
Doug's Translation
Sepher Yetsira I
Verse 13
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Sepher Yetsira I:13:

Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here.

Suares, unlike most academic 'scholars' did not hide these fluxo~dynamic of Qabalic Autiot and Gematria...

...quantum aspects of Sepher Yetsira from their readers.

Rather than deceive us, Suares does his best to help us fathom Qabalic depths of Qabala, its Autiot, its Gematria, its Sepher Yetsira, its Sefirot. (He isn't a fan of Gnosis, which is challenging to understand, at least for Doug. He does admit that Abraham was a Chaldaean Gnostic. Doug has not seen him admit that Jesus was an Essene Gnostic (ref. Pagels' Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis.).

Doug's greatest omnifficulty in all of this: Doug was not born and raised a Jew. Doug is unfamiliar with Jewish traditions. Suares helps with this somewhat, too in Sepher Yetsira. He provides comtextings and uncovers Qabalic esoterica, especially quantum~alchemical and ~astrological aspects (E.g., in chapter VI, Suares shows how Abraham's Qabala refers "flow of flux." Doug assumes hologral quantum~fluxings and their quantum~two~lives~antinomial~complementary metabolismsq. Doug is unsureq whether Qabalic esoterica issi exegetically available elsewhere in addition to Suares' opus and his quantum~hologral sensibilities. In that regard Doug believesq Suares is somewhat unique. Doug relies on Suares except in issues of Gnosis. I have found several partial explications of his dislike of Gnosis sparsely available in his opus. I think Suares is a theological monist (classical, quantum...?). But Gnosis shows us that monismc is deceit. Doug believes latter, n¤t Suares' apparent, perhaps classical, monism. All else of Suares' opus (excepting circumcision) Doug abides as well as he can, keeping in mind that there are many classes of monism including both classical (EEMD formal mechanisms) and quantum (coherent hologral EIMAings).

Doug shows, for each Verse and word of Chapter VI of Sepher Yetsira, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes (which Doug sometimes substitutes his own...), thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].

Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Suares' Sepher Yetsira)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.

Under all of that Doug shows a net translation of that whole Verse in plain text with some alterations to Apple Chancery texts.

To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Sepher Yetsira
Doug Renselle

Sepher Yetsira I:1

Sepher Yetsira I:2

Sepher Yetsira I:3

Sepher Yetsira I:4

Sepher Yetsira I:5

Sepher Yetsira I:6

Sepher Yetsira VI:7

 Sepher Yetsira I:8

Sepher Yetsira I:9

Sepher Yetsira I:10

Sepher Yetsira I:11

Sepher Yetsira I:12

Sepher Yetsira I:13

Sepher Yetsira I:14

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Sepher Yetsira I:13

One stand~out feature of this verse issi "Name of G¤d."

That link takes you to word 12 of this verse.

Word 13 shows us another way of spelling~out His name. That word's gematraic phase~ic~superpositioningq issi 21 (Yod~Hay"Waw: 10.5.6, superposedq as 21).

This verse makes apparent six other names of Him. They appear in words, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, and 56. Spaceing of those
words issi very relevantly seven (seven deadlies, two Joshuas as 14, and a third Joshua as YhShWh, as 21, etc.).

Each of those words issi an anagram of Bayt~Yod~Hay"Waw which superposesq to 23.

Those six of His Great Name anagrams are:

7 - as Zayn, unlimited potentia
7 - we may also view 7 as archetype of its antinomial Ayn.70 (light, and [absent scintillation] "that which is n¤t")
7 - ponder 7 as archetype of light
7 - ponder 7 as archetype of its qubital~messenger and agent of QED transemerqancyings
7 - ponder 7 as archetype of operational, tactical, strategic quantum~metabolism, nature's Joshuaq, nature's Teacherq

Now compare that to Doug's two~year old work on Jung's Plate 127 and its dew cup with (tetradically) four quadrants.

Imagine qwf~fractally~recursively putting Bayt, Hay, Waw, and Yod in each of those four quadrants.

Imagine filling those quadrants like this and following a (aut)similar evolutionq of them as Doug omniscribes in his Jung Plate 127 opus:

Yod Waw
Bayt Hay

Again, we have a total of 6 combinations borne of 4 things taken two at a time, just like what we see in Jung's Plate 127.

His (QED~Messenger's, The Teacher's, Ayn's) six Great Names correlate six combinations of quadrant interrelationshipings so we can show:
(Also see Doug's SY Hologralexology™ of
Ayn. Ayn issi quantum~thermo~fluxo~dynamically viewed as "general equation of all multiversings.")


We recurse that process with those six quantons, allowing right~side~permutationings, as six quanton~pairs taken two at a time:

Ba'Yahwo issi quantons(quanton(Bayt,Yod),quanton(Hay,Waw))
7 (Zayn)
Ba'Yawah issi quantons(quanton(Bayt,Yod),quanton(Waw,Hay))
7 (It helps to think of Zayn as Z~Ayn, a metaphysical~archetype of Ayn)
Ba'Haywo issi quantons(quanton(Bayt,Hay),quanton(Yod,Waw))
Ba'Haway issi quantons(quanton(Bayt,Hay),quanton(Waw,Yod))
Ba'Wayah issi quantons(quanton(Bayt,Waw),quanton(Yod,Hay))
Ba'Wahay issi quantons(quanton(Bayt,Waw),quanton(Hay,Yod))

We see hologralq interrelationshipingsq of interrelationshipingsq! Qwfal~Metabolicq fuzzonics! QaWow!

