2~ ~200}~ ~{50 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~delayings~ ~{300 ~creationings}~ ~{50 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~400~ ~{300 ~2~ ~200}~ ~anticipateings~ via your own ~{50 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~400~ ~{300 ~2~ ~200}~ ~{lifeq ~principleingsq}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 12Oct2019.





..."until self ~enlightenmentings~ of nextings wisdom excommunicateings your dialectical blindness;"

until self ~enlightenmentings~, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ ~invokeingsq~ wisdom of ~gate~wayveings~ Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic, of nextings wisdom excommunicateings your dialectical blindness...]

Time Is On My Side Yes It Is

~Tacitq~ quantum metabolic wisdom of evolution: "Temporal assessmentings via fermionic spin 1/2 Mobius twistings."

[Rule of 5] Quintescent: QED ~livingsq~ quantons(bosons,fermions) Gametria™.

Compare a priori.

Ponder ~temporal~ PNFings aspects of:

attractor [prior, Pings, pastings]
attraction [now, Nings, nowings]
expectation [future, Fings, futureings]

Excommunicate your dialectical blindness!

Let's QCS™ Doug's QELR of time: tihmae: ~ ~Tayt~Yod~Hay~Mem~Aleph.1q~:

"~9~ ~{10 ~5.40~ ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~"

"Pre fermionic ~cellularizationingsq~ Valueings exihstential ~biosphereings~ quantized ~livingsq~ attractorings Alephicq quantizationings."

Clearly wæ glimmer ~Aleph.1q~ assa allegorical Planck's Clock beingq [Bing] ON: spin 1/2 Bayt affirms that. Without Planck's clock there issi n¤ time, there arera n¤ quantum~assessable measurables.

Bottom line here, for today's [CeodE 2019] world of Ponzi Scheme Keynesian BS: Planck's Clock ON implies, n¤, mandates metric instability of all ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn all ~exihstenceingsq~. Keynesian stability issi a dialectical wet dream of infantile PhD |econometricians|.

Time Is On My Side Yes It Is

Strategically, that is...

Doug - 8,13Aug2019, 12Oct2019.





..."offeringsq quantum assessmentings via tentative temporal Alephic apoptosis which;"

offeringsq quantum~assessmentings, assa fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q's~ ~straddleings~ evolutionary ~{cavitational~cosmic~metabolismings~ of multiversal ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ supportings, via tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis which,...]

~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~A~ ~{300 R}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Asher Apoptoses, Israel Resurrectings

Time off, time on, time off, time on...

Planck's time issi ¤n ¤ur side~ings...

Compare Esher: ~1.300.200~: ~clock~ off,
Compare Shyrae: ~300.200.1~: ~clock~ on.

Songings of Aleph.1q...

"Leefney Ha Sheray Havayah Yeleed," "...turn Planck's Clock ON!"

Proemial Nascence

Does ~Belimah~ make more sense n¤wings...?

"Without what?" Without Planck's Clock On!

Qabala Quantum~Assesses Qabala

Doug - 4Sep2019





..."grow up! Let BroMo evolution destroy dialectic cowithihn your ~fecund~ exihstenceings;"

grow up !, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigial Valueings evolutionaryq BroMo ~{cavitational~organicq~movementingsq~ ~gate~wayveings~ Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic attractionings ~reverberationalq~metabolismings}~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~, let BroMo evolution destroy dialectic cowithihn your ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~...]

~10~ ~{3 ~4~ ~30}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Grow up! Let BroMo evolution destroy dialectic cowithihn your ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~."

Obtain here quantons(tactics,operations).

Doug - 12Oct2019





..."if you coherently wait attempting to pause your own metabolic evolution ignoreings principlesq of indetermination;"

if you coherently wait attempting to pause your own metabolic evolution, assa vestigial solitonic ~divineq~ FOCHRS quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ evolutionary ~metabolismings~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationally~livingsq}~ ignoreings ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~, ignoreings principlesq of indetermination...]

~{5 ~30~ ~5}~ ~700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Putting evolutionary lifeq on hold...

