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A Sepher Yetsiral Quantum Hologralexology
Autiot N Words and Phrases


Doug Renselle

Commencing June, 2014


A B  (C) D E H I K L M N O  P Q R S T V Y Z

Hologralex™ N Words Index
Naasseh - Making [Hava] Naghelah - Let us rejoice, we choose to praise Nahar - River (A treatise on quantized flow and its Fourier gradience by Doug) Nahhash - Serpent Naoo - Quantization as existence' uncertainty principle Nard - Fragrance

Narootsah - Coinsidenceq of quantized spiritualq apparent~n¤nexistence cowithinq (antinomiallyq cocon(m)tained) and fertilizingq all livingq ensemblesq ihn realityq

Rev - 31Jan2016 - Doug.

Nasha - Quantum~middle~hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]~inclusionings of all~antinomial~all, and all~complementary~all Natarti - Bear a grudge [Natar] with finality [ti] Nativot - V[B]ayt
 Nawah, Navah - Beauty, nice, pretty, comely  Nefesch Hhaya - Breath of living Nehedar - Gorgeous Neqivah - Female Nihherou - Discompassion ('anger' according Zondervan), Suares uses 'despoiled,' possibly too unbending Nischmath Hhavim - New breath of feminine breathing in
Noterah - "I didn't want..." this appears radically comtext sensitive to preceding text regarding "...two sons despoiling..."

Hologralex™ N Words' Content




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)


Index Naasseh (Noun~Ayn~Seen~Hay: 50.80.300.5)


Quantized evolutionq makingq livingq quantons. Noun (tiny packetized cups of cyclicity) and Hay (Dallet in tiny living pieces, packets) both suggest, via their ideographyc (memeographyq), quantization. Doug's heuristics.

Using Doug's heuristics then, Naasseh becomes, "Tiny quantized qwf cupsq appearingq as spiritualq lifeq becomingq."

River (A treatise on quantized flow and its Fourier gradience by Doug)

River (A treatise on quantized flow and its Fourier gradience by Doug)

River (A treatise on quantized flow and its Fourier gradience by Doug)

River (A treatise on quantized flow and its Fourier gradience by Doug)

River (A treatise on quantized flow and its Fourier gradience by Doug)

River (A treatise on quantized flow and its Fourier gradience by Doug)

River (A treatise on quantized flow and its Fourier gradience by Doug)

Nahar (Noun~Hay~Raysh: 50.5.200)

Noun - Quantized~indeterminate~uncertain rioq living~evolving river and its perpetualq and ubiquitous (hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq) con(m)sciousq liquid adaptation in its cosmic comtainer acting as a natural grailing aqueduct.

Hay - Archetype of life and living, evolving under mandate of Noun. Under interpretations Doug writes, "living~quantized~flow," a phrase which he could substitute with Hay.

Raysh - Exaltation of Bayt archetype as cosmic (openq) comtainmentq of all n¤nexistential realityq which may comduct and guide flows in actual reality. In Nahar we see Raysh's cosmic projection acting as an exalted (Vayt) grail aqueduct, pipe, channel, etc. for water flowing, say a river. In quantumese, we fathom a Holograil. Regarding grail as a guide compare classical matrix as determinate-certain war like discipline. We swap and reject 'disciplinary matrix,' thoughtfully preferring guiding holograil.

Doug - 14Feb2015.

River, similar clouds, as a quantum~meme, a quantum~memeotic offers a plethora of breakthroughs in further understanding of reality.

Recently, Doug has used Fourier's innovative (anti Newtonian) breakthrough of "quantized heat flow as proportional gradientq of temperature," as a Hologralexology™ guide, a modal for describing quantum~Thought. When one does that one is guided to narrate, "quantized thought flow issi proportional gradients of comsciousness' preferencings."

In a river we see flow of water in an natural aqueduct, a cosmic (Raysh) holograilic guide. Water flow is fermions complementary~antinomially interrelating (for brevity use CAI) fermions:

  • living~quantized~flowing water molecules as fermions, and
  • river bed and 'walls' as material fermions aqueduct~guiding comtainment (Raysh).

Compare, first, heat flow as fermions (comduction medium acting as an aqueduct (Raysh)) CAI bosons (quantized flowing heat itself). Affirm, sanction, apprise self that bosons are flowing as heat:

  • living~quantized~flowing bosons, and
  • comduction medium fermions aqueduct~guiding comtainment (Raysh).

Heat flow as bosons complementary~antinomially interrelating (for brevity use CAI) aqueduct fermions.

An interesting and important aside is that Fourier's heat flow gradience appears viable in liquids, solids, and gaseous phases of fermionic media. Comsider what might happen, for example, if fermionic media molecules were somehow domain~aligned as in magnets and tsunamis. N¤væl quantum~phenomena typically emerge.

Now fathom supercomduction of heat flow!

Can rivers supercomduct? How can water fermions have a chance of supercomducting in their fermionic gorge? Comsider Tsunamis, BECs, etc. Hmmm...?

Compare, second, thought flow as fermionic neurons (neuronal comduction medium acting as an aqueduct (Raysh)) CAI bosons (quantized flowing thought itself).

In quantum~reality, what is essence of how?

All flows like this appear to follow Fourier!

He wrote, regarding heat flow, "Heat flow is proportional gradient of temperature." It wasn't until decades later that some very bright folks at SouthWest Research Institute (Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers) recognized Fourier's breakthrough as a dawning of new science (anti Newtonian material, objective, particulate 'science').