We commence viewing
seven as patterns of two and five,
and five as patterns of two and three,
and three as patterns of one and two,
and two as patterns of Aut as one with Iot as "two lives,"
as one and one.

Fibonacci anyone?

Recall that seven issi Zayn issi unlimited~potentia (7) of all Autiot quantum~complementary~antinomial~turnings.
Recall that six issi Waw issi penile~testicular (6) male~fecundityings.
Recall that five issi Hay.5 aka life.
Recall that three issi Ghimel.3 organic~movementings and ~restings.
Recall that two issi Bayt.2 somatic~envelopementalings.
Recall that one issi Aleph.1 imperative~spontaneityings and fecund~vicissitudinalityings of all quantons(n¤nactual,actual) via quantized vital~impetus.

Notice how Yod issi all existential qwf~ings being evolvedq by Sheen and Tav:

What does Sepher Yetsira mean? Sepher (book) Yetsira (of formation). But what kinds of 'formation?' What Doug refers, "emerqancyings."
Emerqs are temporalq Yod qwfs experienceing quantum~metabolic~evolution (Sheen as cosmic~metabolismq,
and Tav as cosmic~vital~impedance
q) via transemerqancyings, mutationingsq, and adaptationingsq.

There issi immense relevance here to 123: Aleph~Bayt~Ghimel. Recall verse one of Genesis which starts, "Barashyt bara Elohim..."

Recall Revelation of Aleph~Bayt. Recall Revelation of Aleph~Bayt~Ghimel as Aleph~Bayt's
"movementings and restings," will full implication that reality issi quantum~metabolic.

Metabolismq, through fermionic~wobbleings, begs cavitationings, begs QCS™ translationings of
Qabala's Autiot texts in those quantum~metabolic, "movementings and restings" terms!

Doug's Comcisionings on words 12 and 13 give some exegesisq of immense~relevancies in their sema.

Further, they narrate importance of 1234: Aleph~Bayt~Ghimel~Dallet with
Ghimel~Dallet as 'G¤d.' So 1234 reads, "Ab G¤d," and, "Living Father G¤d."
This metabolic
q Abg¤d issi ihn all of us and metabolicallyq all of us arera ihn Iht. Ihts existence issi
ephemeral~spiritual i
hn all of us, fleeting~flickering ihn all of us, coming and going, moveing and resting, ihn all of us.
It issi our vitality, our impetus, our freedom, uncertainty, peace which offers us vicissitudinal
chanceings, chooseings, and changeings cowithi
hn each or our individual life experienceings.

Permit Doug to offer more revelatory detail regarding four Aut: Aleph, Bayt, Ghimel, Dallet.

Aleph~Bayt issi a revelation of "Aleph cowithihn Bayt." It implies (i.e., Doug infers),
"vital~impetus issi cowithi
hn all soma." In idiom this means vulgately, 'father.'

By comparison Em as Aleph~Mem, means 'mother.' This too issi revelatory
since both Aleph and Mem are "Mothers." Third Mother issi Sheen.
Prime revelation here is Mothers are about metabolism, evolutionary change, movement, fec

Comparatively 'fathers' are about status quo, rest, 'state.'

So Ab and Em represent "two lives," one of countless exemplars given ihn Qabala.

But Aleph and Bayt and Aleph and Mem can each be thought of as "two lives."
In all cases con(m)stitua of "two lives" emerq hologral interrelationshipings which are now fabulously known as quantons.

So all Aut interrelationshipings are quantons! Quanton(Aleph,Bayt) claims that comma~nospace
issi a
grail (a hologralq interrelationshiping). Aleph issi complementaryq~antinomialq Bayt.

This issi a major Qabalic revelation of quantum~reality!

That revelation applies to all pairs of Aut. So Doug's words can perpetually~ubiquitously,
hologrally, rinseq and repeatq (fractally~recursively) for all pairs of Aut.

. . .

Doug issi using 'e' exorbitantly (i.e., outside scope of sociallyc vulgate-opinion AKA 'law') here as a kind of "unique to SY"
n¤n (anti) dialectical sema spelling of qwfal (quantum~wave~functional) words, e.g., impedanceings, tuneings, spaceings, etc.

Doug's use of 'e' overloading issi a quantum~tell of QCS™ scriptural interpretationingsq quantum~affectational illeq~genre.

You may choose to thinkq of it as an ostentation~elaboration of QELR.

Doug - 18-20Feb2016.

. . .


Sepher Yetsira I Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation







Mesh issi projection of Shem projected.

Five issi an additive prime cowithihn Fibonacci series.

Doug — 17Feb2016.




..."Three, Ghimel;"

Ghimel issi cosmic~metabolismq recursivelyq, fractallyq, perpetuallyq, ubiquitously reverberatingq existential metabolismsq as Three Mothers are chosen...]

Three issi an additive prime cowithihn Fibonacci series.

. . .

Cavitationings {~300..300~} of ~30~.

. . .

QCS™ offers:

~{~{300 ~{30}~ 300}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


Three both deep cavitationings of self and shallow other cavitationings of


both shallow reverberationings of self and deep other reverberationings with


cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug's narrative ihn that QCS heuristic issi awkward from any classical conspective.