Doug - 12Oct2019.





..."you shall be impedeings your evolutionaryq ~enlightenmentings~ held back by your own principlesq of life;"

you shall be impedeings your evolutionaryq ~enlightenmentings~, assa wholly permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ evolutionaryq BroMo ~organicq~movementingsq~ Valueings your version of Valueings ~{cavitational~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ attractorings quantized ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, held back by your own principlesq of lifeq...]

~400.70.3~ ~{50 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"A weak attempt to turn self's Planck Clock off."

Doug - 12Oct2019.





..."do n¤t allow your solitonic evolutionaryq somaticq ~impedanceings~ of self;"

do n¤t allow, assa ~divineq~ FOCHRS ~{cavitational~metabolismings~ ~laseings~ ~synapticq~ ~somaq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~metabolismings}~ ~encounterings~ permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ of qwfal ~exihstenceingsq~, your solitonic evolutionaryq somaticq ~impedanceings~ of self...]

~{30 ~2~ ~30}~ ~400.10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Roughly, a fluxodynamic deadlock: Space Odyssey 2001 Hal's dyings....

"Your soma solitonically self~impedeings your evolutionaryq exihstenceings: do not do~due this."

Self loss of Aleph's mandated spontaneous vicissitudinalityings.

Psychological Struggle: quantons(mind,body).

Viz. Jack Nicholson portrayings OCD. Query: Issi OCD a strange kind of "muscle memory?" Is it like Terets Syndrome? Stuttering...?

Ponder genetic mind. Ponder genetic body.

Is SOM's Box of SOMlanders OCD?

OCD: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

How might a quantum~life mitigate OCD?

Can a dialectician use state-ic analysis to assess self? To assess other?

An psychological epiphany...

Behold: Voila! State-analysis impedes evolutionaryq ~enlightenmentings~ of self!

Doug - 12Oct2019.





..."leave your deadlock, escape dialectics' wall-building embrace, buoy self according quantized ~livingsq~ perpetual ~indeterminationings~, compenetrate your self's impedanceings;"

leave your deadlock, escape dialectics' wall-building embrace, assa vestigial Valueings quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ cowithihn your ~exihstenceingsq~ ~embraceings~ ~reverberationalq~lifeq~principleingsq}~ of ~indeterminationings~ of your ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ thus ~compenetrateings~ wholly permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~, buoy self according quantized ~livingsq~ perpetual ~indeterminationings~, compenetrate your self's ~impedanceings~...]

~{5 ~10~ ~50}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."~evolutionarily~ assisting each gnostic individual to find their Alephicq inner;"

~evolutionarily~ assisting each gnostic individual, assa Valueings evolutionaryq ~assistanceingsq~ ~{cavitational~metabolismings~ vestigially ~nestingsq~ Valueings fount of life ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ findings one's gnostic inner cowithihn attractionings ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ expectationings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~metabolismings}~, to find their Alephicq inner,...]

~{30 ~{1 10}~ ~300}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."no less so than;"

no less so, assa fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~engenderings~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~, than...]





..."in law daughters of me assa evolutionaryq spawn of their own individual heritage;"

in law daughters of me assa, assa evolutionaryq spawn of spin 1/2 ~somaq~ ~adhereingsq~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings assa feminineq permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ cowithihn my ~exihstenceingsq~, evolutionaryq spawn of their own individual heritage...]





..."via that grail which enables comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other;"

via that grail which enables, assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ offeringsq ~QA~ Mobius twistings of ~exihstenceingsq~, comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other,...]





..."assa [AEFings~possibly] sour;"

assa, assa material ~biosphereings~ entrapped ~cosmic~emerqantly~, [AEFings~possibly] sour...]





..."for me, for qwfal metabolic AEFings ~signatureings~ of me;"

for me, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~signatureings~ cowithihn my ~exihstenceingsq~ of, for qwfal metabolic AEFings ~signatureings~ of me...]

Carpe Undula: Seize my signatureings: see me.