Doug, "What is this new science?" Well,... it isn't a classical 'science' in any sense of formal, mechanical, material, objective, particulate reality. Actually it is a new (n¤væl) quantum~empiritheory. See Doug's QELR of 'science.'

It is a quantum~wavic~waviculate empiritheory.

Doug scripts it like this: quantons(scintillation,quantons(~,¤)).

That script spoken may be said like this, "All evolution, all transmutation in existential 'reality' is gradient interrelationshipings as scintillation of waviculates (quanta) and their typically (bosonic and fermionic) waves (ensembles, energy~wellings of quanta)."

All of these interrelationshipings are quantum~antinomial one another. Gradience of those interrelationshipings measures (gives a signature of) energies of change involved.

Higher heat flow, higher gradience of change. We can measure (take a signature of) its temperature (which is never stable, always changing).

Higher water flow, higher gradience of change.

Higher thought flow, higher gradience of change.

Classical minds see all of those as insane,..., when their gradients are too high for their static (stux) minds to fathom, so they call them, "insane, absurd." Recall Einstein doing this to Niels Bohr? Now who was insane? Who was absurd? Eh?

Happy Valentine's Day, Doug - 14Feb2015.

If you want more on Fourieresque quantum~flowings carefully read Doug's What is Con(m)sciousness?
Let us rejoice, we choose to praise

Let us rejoice, we choose to praise

Hava Nagila (colloq.)

[Hava] Naghelah


Naghelah (Noun~Ghimel~Yod~Lammed~Hay)

Noun - Quantized life and its perpetualq and ubiquitous (hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq) con(m)sciousnessq.

Ghimel - Archetype of organic movement.

Yod - Actual (existential) antinomial projection of archetype Aleph.

Lammed - Actual (existential) antinomial projection of archetype Ghimel.

Hay - Archetype of life existence.

Extreme happiness of quantized~radically~animated organic life.

Radical quantization of life: rqol.









Nahhash "...has Sheened me..."


Nahhash (Noun~Hhayt~Sheen: 50.8.300)

Noun - Noun is a way of saying, "Life is quantized." Look at an ideogram of Hay (Archetypeq of Lifeq existenceq):

...It is synaptically~quantized by that emerqed vertical stroke quantum! Only other ideogram which is quantized like Hay is Qof (exaltationq of Aleph into a perpetual and ubiquitous EIMA of both existenceq and n¤n existenceq):

...Qof too is emerqed into that synaptically~partitioned vertical stroke quantum and a levitating smaller ideogram of Lammed. Hay and Qof are both quantized and thus "Nouned" into perpetual quantum~existence.

...It is extremely valuable to view Noun as Hay's antinomialq existential (hologramicq) projectionq. This is interesting since Lifec appears (what Gnostics mean by illusionc and scientificc deign-to-feign objective, formal, mechanical, dialectical delusionc) con(m)tinuous, when ihn realityq all of Life's actual con(m)stituaq (i.e., bosons and fermions, and their perpetually~transmuting ensembles) are quanta (Noun).

...Then, further ponder Hay's n¤n existential projection finalK[h]af as, "the most potent (Zayn and Ayn~Sof) of all grails." Study Doug's version of Hay~Noun~K[h]af as a columnar triple, a kind of super~quantized tricodon. View Khaf there as a final as, "The big grail of all grails." To grasp this grailness better see Doug's columnar triple Bayt~Kaf~Raysh.

...Noun usually means perpetual and ubiquitous quantum~indetermination~uncertainty borne of comjugal interrelationshipings described in Quantonics as quantons(scin,quan). Noun's actionq emerqs from existence of both bosonic (Bose stochastics) and fermionic (Fermi stochastics) quanta and their comjugal transmutative scintillationings. See Sin-itiro Tomonaga's (English translation of) The Story of Spin.

Hhayt - Archetype of Spiritual Breath, strongly associated with Sheen whose gematrium 300 con(m)tains all the gematria which spell~out Rouahh~Elohim. Rouahh~Elohim (Raysh~Waw~Hhayt Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~Mem: 200.6.8 (214) (86) where 86+214 = 300 = Sheen).

Sheen - Sheen issi n¤n existential projection of Ghimel (organic movement) Archetype. We must learn to associate Sheen with Feminine wisdom of "Breathing~Ihn" haploidal fermionic cycle of Aleph~Tav (Hæ) then Tav~Aleph (Shæ). See graphic in right most column. Breathing~out (masculine) is "the light cycle." Expursion of seeds. Breathing~ihn is "the dark cycle." Wombing (wisdom) of seeds fertilizing (creationq ihn darkness) ova.

...This works for butterflies and planaria and xmas cacti too...and fermentation of Myayeen...

See Doug's now ancient Autiot (in Hebrew which unfortunately is mostly Anglicized in our 'modern' world; Hebrew is n¤t Autiot!) exegesis of Nahhash.



















In Doug's opine, it is good (Toveem) to view following graphic as a resonant~cavity.
Too, we may think of it as Bayt~K[h]af~Raysh: 2.20.200. Suares would say,
"Three twos con(m)tainment of Aleph's absolute flux."

Nor does it harm to view it in light of Hay~Noun~finalK[h]af: 5.50.500.

Aleph is Tav's (semi~silvered mirror) echo.

Tav is Aleph's (semi~silvered mirror) echo.