Quantumly it digs quantum~phenomena of mixings of cosmic and existential metabolisms nested~entangled~superposing metabolicq qwf~cavitationings. In a sense Shelosh issi quantum~metabolismings.

Doug ¬ó 21,25Nov2015, 9-10Feb2016, 16Feb2016.





From Autiot's Qabalic feminine wisdom...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~{1 ~{6 ~{400 ~10}~ 6.}~ 400~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Life 1 as qwf ~Aut~ of Autiot's "two lives"

columnar ascendant cavitationings of


bilateral cavitationings qwf~struggleings cowithihn and qwf~affecting vibrationings of


bilateral cavitationings hologral ascendant qwf~reverberationings cowithihn
Life 2 as qwf ~Iot~ of Autiot's of "two lives"


vibrationings both of and cowithihn bilateral reverberationings cowithihn


vibrationings both of and cowithihn bilateral qwf~reverberationings' fecund~qwf~struggleings cowithihn


cowithihn Iht


Doug — 17Feb2016.




..."above, apex, height;"

Above as existential~biosphereings experienceings cosmic~principle~of~life~quantizationings as an apex of being above...]

This, simply, issi existential~biosphereings experienceings cosmic~principle~of~life~quantizationings as an apex of being above the simples...sort of like a Mother being above her children until they mature ihnto their evolutionary finals which always metabolicallyq lead to n¤væl~beginnings.

Doug — 17Feb2016.




..."the simples;"

The simples unlimited existential possibilityings cosmically metabolizing fecund cavitationings of cellular structurationings reverberating fecundity while cosmic vitally~impeded...]

As we learn later in Sepher Yetsira ten of twelve simples do not end in Tav.

Let's look forward in SY to chapter 6, verse 3, word 14: Shenim (300.50.10.50). Doug quotes text here from that word's Comcision:

Twelve, as Shenim~Aser (words 14-15 of this verse), simples are:

  1. Hay (life, one of ten simples of word Aser)
  2. Waw (fecundity, one of ten simples of word Aser)
  3. Zayn (unlimited potentia, one of ten simples of word Aser)
  4. Hhayt (spirit, one of two simples of this word)
  5. Tayt (structure, second of two simples of this word)
  6. Yod (existence, one of ten simples of word Aser)
  7. Lammed (metabolism, one of ten simples of word Aser)
  8. Noun (quantization: life's principle, one of ten simples of word Aser)
  9. Sammekh (womb, one of ten simples of word Aser)
  10. Ayn (transmutative light, one of ten simples of word Aser)
  11. Tsadde (structuration, one of ten simples of word Aser)
  12. Qof (cosmic omnitoring, one of ten simples of word Aser)

Detail omniscriptions of these and their roles and situations cowithihn cosmos exceed abundance.

For example, as Suares writes, two of them are not really 'simple:' Hhayt and Tayt.

{Some exegesis, looking ahead, here in SY I:13 word 5: Tav has already qwf~tuned~fretted Hhayt and Tayt innately cowithihn their Autiot words spelled~out.}

Explaining that issi n¤n trivial. But now Doug clarifies with braced text just above, and just below.

To make it simple at first blush is to note that both letters end in Tav.

That Tav.vital~impedance.400 (combined with Tayt.9) structures, attenuates, tunes, frets their qwf~simplicityings. Also observe in QCS'd™ script below Hhayt is present existentially via its antinomial~complementary projection in Phay.80.

So we fathom twelve simples as "two plus ten."

See Chapter 13, 'The Twelve Simples,' starting page 513, Trilogy.

Here in SY I:13 word 5 Ha'Pashootot (5.80.300. makes up for absence of Tav and its need to be qwf~tuning~fretting those ten simples. See QCS™ generated script below:

. . .

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~5.80.300 ~{6 ~9 6.}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


imbuing all quantum~wave~functionings


of all qwf~movementings~restings, all qwf~chaos~equilibria cowithihn


qwf~evolutionings of qwf~vibrationings of qwf~abundanceings borne of and on


fertilizationings of (emerqancyings: haploidal~mitoses) and via haploidal~ova~spermatozoa cowithihn


of qwf~feminine~wisdom's individual~self~management of abundant


cavitational~qwf~vibrationings persistently attempting to compenetrate ultimate At~Ta (e.g., qwf~peregrinationings of "streets") qwf~retuning resistanceings of


qwf~tuning~fretting 10 of 12 focused simples via resisting absolute "struggle with god: 'Isra~el' " chanceings, chooseings, changeings' quantum~assessmentings cowithihn Iht


Doug — 15Feb2016.





spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encroaching cosmic vital~impedance while sealed cowithihn cosmically~biosphereings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~8.400.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


spiritual unlimited possibilityings reverberationings below~against ultimate resistanceings of


quantum~wave~functionally~tuning~all sealing~all emerscents among and


cowithihn Iht


Doug — 17Feb2016.




..."lofty chooseings of, heavenly, above, altitude;"

cosmically~comtained fecundly abundant lofty~chooseings of and cowithihn cosmic~biosphereings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~200~ ~{6 ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


heavenly quantum~assessmentings, lofty~chooseings of


qwf~periodicityings persistent cyclings


cowithihn Iht


Doug — 17Feb2016.