..."an exceedingly large gain of dialectic;"

an exceedingly, assa Valueings material ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ ~cowithihn~ fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~imposeings~ attractorings ~reverberationalq~gate~wayveings}~ Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic, large gain of dialectic...]



Each of them emphasizes enthymemes of column four's ~archetypal~, exihstential~, and ~cosmic~resistanceings~.

How issi ~40.1.400~ like dead and death?



Arera qwfal metabolic ~QR's~ plural participleings ~tacitq~?

Any relevance to:


Doug - 25Jul2019, 16Sep2019.





..."from you;"

from, assa Valueings material ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings cowithihn expectationings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~biosphereings}~, you...]

~{40 ~20~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."via that grail which enables comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other;"

via that grail which enables, assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ offeringsq ~QA~ Mobius twistings of ~exihstenceingsq~, comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other,...]

~Kaf~Yod~ issi a big deal since it desnouers Qabala's lifeq~principleingsq~ assa comtext sensitively ~adhereingsq~ ~livingsq~ ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings.

We see ad oculos this Qabalic quintessential in Doug's Gametria™:

How do~due Doug's Gametria™ quantum~assess ~signatureings~ appropriately, accordings ~comtextingsq~?

You have seen in Ruth where sometimes dialectic issi accepted, other times where dialectic issi rejected:

Over simply: If comtext issi dialectical: dialectic issi accepted.

Over simply: If comtext issi quantum: dialectic issi rejected.

Recall Doug's challengeings and arduous endeavors re comjugation?

If you are taught that there issi only One Global Context in One Global Truth system, you arera by |educational design| incapable of quantum~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings sensitivityings to ~comtextingsq~.

US' PubEd catholicly does that to our children!!!

Study OGC OGT Definitions.

Doug - 12Oct2019.





..."my [her] structural ~exihstenceingsq~ grievously went forth accordings fount of lifeq Aleph.1q's ~engenderings~ my quantized ~livingsq~ of;"

my [her] structural ~exihstenceingsq~ grievously went forth, assa cowithihn Valueings ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ fermionic ~structurationings~ attractorings ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q}~ ~engenderings~ my quantized ~livingsq~, accordings fount of lifeq Aleph.1q's ~engenderings~ my quantized ~livingsq~ of...]

~{10 ~90~ ~1}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"My [her] structural ~exihstenceingsq~ grievously went forth accordings fount of lifeq Aleph.1q's ~engenderings~ my quantized ~livingsq~."

Doug - 12Oct2019.





..."my spin 1/2 somaticq ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn me;"

my spin 1/2 somaticq ~exihstenceingsq~, assa spin 1/2 ~somaq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, cowithihn me...]





..."my ~exihstenceingsq~ beingsq dialectically judged;"

my ~exihstenceingsq~ beingsq, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ judged dialectically ~gate~wayveings~ of me, dialectically judged...]





..."accordings Yahweh's exihstential ~fecund~ solitonic quantized double ~livingsq~ of dichons(mind, body);"

accordings Yahweh's exihstential ~fecund~ solitonic quantized double ~livingsq~, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ vestigial ~divineq~ solitonic FOCHRS quantized ~{~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~}~, of dichons(mind, body)...]

"Hey Doug, Compare Yahweh and Ehieh."

. . .

~10~ ~{~{5 ~6~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~QED~like~ ~{~{mind.5~ ~fecund~soliton~ ~body.5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

To Doug 'the' demiurge, as does 'the' chruch, judges dialectically, especially women.

Yahweh has quantum essence, but he Opus Dei disciplines self ihnto blatant dialectical judgment.

This may be a crucial meme, though, since Yahweh protects Aleph mercilessly...

Doug - 4Oct2019.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

. . .