Doug - 12Nov2014





(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)

Quantization as existence' uncertainty principle

Quantization as existence' uncertainty principle

Quantization as existence' uncertainty principle

Naoo (Noun~Aleph~Waw~Waw:

Noun - Quantization of actuality.

Aleph - Vital impetus of all life~death cycles ihn actuality.

Waw - Double Waw here is divine libidic scintillation of Noun's quanta under vital impetus of Aleph.

Waw~Waw - Spells Waw. So Waw~Waw, as used in Naoo's 'oo' is two Waws which when spelled out become Waw~Waw~Waw~Waw. Notice a palindrome. Graphically invert it! Suares refers this "a duality." Unfortunately his use of duality here belies his claim, Doug quotes and comments about, under Comtextual Exegeses, right most column from here. He should write, "Breath. But I shall fertilize y~¤ur dualityc antinomialismq..." Doug also wants to say here, that quanton(Waw~Waw,Waw~Waw) is preciselyq and accuratelyq (i.e., "stochasticallyq") what Doug's coining of quantadulation ihntends and mæans. Doug's c¤mma~n¤space represents scintillationq twixt tw¤ Waw~Waw quantal pairs wh¤ simply cann¤t resist ¤ne an¤ther: fluxq fuxq fluxq!!! Fluxq quantadulates fluxq!!!

Strangely Suares shows his Qabalic Midrash of this Chapter I Verse 10 of Song of Songs like this, "Breath. But I shall fertilize your duality [multiplicityings]: In You will be the whirling of opposites [rather, antinomialsq]." Doug's brackets. P. 53, Song of Songs, Carlo Suares, Shambala, 1972 1st ed, translated.

Doug narrates "Strangely" since Suares has warned us, "Duality is no more." Doug infers he means actualityq is complementaryq~antinomialq and dialectic is dead as our due fathomingq of a n¤væl quantum~holographic~reality.

Both Heraclitus and Suares deny dialectic outright by saying, "...and dualityc is no more." Suares, Song of Songs, Shambala, 1972, p. 49. See Nasha below.




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)



Also Nirdi, probably as "My nard."


"My Nard 'Gave~Away' its Smell."

Natan issi past tense of 'gives away.'


Nard(Noun~Raysh~Dallet: 50.200.4)

Noun - Quantized life and its perpetualq and ubiquitous, in this case effervescent, (hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq) [con(m)sciously~smellable] con(m)sciousnessq.

Raysh - Exaltation of Bayt archetype as cosmic (openq) comtainmentq of all n¤nexistential realityq. Raysh's con(m)tainment is Natan~leaky via Dallet's partially open Door...

Dallet - Archetype of Door whose exaltation is Tav, the ultimate life~death cycling cosmic door. When Tav allows [gives away] Spikenard's scent to leak, its smell is as living in heaven.

Heavenly scent.

From Song of Songs I:12, "Aad-Sh'Hamelekh Bi'msiboo Nirdi Natan Rayho."

[Probably possessive} Nirdi here is Hologralexed™ as [Noun] Nard.

Derived from Spikenard, a very expensive plant whose more expensive essence is distilled from rhizosomes of East Indian Varianacaæ.

Aad is 'eternity.' Aadah is one of king's wives.

'Sh' as (feminine shield) protector of..."

Use of Sheen suggests all of his wives Sheen said king, inhale him into their endarkening wombs. In a more comtemporary sense, a la C. G. Jung, their aggregate inhalation takes said king into Jung's Red Book "Spirit of Depths." A move closer to alla. Another hint of feminine Gnostic wisdom as being energetically closer to Iht.

...King Bi'msiboo.




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)

Coinsidenceq of quantized spiritualq apparent~n¤nexistence cowithinq (antinomiallyq cocon(m)tained) and fertilizingq all livingq ensemblesq ihn realityq.

Coinsidenceq of quantized spiritualq apparent~n¤nexistence cowithinq (antinomiallyq cocon(m)tained) and fertilizingq all livingq ensemblesq ihn realityq.



Narootsah (Noun~Raysh~Waw~Tsadde~Hay:

Noun - Quantized life and its perpetualq and ubiquitous (hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq) con(m)sciousnessq.

Raysh - Exaltation of Bayt archetype as cosmic (openq) comtainmentq of all n¤nexistential realityq.

Waw (Vav) - Fertilization and fecundity of all livingq ensemblesq.

Tsadde - Existential (structural, emerqant) projectionq of archetype Tayt in actualityq.

Hay - Archetype of lifeq existenceq in all realityq.

Observe how Robert M. Pirsig's epiphany of EIMAq "without con(m)tradiction" is profoundly immanent Narootsah!

Let's make an implied list here of "without con(m)tradictions:"

  • coinsidenceq,
  • cowithin actuality apparentq spiritual~n¤nexistence...AKA "Aleph ihn blood,"
  • antinomialismq,
  • cocomtainment,
  • ensemblesq ihn realityq,
  • and so on...

Doug wants to use his new QCS™ application to provide its own learned comtextual thermofluxicq qwf~scriptings exegeses:


~{50 ~200.6.90 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


~{50.existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~

qwf~quantizationings heretical individual quantum~comsciousnessings free~willings CH3 cavitationingsq of and cowithihn


fertilizing perpetually~ubiquitously via


metabolicq fertilizationings~qwf~modulationings of and cowithihn all


metabolicq qwf~reverberationings with quantum~antinomialism, "without classical contradiction," of and cowithihn all


vibrationalq metabolicq evolutioningsq cowithihn Iht


. . .

