About Arches Four and Five

For review Doug offers a table of Nine Ancient Archetypes and their abbreviated
quantum comcisionings shown to offer archetypal comtextings vav their S&Rs.

Doug wants to focus this page's omniscussionings on rows four and five (pink backgrounds):


Cosmic Energy Archetypes

Doug's Concision

Arch 1

Cosmic energy its~self as a recursive self~other flux~active parthenofluxic complement of its said and its unsaid. Cosmic energy recurses its flux~quanta of:

  • unsaid self partially~becoming many saids' selves,
  • unsaid self's qua to limit how much 'becomes' said, and
  • unsaid self's uses of unsaid as unevolved energyings.
Cosmic Energy

Arch 2

Cosmic energy recursively "exhales" all of its self~other perpetually emerging saids as individual and ensemble 'islands' of:

  • said being self,
  • said being self as an existing said~antinomial of its unsaid fount: Arch 1, and
  • self's said being as a resistance to its unsaid fount: Arch 1.

Arch 3

Cosmic energy perpetually "evolves" all of its self~other emerging and being saids as perpetual movement and rest of all saids and islands of saids:

  • said evolving as self,
  • said evolving as self regenerative free will of vicissitudinal choice~selectionings evoking both placid and explosive affectationings,
  • said evolving as self with qua to limit both its placid and explosive affectationings.

Arch 4

Cosmic energy mortally lives as being of saids and ensembles of saids while tentatively resisting its inevitable return to Arch 1 as perpetual recursions of:

  • said both living and dying as self,
  • said both living and dying as self while limiting self and being limited by ephemeral other, and
  • said both living and dying as self while only tentatively resisting its inevitable return to Arch 1 as fount of life itself.
Life Quanton(unsaid,said)

Arch 5

Cosmic energy's immortal ubiquity of omniversal conscious living as "Arch 5 is in Arch 4 and Arch 4 is in Arch 5." Omniversal ubiquity of life.

Arch 6

Cosmic energy's immortal and perpetual creative pragma imbued by Arch 5's middle~including fertilization of Arch 4; two becoming one. Impregnation.

Arch 7

Cosmic energy's unlimited potentia via:

  • said self's self~other evolution, of
  • said self~others' unlimited potentia for actualization, and
  • said self~others' cyclic evolution change agency complementing Arch 5's role as life's seed of conception.
Unlimited potentia.

Arch 8

Cosmic energy as undifferentiated:

  • unsaid self as notionally nonconceptual, then
  • unsaid self conceived actually by saids' selves, and
  • unsaid self tentatively trapped in said selves' dialectical burden of notional resistance to and spiritual ignorance of evolutionary change.

N¤nactuality is undifferentiated: unsaid. Cosmic breath of cosmic spirit: pneuma. See topos. Woven bread was ancients' symbol of pneuma.

See William James on spirit as energy (ancient cosmic energy). Pneuma (spirit) is undifferentiated. So one, as a quantum~individual, may n¤t logically reify 'spirit.' One may n¤t reify quantum isoflux.

Arch 9

Cosmic energy's expression of saids as primeval female energy, wisdom, and gnosis:

  • said's self as female energy: wisdom itself,
  • said self's female energy actualization, and
  • said self's female energy encapsulated tentatively in dialectic's resistance to female energy as immortal imperative for perpetual evolutionary change.
Cosmic wisdom is feminine.

Doug shows Ancient Archetype rows four and five with ostensed Comcisionings, especially Gametraic™ detail:

©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

Arch ID

Original Doug Gnostic Interpretation and Exegesis Derived
Carlo Suares' Opus

Doug's CeodE 2019 qwfal S&R
Comcisionings and and ostensed Midrash
Emphasis on Gametria

Arch 4

Cosmic energy mortally lives as being of saids and ensembles of saids while tentatively resisting its inevitable return to Arch 1 as perpetual recursions of:

  • said both living and dying as self,
  • said both living and dying as self while limiting self and being limited by ephemeral other, and
  • said both living and dying as self while only tentatively resisting its inevitable return to Arch 1 as fount of life itself.