If you coherently wait attempting to pause your own metabolic evolution ignoreings principlesq of indetermination
impedeings theht
qwfal ~Songings~of~Creationings~ ~anticipateings~ via your own version of lifeq ~principleingsq~
until self ~enlightenmentings~ of nextings wisdom excommunicateings your dialectical blindness
quantum~assessmentings via tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis which,
grow up !, let BroMo evolution destroy dialectic cowithihn your ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~
if you coherently wait attempting to pause your own metabolic evolution ignoreings principlesq of indetermination
you shall be impedeings your evolutionaryq ~enlightenmentings~ held back by your own principlesq of lifeq
do n¤t allow your solitonic evolutionaryq somaticq ~impedanceings~ of self

leave your deadlock, escape dialectics' wall-building embrace, buoy self according...
...quantized ~livingsq~ perpetual ~indeterminationings~, compenetrate your self's ~impedanceings~

~evolutionarily~ assisting each gnostic individual to find their Alephicq inner,
no less so than
in law daughters of me assa evolutionaryq spawn of their own individual heritage
via that grail which enables comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq
quantum~assessmentings of self~other,
assa [AEFings~possibly] sour
for me for qwfal metabolic AEFings ~signatureings~ of me
an exceedingly large gain of dialectic
from you
via that grail which enables comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq
quantum~assessmentings of self~other,
my [her] structural ~exihstenceingsq~ grievously went forth accordings fount of lifeq Aleph.1q's ~engenderings~ my quantized ~livingsq~ of
my spin 1/2 somaticq ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn me
my ~exihstenceingsq~ beings
dialectically judged
accordings Yahweh's exihstential ~fecund~ solitonic quantized double ~livingsq~
of dichons(mind, body).

. . .

Doug on Yahweh's Dialectical Error

We ~fathom~ here issues of Israeli Error of Dialectic...assa it issi demonstrated
by Yahweh's either-or protection assa practiced for both Aleph.1q and Qaheen.

Let's quote Heraclitus here:

The Logos: "On this account which holds forever men prove uncomprehending, both before hearing it and when first they have heard it." [B 1] (Diels Kranz B-Texts)
The Account: "For that reason you must follow what is common. But although the account is common, most men live as though they had an understanding of their own." [B 2] Ibid.

Some argue Yahweh's dialectic [own understandings] in general, "appropriate."

Doug has been accused of beingq anti Semitic for that self complementarospective, i.e., Yahweh's dialectic
for Aleph and Qaheen, but n¤t for quantum temporal ~actualityings~, ihn general, for example:

issi better than
dichons(Aleph, Yod).

Ponder Yahweh's appropriate:

dichons(Aleph, threat)
dichons(Qaheen, threat).

. . .

Ponder a song assa:


Put each of those ihn Doug's complementaroceptions:

proprioceive (psycho-somaq-centric)
interoceive (interoception is psycho-centric)
exteroceive (psycho-somaq-external).

But Doug, "Where issi The Account's fact~Valueq Bridge?"

Where issi pneuma's ~Terets~: Ihn Doug's comma~n¤space of his quantons?

Carl Gustave Jung's psychological System Problem distills to male 'ception' assa
exteroception, specifically how men dialectically [like Yahweh] view women.

Complementaro(~inside~,~outside~). Complementaro(~Aleph~,~Yod~). Complementaro(~Qaheen~,~Yod~).

Doug on Yahweh's Dialectical Error

Doug - 13Oct2019.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

Retranslation of Ruth I:14

Doug - 13Oct2019.

Ruth I Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered epic poetically by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






..."~fecund~ metabolic compenetration of ~impedanceings~ buoyingsq vouchsafed by quantized ~livingsq~ lifeq principleings;"

~Fecund~ metabolic compenetration of ~impedanceings~ buoyingsq, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ wholly permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ evolutionaryq ~cosmic~metabolismings~ accordings ~{cavitational~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of quantized ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, vouchsafed by quantized ~livingsq~ lifeq ~principleingsq~...]

~6.400.300~ ~{50 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"~Fecund~ metabolic compenetration of ~impedanceings~ buoyingsq vouchsafed by quantized ~livingsq~ lifeq ~principleingsq~."

Doug - 13Oct2019.