..."clarified, solidified;"

clarificationings, somatic~clarity via double~divine~fractal~recursive cosmic~comtainmentings ...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~{2 ~{200 200}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


exalted ascendant columnar qwf~cavitationings quantum~assessmentings, clarificationings of


bilateral naked cosmic~stindyanic~chaoequil~support of qwf~cavitationings while
cowithihn resonant cosmic~movement~and~rest~support of qwf~echoings
BAWAM and also exalted ascendant columnar qwf~reverberationings coobsfecting qwf~somatic


cowithihn Iht


Doug — 16Feb2016.




..."Three, Ghimel;"

Ghimel issi cosmic~metabolismq recursivelyq, fractallyq, perpetuallyq, ubiquitously reverberatingq existential metabolismsq as three...]

Cavitationings {~300..300~} of ~30~.

. . .

QCS™ offers:

~{~{300 ~{30}~ 300}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


both deep cavitationings of self and shallow other cavitationings of


both shallow reverberationings of self and deep other reverberationings with


cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug's narrative ihn that QCS heuristic issi awkward from any classical conspective.

Quantumly it digs quantum~phenomena of mixings of cosmic and existential metabolisms nested~entangled~superposing metabolicq qwf~cavitationings. In a sense Shelosh issi quantum~metabolismings.

Doug ¬ó 21,25Nov2015, 9-10Feb2016.




..."and great;"

Fecundityings of cosmic~vital~impetus somatic great lightings cosmically~quantizing...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~6.100.2~ ~{70 ~700}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


abundant proemially~nascent seminal Qwf~offerings to

100.~perpetual~relentless cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all ~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings sempiternally evolving noveltyings with(~and)~

somatically housed and supported cowithihn vibrationings of


experienceings great qwf~vibrationings of

70.~{existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~

both ascendant naked columnar great enlightening qwf~cavitationings
ascendant naked columnar great enlightening qwf~reverberationings
livings of quantum~flux~uncertaintyings qwf~peaceings cowithihn


co~vibrating quantum~straddling existential and cosmic energy~wellings of lightings cowithihn Iht


Doug — 16Feb2016.




..."his name;"

Somatic housing of cosmic~metabolism's qwf~evolutionings of his name cowithihn existential biosphereings experiencing qwf~fecundationings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~2.300.40.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


housing, sheltering


is Iht's name


its cosmic breath evolving


cowithihn ~{Hær}~


Doug — 15Feb2016.







[Ha'Gedol, Ha'Godel:

[Ha'Gedol, Ha'Godel:

[Ha'Gedol, Ha'Godel:

..."Ha'Godel, God's name;"

..."Ha'Godel, God's name;"

..."Ha'Godel, God's name;"

Living organic~movementings of God's name ascending through limit~gatewayveings fecundityings existentially~metabolizings...]

Living organic~movementings of
God's name ascending through limit~gatewayveings fecundityings existentially~metabolizings...]

Living organic~movementings of
God's name ascending through limit~gatewayveings fecundityings existentially~metabolizings...]

Please observe this word as an anagram of Ha'Godel. Interesting, to say a least.

Its sema qwf~enthymemetically~partially benchmarks etymology of Kurt Gödel's proper name.

Observe, obtain God~El, though El here issi Waw~Lammed, n¤t Aleph~Lammed.

Does this partially explain etymology of 'god?'

Let's expand Genesis' revelation of Aleph~Bayt (~1.2~) to Aleph~Bayt~Ghimel~Dallet (~



Doug calls this, in a Quantonics™ proprietary way, "Quantum~Life~Motif™."

. . .

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~5 ~{3 ~4.6 30}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Doug, Where is God's name cowithihn that Autiot qwfal script?"

Here: ~5 ~{3~ ~God's qwfal name~ ~4.6 30}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Observe that, obsequiouslyq, this shows all of us that God issi living ~Hay.5~ ~Ghimel.3~ quantum~metabolically cowithihn all of us!

Recall 10 of 12 disciples' query to Jesus, "What is the sign of the living God in us?"

Gospel According to Thomas, Saying 50.

Now you have the (an) answer.

As adjunct revelatory~evocation, Mark Gaffney in his full text mast plate (duplicated in its entirety here), offers us justification for his Gnostic Secrets of the Naassenes:

"To the many victims of Christian intolerance, past and present.


If they ask you, 'What is the sign of your Father in you?' tell them 'It is movement and rest.'
The Gospel According to Thomas (Saying 50)
[Gnostic quotations of Jesus' words scroll down to saying 50 - Doug.]

'The Guru principle moves and moves not.'
Verse 62, The Guru Gita (Sri Skanda Purana)

'The mover of all things is itself unmoved.'
The Refutation of All Heresies 5.7.25
(The Naassene Sermon)"

[Doug's brackets and link.]

We, plausibly, cann¤t be more quantum than that!

Doug — 17Feb2016.


qwf~livings vibrational~coobsfectationings of proto~metabolic qwf~signature~movementings~restings via


God's name assa quantum~isoflux~flux~ascendant qwf~cavitationings with qwf~organic~evolutionings faceing fretted~qwf~resistanceings of


qwf~modulationings of abundanceings of


ascendant qwf~metabolic~reverberationings with qwf~organic~evolutionings escapeings fretted~qwf~resistanceings of


qwf~vibrationings cowithihn Hær as ruler, as governor cowithihn


Doug — 17,20Feb2016.

Yod~Hay"Waw (15+6)



..."his great name, gematraically twenty-one;"

His great name cowithihn existence~living as many self~qwf~anagrammings of his great name...]