Observe that this learned QCS™ retranslation shows all intra~word qwf~cavitationings and their thermofluxicq Autiot and quantons of their interrelationshipings' sema.

Doug shows each letter's Gematria in bold green in nexus with each Aut's qwf~sema.

View unlabeled intra~word text as learned (from Carlo Suares' opus) thermodynamic qwf~omniscriptionings of Aut paired interrelationshipings.

Observe too that this issi an extremely quantum~emerscitectural retranslation of Narootsah.

Imagine that we actually have quantum~computing emerscitecturings which work, which are viable.

They will need this level of thermo~fluxo~dynamicq hologral detail to assure better translationingsq in quantonese. These Evaluons™ will have qua to adjust to more idiomatic quantumese which sentients will~may more easily fathom, linguistically.

Keep in mind that all of these translations, when automated have to be really quantum! Why? Classical computing technology, by dialectical canonic edict are, by design, insensitive to comtextings. Quantum Evaluons™ are (shall be) radically sensitive to comtextings across many scales of metabolic~quantum~realityings.

Doug - 31Jan2016.




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)

Quantum~middle~ hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]~
inclusionings of all~antinomial~all, and all~complementary~all

Quantum~middle~ hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]~
inclusionings of all~antinomial~all, and all~complementary~all

Quantum~middle~ hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]~
inclusionings of all~antinomial~all, and all~complementary~all

Quantum~middle~ hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]~
inclusionings of all~antinomial~all, and all~complementary~all

Quantum~middle~ hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]~
inclusionings of all~antinomial~all, and all~complementary~all

Quantum~middle~ hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]~
inclusionings of all~antinomial~all, and all~complementary~all

Quantum~middle~ hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]~
inclusionings of all~antinomial~all, and all~complementary~all

Quantum~middle~ hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]~
inclusionings of all~antinomial~all, and all~complementary~all

Quantum~middle~ hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]~
inclusionings of all~antinomial~all, and all~complementary~all

Quantum~middle~ hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]~
inclusionings of all~antinomial~all, and all~complementary~all

inclusionings of all~antinomial~all, and all~complementary~all
Nasha, e.g., as an infix root in Banasheem

Nasha (Noun~Sheen~Aleph: 50.300.1)

Noun - Quantized life and its perpetualq and ubiquitous (hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq) con(m)sciousnessq. Noun's quanta scintillate all quanta in all quanta quantadulatively.

Sheen - As cosmic breath, [Noun~]quantized~breath[e]ings, spiritual breath. Sheen is cosmic exaltation of archetype Ghimel's [Arch 3] n¤n existent [n¤n actual] organic movementq as multiversal spiritq. We see from our list of Nine Ancient Archetypes that Sheen is essene~ceq of evolutionq based ihn immanenceq of spiritual energy: becomingq and unbecomingq, evolutionq and devolutionq. Too, we see those evolutionary processings as antinomialsq, complementaryq~antinomialsq omniscribed by Nasha's prescient unfolded Autiot!

Aleph - Archetype of reality'sq godlikeq perpetual and ubiquitous livingsq and dyingsq cyclingsq (evolutionq).


Nasha is what Heraclitus was writing about in Diels Kranz' B51, B53, and B60 quotes of him:

B51 - "[Dialectical humans] They do not comprehend how, in differing, it agrees with itself -- a backward turning connection, like that of a bow and lyre." Doug's brackets intra quote.

B53 - "Listening not to me but to the account, it is wise to agree that all things are one [quantum~coherent]." Doug's brackets intra quote.

In Doug's opine, classicists misinterpret Heraclitus here. They thingk he is writing, "all things are universal, all things are çatholiç, all things are 'onec.'"

Of course, we see literalist, hylic, simple-minded retardation of 1 identical 1 (11) as classical static '1.' (Note: 'Identity' is the founding, principle-of-principles axiom of maths' Geometry! Ugh! Doug! See Doug's One is the Loneliest [cardinalc] Number...Technical Reference, see Korn and Korn, Mathematical Handbook for Scientists and Engineers, McGraw Hill, 1961, Plane Analytic Geometry, p. 30, Identity Relation. See Doug's more quantum opus re classical failure of all geometricc-algebraic-statistical-equivalencec relations in quantum~reality. This was one of Einstein's countless major failures...his applicationc of analytic-geometric "invariant interval" as basis of his 'theories' of Special and General Relativity. Quantum~Reality is perpetually, ubiquitously varying: flux issi crux. See David Bohm's absolute quantum~flux~fermionic and absolute~general~movement of quantons (absoluteq vibrational fermions and vibrational~photonic movementq at up to light speed and superluminal~tunnelingq)... Motion Occupies Space, from Bohm's Quantum Theory, 1951.)

See Doug's quantum 1q.

Too, pneumatic minds, psychic~pneumatic nous grasps Doug's "quantum~coherent" as holographic~middle~inclusion of all quantonic EWings in any hologram.

However, Qabala shows us Genesis' first revelation: Aleph~Bayt: 1q issi quanton(Aleph~Bayt). In its gematria, 1q issi quanton(1q,2q)!

1q issi ihn 2q and 2q issi ihn 1q.

In quantum~empiritheory we can show this as quanton(light,dark).

  • lightq issi 1q packet of energy, say a photon, and
  • darkq issi 2q packets of energy phase~cancelingq one another quantumly. (Doug has emphasized elsewhere that this phase cancellation always leaves a signature...)

Darkq is ihn lightq and lightq issi ihn darkq.