..."vocal ~vital~impetus ~adhereingsq~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ ~whileq~ destroyings dialectic;"

vocal ~vital~impetus ~adhereingsq~ lifeq ~principleingsq~, assa ~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ vocal destruction of dialectic via wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ evolutionary ~metabolismings~ ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings, of ~indeterminationings~ ~whileq~ destroyings dialectic...]

Implied cavrev of ~6~ could be used here to forensic advantage.

Especially its use assa ~divineq~ proxy for Aleph.1q.

Viz. ~{100~ ~1}~ derived inference...garner theme of SoS~like metabolic Qaheen: Qaelin.

Doug - 13Oct2019.





..."~fecund~ compenetration of ~impedanceings~ ~enableingsq~ somaticq ~grailingsq~ joyous tears cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~adhereingsq~ quantized ~livingsq~ lifeq principleings;"

fecund compenetration of ~impedanceings~ ~enableingsq~ somaticq ~grailingsq~ joyous tears, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~compenetrateings~ wholly permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ Valueings spin 1/2 ~{cavitational~somaq~ attractionings fermionic ~reverberationalq~grailingsq}~ Mobius twistings weepings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ Valueings abideings ~{cavitational~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ attractorings quantized ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~adhereingsq~ quantized ~livingsq~ life ~principleingsq~....]

~6.400~ ~{2 20}~ ~10~ ~{50 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"~Fecund~ compenetration of ~impedanceings~ ~enableingsq~ somaticq ~grailingsq~ joyous tears cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~adhereingsq~ quantized ~livingsq~ life ~principleingsq~."

Doug - 8Oct2019.





..."repeating, again their wisdom of an emphasis to destroy dialectic;"

repeatings again their wisdom of, assa their feminineq wisdom of bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~gate~wayveings~ Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic, an emphasis to destroy dialectic,...]





..."and she issi kissings and showing destruction of dialectic;"

and she issi, assa wave~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~compenetrateings~ permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~evokeingsq~ evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ profound ~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ destruction of dialectic, kissings and showings destruction of dialectic...]

Webster's kiss: Nesheeqah.

Apparently ~Thasheeq~ issi a feminineq participle act [pragma] of kissing.

Would that those of us who |hate| might learn to show affection toward one another. Is that too much to ask?

Doug issi profoundly guilty of ~hate~.

Doug issi profoundly guilty of ~useings~ ~hate~ to ridicule and cajole [R&C] others who |hate|...~strange~ isn't iht?

But ponder this: "We may only ~love~ [~Ahavah~] those whom we have AEFings qua to ~hate~ [~Seenah~] them. Ask a mother, a father about this...

Notice how Seenah's focused ~cosmic~metabolismq begs extreme AEFings quantons(~love~,~hate~).


AEFings of ~hate~: enthymemetic metabolic quantons(~presence~,~absence~),
AEFings of ~love~: enthymemetic metabolic quantons(~presence~,~absence~).

. . .

A child loves its father when a father relents to child's demands.

But same child learns to hate father for father's inept relentings.

. . .

On recall, Yeshooaa declared dialectic [Thomas Gospel, on recall] to be a means to juxtapose opposites so that a hylic mind can make a HARD choice: hate | 'not' hate.

~QR~ shows uhs that they are quantum~complementary: quantons(~love~,~hate~).

Ponder Gametrum™(~love~,~hate~).

Is it possible, quantumly, to only love? Only hate? N¤!

Awaken quantum~self. Become y~¤ur quantum~bæings. Bæ Remakeings Self. Try iht.

. . .

Bottom line: Wæ do n¤t wantneed |dialectic|, rather æ wantneed operational, tactical, ~strategic~ Mobius twistings comscious fermionic pendular ~hologralq~ antinomy.

"~Antinomy~ righteously usurps |dialectic|!"™

Doug - 8,13Oct2019.





..."whose ~enlightenedq~ ensembleings supportings adaptiveq quantized ~livingsq~ ~unlimitedq~ possibilityings;"

whose ~enlightenedq~ ensembleings supportings, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ mutatively adaptings ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ assa quantized ~livingsq~, adaptiveq quantized ~livingsq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~...]