Life Quanton(unsaid,said)

Notice how Life.5 issi Alephic.1~Gatewayveings.4 of unsaids becomeings saids and antinomially saids becomeings unsaids. Study Doug's Fuzzons to Fermions Onta: quantons(saids,unsaids) assa quantons(quarks,fuzzons).

Doug asks you to complementaroceive:


Try to deeply fathom how that quantum~view heals Hume's, "There is no bridge over fact and Value."
Gametra™ heal
humanity's great metastatic dis ease of dialect: The System Problem.

Ponder left~goggle assa local~view [permissibly individual] and right~goggle assa any other remote~view [potentially quantum~social]. Ponder Mae~wan's autonomy assa permissibly individual, and her coherent assa potentially quantum~social. Study Mae~wan Ho re quantons(coherent,autonomy). Ponder quantons(~|0>~,~|1>~).

Think of any quanton assa Gametraic™ proxy for that left~right Quantonics script.

Ponder left~goggle assa partially~haploidally~self~antinomial, e.g., quantons(wolf,phaedrus).
Ponder right~goggle assa partially~haploidally~self~antinomial, e.g., quantons(jekyll,hyde).

To quantumly generalize that haploidal view, visualize quantons(fluxoid0,fluxoid1).

Analogously generalize a view of AttA haploidally, visualize quantons(~{At~,~tA}~): .
Wæ may fathom AttA m¤dæled Gametraically™.
Notice, observe how AttA Mobius twists all fermionic quanta.


Ponder left~goggle antinomial right~goggle.


Ponder any Gametrium™ assa wholly antinomial itself, antinomial any other Gametrum™, any other ensemble of Gametria™, ... and ultimately antinomial all multiverseings.

. . .

Now ponder gatewayveings, arch 4, quantum~enableings:

Doug - 13-14May2019.

Arch 5

Cosmic energy's immortal ubiquity of omniversal comscious living as "Arch 5 is in Arch 4 and Arch 4 is in Arch 5."

Omniversal ubiquity of life.

Ponder ~5~ assa ~4~ ~+~ ~1~. Plus issi shown assa wayveic hologral~omnivalent quantum ~superpositionings~.

Ponder life assa quantons(Aleph,gatewayveings). Ponder gatewayveings assa ~3~ ~+~ ~1~!

Life issi metabolic gatewayveings of Aleph.

Gatewayveings and Aleph arera quantum~enthymemes of life.

Gametraically™ quantons(Aleph,gatewayveings).

Aleph issi antinomial itself and gatewayveings.
Gatewayveings arera antinomial themselves and Aleph.
Hay.5 issi antinomial quantons(Aleph.1,Dallet.4).
nihsshin quantons(Aleph.1,Dallet.4). Compare nhissihn. Compare nissin.

It helps when you view Hay, Aleph, and Dallet each -- gnostically -- assa tilde: one wayveicle quantum '~'.

Then view ~ assa ~Sof~. Tilde assa flux quantum issi self antinomial self, other, and all.

Also, though classical, ponder Hay assa Fourier con(m)volution of Aleph and Dallet.

Also ponder Aleph assa Fourier decon(m)volution of Hay. Ditto Dallet.

Flux issi n¤t objective. Flux issi n¤t concrete. Classical maths tend to make flux appear analytic, yet flux neither~never issi analytic. Rather flux issi quantum~metabolic!

For example temporal life wants to 'live' forever. Aleph wants temporal life to beings quantons(livings,dyings).

This very blatantly isn't naive dialectical logic of objective bivalent opposition.

Gatewayveings insist that heresy and m¤dæl stochastic choice prevail, but do so embraceings indeterminationings of whatings happenings nextings.

Quantum AI HotMeme
"All learnings, both real and AI, arera
Remakeings Selfings."™
Quantum AI

Life issi flux metabolic quantum. Life is 'not' state analytic classical.

~Gametrum™~ via evolution issi metabolic quantum. |Transistor| by design is state analytic classical.

Doug - 13May2019.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039 - Rev. 13-14May2019  PDR - Created: 13May2019  PDR