In other words according the account, according the logos Aleph issi ihn Bayt and Bayt issi ihn Aleph, Gematraicly: 1 issi ihn 2 and 2 issi ihn 1.

Both Heraclitus' logos and account require quantum~reality.

"Doug, Please don't stop there. We think we are beginning to get it! Give us another example!"


Look at self in a mirror. Do you see a classical kindergarten potty time retard?

Do you see a material, mechanical, formal, objective, substantial, logical, reasonable machine?

Dialectic requires you to see all reality as an either-or objective dichotomy of ideal opposites.

If you think like that you are, according Qabala and its Sepher Yetsira "extinct." Pirsig would, might say, "you are ESQ." In Autiot, "You are Mawt~ha~Mawt." You are, "Dead the Dead."

But are any of those claims (falsities) about you real?


Doug's perhaps easiest way to show you directly and unassailably that you are a quantum~being is to describe your brain.

Doug is making an assumption that all human brains are (currently) bilobal.

What is current emerscitecture of our bilobal brains?

In script, quanton(lobe2,corpus~callosum,lobe1).

What does your corpus~callosum do? It hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]ically quantum~middle~includes lobe1 and lobe2. Lobe 1 issi ihn lobe 2 and lobe 2 issi ihn lobe 1.

Emerscitecture of your nous is quantum,hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]ic!

All of your th~oughts are intrinsically quantum~wave~fermionic~bosonic~phenomena.

Dialectic, Satan, does its damnedest to formally-mechanically override, to excommunicatec your quantum~being. Do n¤t allow it!!!

Tell Satan, AKA dialectic, tell dogma, tell orthodoxy to "Go to Hell."

Again, "What will you do?"

Suggestion: Commence viewing your quantum~signature as evidence of your toleranceq, your goodnessq, your individualq evolvingq peaceq, your signatureq cowithin, c¤hærently ihn realityq.

See Doug's, Creative Evolution of Quantum Systems.

Doug - 10Jan2015.

B60 - "'The [any] path of up and down is one and the [] same." Doug's brackets intra quote.

Quotes taken from Jonathan Barnes' Early Greek Philosophy, Penguin Classics, 1987, Part 2, Section 8, p. 100.

See Doug's Heraclitus in Quantum~Lightings.

See Doug's Möbius Ontology under Shrödinger's hydrogen atom Möbius m¤dalings.

Aleph is quantized isoflux from a quantum~physial compl[ae]mentarospective.

Aleph's perpetual and ubiquitous livings and dyings cyclesq are like Heraclitus' B51, "...a backward turning comnection,..." Too, Aleph is source and agencyings of all quantum~coherence, all quantum~immanence, and so on... Both Heraclitus and Suares call this "the One." Both of them deny dialectic outright by saying, "...and dualityc is no more." Suares, Song of Songs, Shambala, 1972, p. 49. See autsimilar and relevant Heraclitus quotes at link just above.

Doug thinks, unfortunately, neither of them realized, too, gnosticallyq that monismc (e.g., as çatholiçism) is OSFA deceit.

Doug extracted text from his...

Hamilton's Quaternion Interpreted
Quantonics' Subjective Minus One

...2003 web page.

Keep in mind that when Doug wrote this extracted script over 11 years ago, he had n¤ memes of Gnosis, Qabala, Autiot, Gematria, Sepher Yetsira, n¤r Sefirot. It amazes Doug over a decade later that he was describing all six of those ancient memes and enthymemes without fathoming his own, his individual self~evolutionq...for Doug, n¤w~ings, that is simply astounding!

Here is extracted text from about July, 2003:

"We created another n¤vel graphic which students may use to visualize any quanton's EIMA:

"That sphere issi a sphere of p¤tentially (an) ¤mnivalent (ensehmble of) quantum included-middle c¤mma-n¤-space c¤pula. It shows that when we depict quanton(c¤mplementqi,c¤mplementqj), its quantum EIMA c¤mma-n¤-space issi massively heter¤gene¤us. Imagine our quanton's c¤mma-n¤-space c¤pulum as only an iceberg tip of that c¤mma-n¤-space sphere. Then imagine all that as abs¤lutely anihmatæ quantum flux.

"Here is an analogous ~circular GIF showing what we intend, in 2D, less abstractly (coarse 30° increments for readability; imagine that disk of c¤mplements being rotated ecliptically too, to make a quasi-sphere, and then anihmatæd):

"Students should assume c¤mplementqi is varying due absolute quantum flux. Further assume c¤mplementsqj are each unique and varying even though we do not show their quantum-unique comtexts. Click graphic's link to see a comtextual interpretation.

"Here you can see heter¤gene¤us, ensehmble quantum c¤mplements without having to infer their presence only by a spherical 'hive' of c¤mma-n¤-space anihmatæ EIMAs. This is a sort of sledge-hammer way of saying, "There are n¤ classical dyads in quantum reality, and there are n¤ Aristotelian syllogisms in quantum reality. Too, if you fathom what we intend, Bell's inequalities are hologral and thus perpetually~ubiquitous in quantum reality. There are n¤ 'equalities' in quantum reality!"




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)

Bear a grudge [Natar] with finality [ti]

Bear a grudge [Natar] with finality [ti]

Bear a grudge [Natar] with finality [ti]

Natarti (Noun~Tayt~Raysh~Tav~Yod:

Noun - Quantization of (uncertainty of)

Tayt - Archetypical cell as structure (fermionic)

Raysh - Song~straddling cosmos and actuality

Tav - Repeating song grudgingly

Yod - In actuality.