..."to spiritually ~unlimitedq~ metabolic spouse's mother of death of her;"

to ~spiritually~ ~unlimitedq~ metabolic spouse's, assa evolutionary ~metabolismings~ ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ Valueings material ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ expectationings permeable ~reverberationalq~vital~impedanceings}~ ~coobsfectingsq~ quantized ~livingsq~, mother of death of her,...]

~30.8~ ~{40 ~6~ ~400}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~30.8~ ~{Mother of death}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~Emet~: Mother of death issi quantum~truthings.

Aleph: The Principle of metabolic ~lifeq~deathq~.

Ponder metabolic ~love~hate~.

Antinomy reigns: ¤ur righteous usurper of dialectic!

Anti nomos: against |law|.

Doug - 13Oct2019.





..."and Ruth ~fecundlyq~ mimeings ~AReRA~ garners ~divineq~ ~fecund~ solitonicityings of ~emerqant~ ensembleings ~compenetrateings~ permeable ~vital~impedanceings;"

and Ruth ~fecundlyq~ mimeings ~AReRA~ garners ~divineq~ ~fecund~ solitonicityings, assa vestigial ~Divineq~ solitonic wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~ ~compenetrateings~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~, of ~emerqant~ ensembleings ~compenetrateings~ permeableq ~vital~impedanceings~...]

~{6 ~200~ ~6}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6~ ~Ruth~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6~ soliton ~6}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~200~ ~6}~ ~impedanceings~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"And Ruth ~fecundlyq~ mimeings ~AReRA~ garners ~divineq~ ~fecund~ solitonicityings of ~emerqant~ ensembleings ~compenetrateings~ permeable ~vital~impedanceings~."

If wæ~y¤u forensically proxy ~{6 6}~ assa Aleph.1q, we garner:

~{1~ ~200~ ~1}~: AReRA: "Alephicq principle of ~lifeq~deathq~."

Aleph.1q issi R&Cings both lifeq and death quantum~metabolicallyq~.

We call it ~Yod~
[cowithihn Iht, cowithihn Aleph.1].



Ubiquitously, perpetually:

"That's Lifeq, that's what people say,..., riding high ihn April,...,shot down ihn May..."

Alephicq life ridiculeings and cajoleings Yod relentlessly:

Watch Quiet Earth again.

Doug - 13Oct2019.





..."doubly emphasizeings destruction of dialectic ~among~ uhs and;"

doubly emphasizeings, assa ~gate~wayveings~ Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic assistedq via spin 1/2 ~somaticq~ emphasizeings ~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ destruction of dialectic ~among~ all quantize ~livingsq~, destruction of dialectic ~among~ uhs and...]

Compare Daborah.

Doug - 13Oct2019.





..."cowithihn her quantized livings;"

cowithihn her, assa spin 1/2 ~somaq~ of her quantized ~livingsq~, quantized ~livingsq~....]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

. . .


~Fecund~ metabolic compenetration of ~impedanceings~ buoyingsq vouchsafed by quantized ~livingsq~ lifeq ~principleingsq~
vocal ~vital~impetus ~adhereingsq~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ ~whileq~ destroyings dialectic

fecund compenetration of ~impedanceings~ ~enableingsq~ somaticq ~grailingsq~ joyous...
...tears cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~adhereingsq~ quantized ~livingsq~ life ~principleingsq~.

repeatings again their wisdom of an emphasis to destroy dialectic,
and she issi kissings and showings destruction of dialectic
whose ~enlightenedq~ ensembleings supportings adaptiveq quantized ~livingsq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~
to ~spiritually~ ~unlimitedq~ metabolic spouse's mother of death of her

and Ruth ~fecundlyq~ mimeings ~AReRA~ garners ~divineq~ ~fecund~ solitonicityings of...
...emerqant ensembleings ~compenetrateings~ permeableq ~vital~impedanceings~

doubly emphasizeings destruction of dialectic ~among~ uhs, and
cowithihn her quantized ~livingsq~

Doug - 13Oct2019.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

Retranslation of Ruth I:15

Doug - 13Oct2019.