Essence: His Great Name anagrammatically emphasizing (in absence of soma) existential~living~quantum~wave~functional~fecundityings.

Let's look at twenty-one assa quanton(2.1) as Bayt cowithihn Aleph and Aleph cowithihn Bayt.

In other words 2,1 are complementary~antinomials of one another.

Too Aleph~Bayt issi Genesis' 'The Revelation.'

So in a way, His Great Name issi The Revelation.

. . .

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~10.5.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


as quantum~comscious~sentience~sentients hologrally imbued with


imbuing founts of life~abundance spawned by


assa His Great Name anagrammed cowithihn ~{Hær}~


Doug — 16Feb2016.



[Ve' Hhatem:

..."and sealed;"

Fecund cavitationings of spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encountering cosmic~vital~impedanceings cowithihn existential~biosphereings reverberating cowithihn fecundationings...]

Hhatam means, in idiom, "signed, sealed, etc."

Observe that Tav~Mem issi "death" projected. Its projection issi death, Mawt, Mem~Tav.

We see this projected~projection pattern~reversal phenomenon in Autiot often.

Da Vinci used it by simply writing backwards.

It issi intrinsic in Autiot and its Gematria since writing and spatial 'directions' are reversed from most other 'western' 'languages.' DesCartes would be fumboozled!

It appears Iht's opus issi very unclear, indeterminate, uncertain to all dialectical, hylic, objective, putative, formal, mechanical, retarded minds. That's one way of revealing Qabala as "Game of Life."

Is death a seal (sign) projected? Is death a seal (sign) projection?

Compare Rahh~Rahh (projected) and Kirker (Hhir~Hher projection).

. . .

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~{6 ~8~ ~{400 ~40}~ 6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


bilateral cavitationings whose abundant wellings of energyings experience fertility of


Atta's qycloidal quantum~metabolic breathings~out~breathings~ihn nurturing unlimited spiritual~energyings~possibilityings


descendant cavitationings nakedly resisting~tuning~fretting (transmutatively, melioratively tuneing~sealing all, sealing~tuneing all well) via descendant reverberationings


bilateral reverberationings whose abundant wellings of energyings experience fertility of


abundantly vibrationally lifting, resurrecting intemporal vital~impetus from depths of Iht


. . .

Normally a Sheen issi required for any resurrection of any of several Alephs.

Instead, in this fascinating word we see a combination of fecundity and resistive evolutionary quantum~processes meliorating quantum~metabolically 'our sealing' in agency of Iht as one of several Alephs.

But Doug, "What about Aleph and your use of resurrecting Aleph from intemporal~atemporal depths of Iht?"

Aleph as One as Vital~Impetus issi intemporal! Yod as Ten as 'existence' issi temporal! Qof as 100 as Destroyer of Illusions, straddles both intemporality (also 'atemporality') and temporality!!!

So we do not need to resurrect Yod and Qof from intemporalityings! Yod issi temporal! Qof straddles both atemporality and temporality persistently, ubiquitously, sempiternally!

Aleph issi only tentative in 'existence' so we have to keep resurrecting, n¤t Aleph, rather its presence cowithihn existence. This begs clauses like "Always keep Aleph with your Yod," etc.

One way others all Alephs have to be quantonic in any sense of quantons(intemporality,temporality), everywhereings, everywhenings...always.

When Aleph is allowed to recede from temporality humanity loses Aleph, and commences its own extinction.

Clearly, at least to Doug, this issi quintessence of Qabala playing Game of Life as each individual qwf~standingunder themselves as quantons(Aleph,Bayt), and quantons(spiritual~nous,spiritual~soma), and quantons(atemporalityings,temporalityings), latter AKA "straddleings."

A Revelation, indeed!

Doug — 15,18Feb2016.




..."with them;"

with them, with their somatic livesq ensconced~enfolded cowithihn cosmic biosphere's isoenergyingsq...]

'Them' issi often Otam, and Lahem.





Six cosmic~metabolic divine double cavitationings...]





extremities ascertained by cosmic~vital~impetus witnessing~signatureing existential emerqancyings divine fecundationings encountering cosmic~vital~impedanceings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~100.90 ~{6 6.}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

100.~perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all ~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings sempiternally evolving noveltyings with(~and)~

destroyer of illusions attempting to evict all deceit and fraud from all


emerscenturings of


qwf~cavitationings divine qwf~reverberationings cowithihn


cavitational~qwf~vibrationings persistently attempting to compenetrate ultimate At~Ta (e.g., qwf~peregrinationings, qwf~extremities of "streets," of "di(omni)rectionings") qwf~retuning resistanceings of


resisting absolute "struggle with god: 'Isra~el' " chanceings, chooseings, changeings' quantum~assessmentings cowithihn Iht


Doug — 17Feb2016.





qwf~fecundationings unlimited~possibilityings of uncertaintyings as peaceings chooseings~chanceings~changeings qwf~turnings cowithihn life~existenceings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~6.80~ ~{50 ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


qwf~regenerative~abundanceings of


affectationings quantum~assessmentings of qwf~durational vibrationings of

50.~{existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~

columnar descending naked cavitationings of all livings qwf~turnings~reverberationings cowithihn


vibrational metabolic evolutionings cowithihn Iht


Doug — 15Feb2016.