It appears as if archetypical 'cell' is being treated badly, over and over, and it cannot escape its tautologous trap of being quantized thus hammered against very persistent Tav. We see, apparent perhaps only to Doug, Tav as "inverse [antinomial] Aleph" hammering (shaping) Tayt with a kind of cosmic grudge. (For whatever...? ]— Prepare to be startled!

For Hær feminism, Hær insuperable energy. Hær 9, 60, 90, and 900 Gematria!!! Shæ is insuperable his tiny 6 Gematrium. So Hæ tries to levitate self by despoiling Hær, by disparaging Hær, by 'putting, and keeping Hær down.' But he cannot, for to him and all men like him, she issi insuperable!!!

Blame it on two sons' insecurities and ugliness.

Last word in SoS I:6:

"Al-Tooni~She'Ani~Sh'hharhhoret~Sh'shzafatni~Ha'shemesh Bni~Imi Nihherou~Bi~Samooni~Noterah et Hakiramim~Karmi~Sheli~La~Natarti."

Translated by Doug, "I am playing my [Alt] role emulating this song's theme, while kindled by nature's plucking my song's strings as an assessment of me (nature using Sh'Sh darkly~measuring~witnessing my signature: see Shyar Ha Shyareem Esher) and two sons [Shemesh] despoil my femininity in their immature discompassion for my lush life, so I hold a grudge against my vines and my vineyard."

Observe how Hær ~Song~ does n¤t disparage masculinity. Shæ makes a fable of masculine immature-insecurity and puts Hær own grudge against Hær vines and Hær vineyards. Behold memes of Merovingian vines and very blue grapes. In Lorraine, 'tis so, still today. Prominently etched so on wine glasses brought to Doug a couple of years ago from Cadey's trip to NE border of Germany.

In a way, this is life's Aleph~Lammed~Tav Songs [Alt~Tirooni] Gnostic Individual journey of self theme which Suares writes about often. Our projects and our dreams are seldom what we wish. We see Hær suffering Hær apparent disparagement by both nature and nature's two sons. Tough libido! It's how Gnostic Individuals grow and have a chance to reach a kind of cosmic least we can try. "But there is n¤ try, just d¤~duæ." Yoda.

'The Force' is dark, yet masculine, until Millennium III, until Day III.

Every time we are too comfortable, we get a Whack on Side of Our Head. It's time to try a new song...but don't play it relentlessly, carelessly. Mature. Garner a tad o'wisdom.

Lessons of quantum~evolution mediated by Iht. "We are ihn Iht and Iht issi ihn us."

Nativot - V[B]ayt

Nativot - V[B]ayt

Nativot - V[B]ayt

Nativot - V[B]ayt

Nativot (Noun~Tav~Yod~Vayt~Waw~Tav: 50.400.10.6.400)

Noun - Quantal~scintillation and attendant uncertainty and indetermination regarding life~ings and death~ings cyclings.

Tav - End of shell phase of life~ings. End of trajectory phase of life~ings. Otherwise retroreflects (to Aleph) in both phases of life cycles.

Yod - Aleph's antinomial '(life) existence.'

Vayt - Shell, womb phase of life~ings. Bayt is trajectory (a life's Chautauqua) phase of life~ings.

Waw - Fertility, fecundity of Yod in its Vayt~Bayt phase~ings of life~ings.

Sepher Yetsira is an esoteric Book of Formation (emerqancy). Doug would alter that title to, Liber Emerqancyings.

A pre initiate reader of SY is on treacherous ground in even attempting to cipher its incredible comtent.

Immediately, in its first two Autiot patterns we experience what 'cipher' really means in terms of initiates keeping fledglings and trooper snoopers away.

In Nativot, Suares gives a taste of our imminent tribulationings.

Do an anagram of Nativot: N~Vayt~O~T. First observe V vis-à-vis B. Take N as Noun. Take O as Waw. Take T as Tav.


In any quantum~comtextings what does that mean? Try this: "Quantized and uncertain scintillationings of Vayt's (beginning of a new life in its shell) fecundity in its T[h]av life~death~cyclings."

In SY as Suares might approach it: "Noun (indetermination) of Vayt's fertility." Which appears to be ascertaining a new life's potential in terms of its eventual Bayt trajectory (Chautauqua) in cosmic reality. Can it evolve in its shell? When it is ready can it break free (self volition, self management, etc.) and commence its Bayt?

Next Autiot pattern after Nativot is Phayliot which must be ciphered anagramically too. Why? Aleph issi Heracliteanesque hidden ihn it: "Nature likes to hide."

First four Autiot patterns in Verse I,1 of SY are title (Meshanah: Evolution) and a number. Fifth and sixth Autiot of I,1 are, in order, Nativot Phayliot: V[B]ayt~Aleph. So this verse is announcing great importance of absolutelyq animate and emerging Aleph~Tav quanton(scin,quan) fecundityq as perpetualq and ubiquitousq Evolutionq!!!

Clearly SY is about quantum~interrelationshipings twixt Aleph and Bayt (alphabet). Offers novel semantic capit to Heraclitus' logos, the account and fourth gospel's, "In the beginning was the Word..." Keep reminding self that Doug fathoms those two(3) 'definite' linguistic-articles as grammatically and semasiologically problematic.