Ruth I Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered epic poetically by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






..."and her sayings both give rebirth to Aleph and only tentatively emerq Aleph temporally;"

And her sayings both give rebirth to, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ Valueings wholly permeable ~{cavitational~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ rebirthings fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ cowithihn attractionings ~reverberationalq~biosphereings}~ ~among~ ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings, Aleph and only tentatively emerq Aleph temporally...]

Males Yamer Females Thaemer





..."beholdingsq my solitonic obeisance of mind and body to exihstential lifeq~principleingsq~ !;"

beholdingsq my solitonic obeisance of mind and body, assa vestigial FOCHRS quantized solitonic ~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ ~{cav~...~fulcrumings~lifeq~principleingsq~...~rev}~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, to exihstential lifeq ~principleingsq~ !....]

~{5 ~{50}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{soliton}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{mind~ ~{lifeq~principleingsq}~ ~body}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

. . .

"Beholdingsq my solitonic obeisance of mind and body to exihstential lifeq~principleingsq~."

. . .

FOCHRS: Fractal ~Omnilateral~ Coherent ~Hologral~ ~Recursioningsq~, ~Synapses~.

Doug - 6Aug2019, 13Sep2019.





..."her temporal evolutionaryq metabolismings of her spin 1/2 ~fermionicityings~ relentlessly re~turn~ings viewings more quantized ~livingsq~ while;"

her temporal evolutionaryq metabolismings, assa evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ spin 1/2 ~somaq~ quantized ~livingsq~, of her spin 1/2 ~fermionicityings~ relentlessly re~turn~ings viewings more quantized ~livingsq~ ~whileq~...]

"Her temporal evolutionaryq metabolismings of her spin 1/2 ~fermionicityings~ relentlessly re~turn~ings viewings more quantized ~livingsq~."

spin QA
my verticaleyes sææ y¤u
Graphic credit to Schrodinger.

vFluxoid0 Stereohologra ^Fluxoid1

"[Dialectical men] They do not comprehend how, in differing, it agrees with itself -- a backward turning connection, like that of a bow and a lyre." Heraclitus, [B51] Diels Kranz.

They blinder themselves.

Fermionic Comsciousnessings of Qabala

Star of David

Doug - 13Oct2019.





..."said spin 1/2 somaticq ~livingsq~ biosphereing arera [deathly] ~compenetrateings~ her wholly permeableq ~impedanceings~ and ~cosmically~ Mobius twistings;"

said spin 1/2 somaticq ~livingsq~ ~biosphereings~ arera, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ spin 1/2 ~somaq~ of sister in law Valueings Emet's material ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ dyings via permeable ~reverberationalq~cosmic~vital~impedanceings}~ assa essence of evolutionaryq ~livingsq~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, [deathly] ~compenetrateings~ her wholly permeable ~impedanceings~ and ~cosmically~ Mobius twistings...]

~10~ ~2~ ~{40 400}~ ~500~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~10~ ~2~ ~{death}~ ~500~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."whose fount of lifeq Aleph's metabolismings arera engenderings;"

whose fount of lifeq Aleph's, assa fount of lifeq ~Aleph.l's~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~, metabolismings arera ~engenderings~...]





..."wiser and ~enlightenedq~ quantized ~livingsq~ biosphereings;"

wiser and ~enlightenedq~, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ of her material ~biosphereings~ quantized ~livingsq~, quantized ~livingsq~ ~biosphereings~...]





..."which arera recursivelyq copulateings Alephicq metabolismings;"

which arera, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ of fount of life ~Aleph.1q's~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~, recursively copulateings Alephicq metabolismings...]





..."which we complementaroceive [actually dialectically CONceive] assa [plural masculine Elohim] ~Divineq~ Feminineq Elohiah of her;"

which we complementaroceive [actually dialectically CONceive], assa Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q's~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~overlapq~ ~entangleingsq~ her vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ ~laseings~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, assa [plural masculine Elohim] ~Divineq~ Feminineq Elohiah of her...]