..."in lower;"

Existential metabolismings lower bilateral fractal~recursionings of QED enlightened existential biosphereings livings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~{30 ~40.70 30}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


qwf~coobsfectings bilateral populated qwf~cavitationings qwfal~evolutionings while


ihn lower climes qwf~evolving via

70.~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~

bilateral populated qwf~reverberationings cowithihn


quantum~assessing vibrationings of all qwf~complementary~antinomial "two lives"


adapting, transmuting, mutating, evolving cowithihn Iht


Doug — 17Feb2016.




..."and sealed well;"

Fecund cavitationings of spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encountering cosmic~vital~impedanceings sealed well cowithihn existential~biosphereings reverberating cowithihn fecundationings...]

Hhatam means, in idiom, "signed, sealed, etc."

Observe that Tav~Mem issi "death" projected. Its projection issi death, Mawt, Mem~Tav.

We see this projected~projection pattern~reversal phenomenon in Autiot often.

Da Vinci used it by simply writing backwards.

It issi intrinsic in Autiot and its Gematria since writing and spatial 'directions' are reversed from most other 'western' 'languages.' DesCartes would be fumboozled!

It appears Iht's opus issi very unclear, indeterminate, uncertain to all dialectical, hylic, objective, putative, formal, mechanical, retarded minds. That's one way of revealing Qabala as "Game of Life."

Is death a seal (sign) projected? Is death a seal (sign) projection?

Compare Rahh~Rahh (projected) and Kirker (Hhir~Hher projection).

. . .

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~{6 ~8~ ~{400 ~40}~ 6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


bilateral cavitationings whose abundant wellings of energyings experience fertility of


Atta's qycloidal quantum~metabolic breathings~out~breathings~ihn nurturing unlimited spiritual~energyings~possibilityings


descendant cavitationings nakedly resisting~tuning~fretting (transmutatively, melioratively tuneing~sealing all, sealing~tuneing all well) via descendant reverberationings


bilateral reverberationings whose abundant wellings of energyings experience fertility of


abundantly vibrationally lifting, resurrecting intemporal vital~impetus from depths of Iht


. . .

Normally a Sheen issi required for any resurrection of any of several Alephs.

Instead, in this fascinating word we see a combination of fecundity and resistive evolutionary quantum~processes meliorating quantum~metabolically 'our sealing' in agency of Iht as one of several Alephs.

But Doug, "What about Aleph and your use of resurrecting Aleph from intemporal~atemporal depths of Iht?"

Aleph as One as Vital~Impetus issi intemporal! Yod as Ten as 'existence' issi temporal! Qof as 100 as Destroyer of Illusions, straddles both intemporality (also 'atemporality') and temporality!!!

So we do not need to resurrect Yod and Qof from intemporalityings! Yod issi temporal! Qof straddles both atemporality and temporality persistently, ubiquitously, sempiternally!

Aleph issi only tentative in 'existence' so we have to keep resurrecting, not Aleph, rather its presence cowithihn existence. This begs clauses like "Always keep Aleph with your Yod," etc.

One way others all Alephs have to be quantonic in any sense of quantons(intemporality,temporality), everywhereings, everywhenings...always.

When Aleph is allowed to recede from temporality humanity loses Aleph, and commences its own extinction.

Clearly, at least to Doug, this issi quintessence of Qabala playing Game of Life as each individual qwf~standingunder themselves as quantons(Aleph,Bayt), and quantons(spiritual~nous,spiritual~soma), and quantons(atemporalityings,temporalityings), latter AKA "straddleings."

A Revelation, indeed!

Doug — 15Feb2016.




..."somatically his great name, gematraically twenty-three;"

somatic existence living qwf~fecundityings...]

Essence: His Great Name anagrammatically emphasizing living~quantum~wave~functional~fecundityings.

Let's look at twenty-three assa quanton(3,quanton(2,1)).

Again we see antinomial~complementary interrelationshipings among 1 and 2 and 3.

So in Qabala, we see The Revelation cowithihn archetypal organic movement and rest.

So 123 (pronounced Ab~ga) represents proemial nascence of The Revelation's qwf~metabolism!

We see subsequent anagrams of His Great Name reflecting, narrating metabolic qwf~permutationings of His Great Name...

. . .

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


of individual quantons(intemporal,temporal) hologral qwf~cowithihn~middle~inclusionings of


as quantum~comscious~sentience~sentients hologrally imbued with


qwf~fractally~recursively further imbuing founts of life~abundance spawned by


assa His Great Name cowithihn ~{Hær}~


Doug — 16Feb2016.











spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encroaching cosmic vital~impedance while sealed cowithihn cosmically~biosphereings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~8.400.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


spiritual unlimited possibilityings reverberationings below~against ultimate resistanceings of


quantum~wave~functionally~tuning~all sealing~all emerscents among and


cowithihn Iht


Doug — 17Feb2016.




..."place, place of;"

Populated bilateral cavitationings of unlimited qwf~spiritualings in place of and cowithihn and bilateral qwf~reverberationings of cosmic~vital~impedanceings..]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~{400 ~8 400~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


cavitationings of


spiritual unlimited possibilityings reverberationings below~against, in place of, in superposition of ultimate qwf~resistanceings of


cowithihn Iht


Doug — 17Feb2016.