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)

Beauty, nice, pretty, comely

Nawah, Navah


Ve~Nawah, i.e., And~Nawah
(Waw~Noun~Aleph~Waw~Hay: 6~

Ve [Waw [possibly Vav] ~Nawah issi An[m]d~Nawah.

Re Shehhora Ani Ve~Nawah

Quantum~scintillation of Aleph fertilizingq Lifeq. Fluxingsq fuxingsq fluxingsq as beauty, nice, pretty, comely (no pun).

Ani~Ve~Nawah: emerscingq from evolvingq life'sq comceptualq fecundityq

See Noun, Aleph, Waw, Hay.

Compare Jung's Libido and Quantonics' quantons(scin,quan).




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)


Breath of living

Nefesch Hhaya


Nefesch (Noun~Phay~Sheen: 50.80.300)

Hhaya (Hhayt~Yod~Tav: 8.10.400)

breath of living (sentience)



Nehedar (Noun~Hay~Dallet~Raysh:

Noun - Quantized life and its perpetualq and ubiquitous (hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq) con(m)sciousnessq.

Hay - Archetype of lifeq existenceq in all realityq. Too, five very often symbolizes incredible beauty of femininity, especially a woman's throat, her jaw line, her shoulders, her neck, etc.. Venus, star (five points), Noun, finalKhaf, latter as non existential feminine~spiritual grail, if we view six as Hay plus Aleph 1...., etc.

Dallet - Gateway (marked by a hermaphroditic stone, for example a diamond...) to a woman's fecundity (her creative wave~making prowess as Tsadde on Tayt steroids), may be open, closed, quanton(partially_open,partially_closed). A man's wooing of her has a primal fertility goal of opening her door(s).

Raysh - Here, for Doug, and in Doug's quantum~semasiology, is a beautiful comtainer of comtentment. Sating of her gorgeousness as quanton(woman,man).

Gorgeous as quantized lifeq openingq and closingq itself ihn cosmicq com(n)tentmentq. See similar and apropos detail at Leezlol (Gorge).




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)






Neqivah (Noun~Qof~Vayt~Hay:

Noun - (Noun~Waw~Noun: 50.6.50) - Packets of energy fertilizing packets of energy (very feminine re sperm as packets of energy and ova as packets of energy Tayt~wombing together). Packets of energy scintillatingq (scintillation metaphor of coitus) packets of energy. Quanta quantadulating (coitus as libidoq) quanta. Cosmic realityq principleq of indetermination~uncertaintyq (affectiveq gamete~ic uncertainty). Inner's self~freedomq from Planck's rate on up to galaxies and multiversings. Noun is Qabala's (and thus Sepher Yetsira's) most essene-tial artefactq (desnouring selfq as uncertaintyq bearing peace and tolerance). Essence of con(m)sciousness (and subcon(m)scousness, uncon(m)sciousness) as quantons(scin,quan). Taken from Doug's Hologralexology™ of T Autiot.

Qof - (Qof~Waw~Phay: 100.6.80) - Qof in female Neqivah expresses her superior cosmic~Aleph.100 evolving and perpetually changing energy magnificently as juxtaposed male's inferior idealization of Zakar's dialectically reifying Raysh.200 and thus resisting Qof, resisting Aleph.100. Qof exhibits self's perpetual life~death cyclings fertilizing [Waw] of, by, and with actuality's expressed, existent compenetrating spiritualq energyingsq [P[h]ay] (again, very feminine re sperm as packets of energy and ova as packets of energy Tayt~wombing together). (this is more generic, n¤t gender specific:) For example, cellular apoptosis~resurrection happening on average about one million times per second in every living human being. Biologically metabolisis as both~while~andingsq of cyclic catabolisisq and anabolisisq. Qof is unique among all Aut in its intrinsic quantumness: Qof issi quanton(n¤nexistence,existence) issi straddlingq. Neqivah intuitively straddlesq holograllyq. Zakar genetically middle-excludec dialectically. Partially taken from Doug's Hologralexology™ of A Autiot.

Vayt - (Vayt~Yod~Tav: 2.10.400) - Self'sq leaky con(m)tainerq [Vayt: very feminine leaky (as opennessq) home (windows, doors, etc.), leaky womb (coitus, delivery, etc.), etc.] which middle~includesq self's [Yod] evolutioningsq [Tav as Aleph's echo] of its egoq~managed interrelationshipingsq among, e.g., Jung's quantum~con(m)sciousness, ~subcon(m)sciousness, and ~uncon(m)sciousness (very, very feminine and quantum, too...). All of this living~processq is in preparation for subsequent lifeq (Vayt (shell, chrysalis, womb) [relevant Sammekh], etc.) (very, very feminine...) to Bayt (soma)) trajectories cowithin~coobsfecting cosmos' absolute hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq energyingsq (Gematria of wave~functionq n¤mbærs). Taken from Doug's Hologralexology™ of A Autiot.

Hay - Archetype of lifeq existenceq in all realityq. Too, five very often symbolizes femininity. Venus, star (five points), Noun, finalKhaf, latter as non existential feminine~spiritual grail, if we view six as Hay plus Aleph 1...., etc.

A woman's, Neqivah's transmutatively~quantizing [50] her cosmic indeterminationq on Aleph's exalted n¤n existential projection~steroids [100] offers an appearance (apparition?) of hær much higher energyq than any male, even all males! But hær functional operationq [Noun: 50] does situationallyq placeq hær ihn a [Qof: 100] evolutionaryq roleq of quantumly "destroying dialecticalc illusionsc." N¤ dialecticalc manc has qua to do this!!!
Discompassion ('anger' according Zondervan), Suares uses 'despoiled,' possibly too unbending

...Bni Imi Nihherou'Bi..., SoS I:1


Nihherou (Noun~Hhayt~Raysh~Waw:

Suares' use of 'despoiled' for this one raised Doug's suspicions. Especially considering Zondervan used 'angry.'