~{1 ~30~ ~{5 ~10}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Elohiah, unlike Elohim, has a ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~ quantons(mind,body) soliton cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~.

To compare:

Elohiah: issi Aleph ~coobsfectingsq~ metabolismings of ~livingsq~ Lorenzian mind~body cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~.

Elohim: issi Aleph ~coobsfectingsq~ metabolic lifeq cowithihn exihstence, cowithihn ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~.

Source text translator likely infers Elohiah intrinsically cowithihn cosmic ~biosphereings~. Sadly that inference induces masculine plural gender.

Biblically in terms of Qabalic Autiot~Gematria males arera not dominant in terms of ~energyings~.

Idiomatically-ritually in terms of hubristic self proclamation, yes...

Doug - 14Oct2019.





..."cosmic ~metabolicallyq~ copulateings somaticq ~exihstenceingsq~ arera;"

cosmic ~metabolicallyq~, assa evolutionaryq ~cosmic~metabolismings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ her spin 1/2 ~somaq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, copulateings somaticq ~exihstenceingsq~ arera...]





..."auturged via Aleph.1q's ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~energyings~ ~possibilityingsq~ apoptoseings cowithihn ~hologralq~ ensembleings of ~exihstenceingsq~ of;"

auturged via Aleph.1q's ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~energyings~ ~possibilityingsq~, assa vestigial Valueings fount of life ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ auturgy of ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ ~diveings~ ihnto ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ thus apoptoseings cowithihn attractionings ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~, apoptoseings cowithihn ~hologralq~ ensembleings of ~exihstenceingsq~ of...]

~{1 ~8.200~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{A ~8.R~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."said spin 1/2 somaticq ~livingsq~ biosphereing arera [deathly] ~compenetrateings~ her wholly permeableq ~impedanceings~ and ~cosmically~ Mobius twistings;"

said spin 1/2 somaticq ~livingsq~ ~biosphereings~ arera, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ spin 1/2 ~somaq~ of sister in law Valueings Emet's material ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ dyings via permeable ~reverberationalq~cosmic~vital~impedanceings}~ assa essence of evolutionaryq ~livingsq~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, [deathly] ~compenetrateings~ her wholly permeable ~impedanceings~ and ~cosmically~ Mobius twistings...]

~10~ ~2~ ~{40 400}~ ~500~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~10~ ~2~ ~{death}~ ~500~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039
. . .


And her sayings both give rebirth to Aleph and only tentatively emerq Aleph temporally
beholdingsq my solitonic obeisance of mind and body to exihstential lifeq
~principleingsq~ !
her temporal evolutionaryq metabolismings of her spin 1/2 ~fermionicityings~ relentlessly re~turn~ings viewings more quantized ~livingsq~ ~whileq~
said spin 1/2 somaticq ~livingsq~ ~biosphereings~ arera
[deathly] ~compenetrateings~ her wholly permeableq ~impedanceings~ and ~cosmically~ Mobius twistings
whose fount of lifeq Aleph's metabolismings arera ~engenderings~
wiser and ~enlightenedq~ quantized ~livingsq~ ~biosphereings~
which arera recursivelyq copulateings Alephic metabolismings
which we complementaroceive
[actually dialectically CONceive] assa [plural masculine Elohim] ~Divineq~ Feminineq Elohiah of her
~cosmic~ ~metabolicallyq~ copulateings somaticq ~exihstenceingsq~ arera
auturged via Aleph.1q's spiritual ~unlimitedq~ ~energyings~ ~possibilityingsq~ apoptoseings cowithihn ~hologralq~ ensembleings of ~exihstenceingsq~ of
said spin 1/2 somaticq ~livingsq~ ~biosphereings~ arera
[deathly] ~compenetrateings~ her wholly permeableq ~impedanceings~ and cosmically Mobius twistings.

Doug - 14Oct2019.


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039 - Rev. 10-14,18Oct2019  PDR - Created: 10Oct2019  PDR
(18Oct2019 rev - Repair Verse links and anchors. Change Ruth L to Ruth I.)