Turned~peregrinating qwf~fecundationings of unlimited~existential~possibilityings emerqancyings from undifferentiated qwfal~realityings experienceings quantizationings~life~principleings cowithihn individual~qwf~livings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~6.80~ ~{50 ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


qwf~regenerative~abundanceings of


affectationings quantum~assessmentings of qwf~durational vibrationings of

50.~{existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~

columnar descending naked cavitationings of all individual~livings qwf~turnings~reverberationings cowithihn


vibrational metabolic evolutionings cowithihn Iht


Doug — 15,17Feb2016.





Existential metabolismings of existential~biosphereings underneath of cellular~emerqancyings living...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


with much metabolic reproduction of many


whose qwf~mutationings~reemerqancyings require


qwf~ostenseings underneath of all


adapting, transmuting, mutating, evolving cowithihn Iht


Doug — 17Feb2016.




..."and sealed well;"

Fecund cavitationings of spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encountering cosmic~vital~impedanceings sealing~well all cowithihn existential~biosphereings reverberating cowithihn fecundationings...]

Hhatam means, in idiom, "signed, sealed, etc."

Observe that Tav~Mem issi "death" projected. Its projection issi death, Mawt, Mem~Tav.

We see this projected~projection pattern~reversal phenomenon in Autiot often.

Da Vinci used it by simply writing backwards.

It issi intrinsic in Autiot and its Gematria since writing and spatial 'directions' are reversed from most other 'western' 'languages.' DesCartes would be fumboozled!

It appears Iht's opus issi very unclear, indeterminate, uncertain to all dialectical, hylic, objective, putative, formal, mechanical, retarded minds. That's one way of revealing Qabala as "Game of Life."

Is death a seal (sign) projected? Is death a seal (sign) projection?

Compare Rahh~Rahh (projected) and Kirker (Hhir~Hher projection).

. . .

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~{6 ~8~ ~{400 ~40}~ 6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


bilateral cavitationings whose abundant wellings of energyings experience fertility of


Atta's qycloidal quantum~metabolic breathings~out~breathings~ihn nurturing unlimited spiritual~energyings~possibilityings


descendant cavitationings nakedly resisting~tuning~fretting (transmutatively, melioratively tuneing~sealing all, sealing~tuneing all well) via descendant reverberationings


bilateral reverberationings whose abundant wellings of energyings experience fertility of


abundantly vibrationally lifting, resurrecting intemporal vital~impetus from depths of Iht


. . .

Normally a Sheen issi required for any resurrection of any of several Alephs.

Instead, in this fascinating word we see a combination of fecundity and resistive evolutionary quantum~processes meliorating quantum~metabolically 'our sealing' in agency of Iht as one of several Alephs.

But Doug, "What about Aleph and your use of resurrecting Aleph from intemporal~atemporal depths of Iht?"

Aleph as One as Vital~Impetus issi intemporal! Yod as Ten as 'existence' issi temporal! Qof as 100 as Destroyer of Illusions, straddles both intemporality (also 'atemporality') and temporality!!!

So we do not need to resurrect Yod and Qof from intemporalityings! Yod issi temporal! Qof straddles both atemporality and temporality persistently, ubiquitously, sempiternally!

Aleph issi only tentative in 'existence' so we have to keep resurrecting, not Aleph, rather its presence cowithihn existence. This begs clauses like "Always keep Aleph with your Yod," etc.

One way others all Alephs have to be quantonic in any sense of quantons(intemporality,temporality), everywhereings, everywhenings...always.

When Aleph is allowed to recede from temporality humanity loses Aleph, and commences its own extinction.

Clearly, at least to Doug, this issi quintessence of Qabala playing Game of Life as each individual qwf~standingunder themselves as quantons(Aleph,Bayt), and quantons(spiritual~nous,spiritual~soma), and quantons(atemporalityings,temporalityings), latter AKA "straddleings."

A Revelation, indeed!

Doug — 15Feb2016.




..."an anagram of his great name, still twenty-three;"

somatic existence fecund qwf~livings...]

Essence: His Great Name anagrammatically emphasizing fecund~quantum~wave~functional~livings.

. . .

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


of individual quantons(intemporal,temporal) hologral qwf~cowithihn~middle~inclusionings of


experienceings qwf~abundanceings spawned and borne of


abundantly generating and regenerating qwf~soma of


assa His Great Name cowithihn ~{Hær}~


Doug — 16Feb2016.











spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encroaching cosmic vital~impedance while sealed cowithihn cosmically~biosphereings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~8.400.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


spiritual unlimited possibilityings reverberationings below~against ultimate resistanceings of


quantum~wave~functionally~tuning~all sealing~all emerscents among and


cowithihn Iht


Doug — 17Feb2016.




..."in east;"

existential biosphereings in east have unlimited~potentia cosmically~comtaining unlimited~spiritings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


ihn eastern climes with unlimited potentia


quantum~pneumatic unlimited possibilityings


are compassionate when their


find themselves thriving cowithihn Iht


Doug — 17Feb2016.





qwf~fecundationings unlimited~possibilityings of uncertaintyings as peaceings chooseings~chanceings~changeings qwf~turnings cowithihn life~existenceings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~6.80~ ~{50 ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


qwf~regenerative~abundanceings of


affectationings quantum~assessmentings of qwf~durational vibrationings of

50.~{existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~

columnar descending naked cavitationings of all livings qwf~turnings~reverberationings cowithihn


vibrational metabolic evolutionings cowithihn Iht


Doug — 15Feb2016.