Doug, starting to think ~atbashedly, wondered what is mirror of Clearly Couldn't find that in Webster's. So I looked for an antonym of anger: compassion?

Compassion, very roughly, issi So mirror reversed we have Rahhoun which isn't Nihherou reversed, but it is close as Nouhhar.

So Doug chose 'discompassionate' in place of angry and despoiled. It seems to Doug to fit tone and tenor of this verse of SoS.

Just playing, as Suares has suggested, Qabala's game...

"I didn't want..." this appears radically comtext sensitive to preceding text regarding "...two sons despoiling..."

"I didn't want..." this appears radically comtext sensitive to preceding text regarding "...two sons despoiling..."

"I didn't want..." this appears radically comtext sensitive to preceding text regarding "...two sons despoiling..."

"I didn't want..." this appears radically comtext sensitive to preceding text regarding "...two sons despoiling..."

~Shamooni~Noterah~et~Hakiramin~ SoS I:6


Noterah (Noun~Tayt~Raysh~Hay:

Noun - Quantization of

Tayt - Archetypical feminine cellular energy (wave packets of quantum~flux highest archetypal energy~wellings)

Raysh - Cosmically c¤ comtained and straddling ihn

Hay - Life and living..."without contradiction"

Another way to think about this is to view is Tayt 'sandwiched' twixt Noun and Cosmic Life as Raysh~Hay.

Then we might view Raysh as reversal of Shyar (song in reverse). It becomes very interesting, very quickly when we play 'the game,' Qabala: Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay. Imagine: Aleph~Hay~Tayt~Yod~Hay.

Juxtapose Noun and Aleph~Hay. Juxtapose Raysh~Hay and Yod~Hay.

We see Tayt as ihn Qabala, but encoded to a cosmic plateaux of cosmic comtainment above Yod's actual comtainment. Noun is very lively. Raysh is cosmically alive.

Kind of like Qabala juiced on cosmic steroids. Tayt~Qabala is kind of like writing Autiot~Qabala.

Compare Yassod~Qabala. Is that an oxymoron? Yassod~Qabala is like saying Mawt~Qabala: clearly at very least an oxymoron! Yassod can fertilize, yet is incapable of creative emerqancy of new life. Yassod can fertilize an ovum, but not cellularly multiply it as Tayt and Sammekh can.

I think I stretched (ostensed) this too much...

Zondervan's Interlinear Hebrew-English, "one caring for," "one tending one's" [vines: Hakiramin].

Webster's has no Noterah, no Terah.

Suares', inferred "...didn't want..."

So, from Doug's novice perspective, Hær living, quantized, cosmic energy as 'cell of her,' — having been abused by "...The sons of Earth have despoiled me..." — no longer wants her vines, let alone Hær vineyard.

Following Suares' lead (to Doug, a wise maneuver) that appears to capture essence while staying close to Autiot~Gematria of Noterah.

SoS, I:6.




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)


 New breath of feminine breathing in

Nischmath Hhavim


Nischmath (Noun~Sheen~Mem~T[h]av)

Hhavim (Hhayt~Vayt~Yod~finalMem:

To receive a new breath (to arise anew, feminine breathing ihn, a kind of resurrectionq via Thav's Aleph~esque roleq~playingq retroreflectiveq mirror~echoq)

Notice, that in Nischmath, Schem (A~dam) is trapped – a coherentq laser-like resonanceq – twixt Noun (quantized~solitonic individualq lifeq) and Thav (as tentativeq cosmic resistance, ihn its Aleph~echo role) may repeatedly nurture (rebreathe) lifeq ihn evolutionaryq complementaryq~antinomialq "tree of life green shoots" abundanceq.




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2014-2030 Rev. 31Jan2016  PDR Created: 17Jul2014  PDR
(21,23Sep2014 rev - Add 'Narootsah.' Add 'Naghelah.')
(3,17,31Oct2014 rev - Add 'Ve~Nawah.' Add 'Nasha.' Add 'Nativot.')
(8-11Nov2014 rev - Update 'Nasha.' Embolden dark green on Heraclitus' quotes under 'Nasha,' Interpretations, and add a 'Backward Bow & Lyre' anchor. Add 'Naoo.' Update 'Naoo.' Add 'Nahhash.')
(12Nov2014 rev - Add graphic Midrash text under 'Nahhash.')
(5,11,14Dec2014 rev - Add Qycloids link at 'cyclings' under 'Nasha.' Explicate 'Ve.' Reset legacy markups. Add 'Neqivah.')
(10-11Jan2015 rev - Update 'Nasha' with memeos of 1 and 2 as quantum~middle~inclusion in quantum~empiritheory and in Qabala~Sepher~Yetsira. Reset legacy markups. Add 'Nehedar.')
(14,21,23-24Feb2015 rev - Add 'Nahar.' Add 'Nard.' Add 'Nihherou.' Add 'Noterah.' Add 'Natarti.')
(26Apr2015 rev - Reset legacy markups.)
(31Jan2016 rev - Update Narootsah with quantum~thermofluxic 'Comtextual Exegeses' generated by QCS™ application.)