..."his own face;"

Existential~metabolism evolving unlimited~possibilityings according life's principles of quantizationings of existenceings blazing in his own face fecund~abundanceings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


organic movement~rest Atta~qwf~evolutionings cowithihn


giving Mother's~Hær~Iht's metabolic qwf~livings to all

~existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~

as principleings of livings, assa indeterminationings, assa uncertaintyings, assa endless metabolizings EIMAings of


blazing in one's own face abundance of qwf~reproductionings borne of


cowithihn ~{Hær}~


Doug — 17Feb2016.




..."and sealed well;"

Fecund cavitationings of spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encountering cosmic~vital~impedanceings sealing~well all cowithihn existential~biosphereings reverberating cowithihn fecundationings...]

Hhatam means, in idiom, "signed, sealed, etc."

Observe that Tav~Mem issi "death" projected. Its projection issi death, Mawt, Mem~Tav.

We see this projected~projection pattern~reversal phenomenon in Autiot often.

Da Vinci used it by simply writing backwards.

It issi intrinsic in Autiot and its Gematria since writing and spatial 'directions' are reversed from most other 'western' 'languages.' DesCartes would be fumboozled!

It appears Iht's opus issi very unclear, indeterminate, uncertain to all dialectical, hylic, objective, putative, formal, mechanical, retarded minds. That's one way of revealing Qabala as "Game of Life."

Is death a seal (sign) projected? Is death a seal (sign) projection?

Compare Rahh~Rahh (projected) and Kirker (Hhir~Hher projection).

. . .

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~{6 ~8~ ~{400 ~40}~ 6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


bilateral cavitationings whose abundant wellings of energyings experience fertility of


Atta's qycloidal quantum~metabolic breathings~out~breathings~ihn nurturing unlimited spiritual~energyings~possibilityings


descendant cavitationings nakedly resisting~tuning~fretting (transmutatively, melioratively tuneing~sealing all, sealing~tuneing all well) via descendant reverberationings


bilateral reverberationings whose abundant wellings of energyings experience fertility of


abundantly vibrationally lifting, resurrecting intemporal vital~impetus from depths of Iht


. . .

Normally a Sheen issi required for any resurrection of any of several Alephs.

Instead, in this fascinating word we see a combination of fecundity and resistive evolutionary quantum~processes meliorating quantum~metabolically 'our sealing' in agency of Iht as one of several Alephs.

But Doug, "What about Aleph and your use of resurrecting Aleph from intemporal~atemporal depths of Iht?"

Aleph as One as Vital~Impetus issi intemporal! Yod as Ten as 'existence' issi temporal! Qof as 100 as Destroyer of Illusions, straddles both intemporality (also 'atemporality') and temporality!!!

So we do not need to resurrect Yod and Qof from intemporalityings! Yod issi temporal! Qof straddles both atemporality and temporality persistently, ubiquitously, sempiternally!

Aleph issi only tentative in 'existence' so we have to keep resurrecting, not Aleph, rather its presence cowithihn existence. This begs clauses like "Always keep Aleph with your Yod," etc.

One way others all Alephs have to be quantonic in any sense of quantons(intemporality,temporality), everywhereings, everywhenings...always.

When Aleph is allowed to recede from temporality humanity loses Aleph, and commences its own extinction.

Clearly, at least to Doug, this issi quintessence of Qabala playing "Game of Life" as each individual qwf~standingunder themselves as quantons(Aleph,Bayt), and quantons(spiritual~nous,spiritual~soma), and quantons(atemporalityings,temporalityings), latter AKA "straddleings."

A Revelation, indeed!

Doug — 15Feb2016.




..."an anagram of his great name, still gematraically twenty-three;"

somatic life's existence cowithihn qwf~fecundityings...]

Essence: His Great Name anagrammatically emphasizing existence~cowithihn~quantum~wave~functional~fecundityings.

. . .

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


of individual quantons(intemporal,temporal) hologral qwf~cowithihn~middle~inclusionings of


as quantum~comscious~sentience cowithihn somatic~sentients hologrally imbued with


experienceings blazing qwf~abundanceings spawned and borne of qwf~reproductionings borne of


assa His Great Name cowithihn ~{Hær}~


Doug — 15Feb2016.










spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encroaching cosmic vital~impedance while sealed cowithihn cosmically~biosphereings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~8.400.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


spiritual unlimited possibilityings reverberationings below~against ultimate resistanceings of


quantum~wave~functionally~tuning~all sealing~all emerscents among and


cowithihn Iht


Doug — 17Feb2016.




..."in west;"

existential~biosphereings of western experienceings enlightenings cosmically~comtained, somatically enveloped...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~40.70~ ~{200 ~2}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


ihn western climes evolving via

~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~

all quantons(scin,quan) enlightenmentings


doing precipitous cavitationings and reverberationings cowithihn


with contemporary renaissance somatic enlightenmentings living~adapting cowithihn


Doug — 17Feb2016.





qwf~fecundationings unlimited~possibilityings of uncertaintyings as peaceings chooseings~chanceings~changeings qwf~turnings cowithihn life~existenceings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~6.80~ ~{50 ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


qwf~regenerative~abundanceings of


affectationings quantum~assessmentings of qwf~durational vibrationings of

50.~{existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~

columnar descending naked cavitationings of all livings qwf~turnings~reverberationings cowithihn


vibrational metabolic evolutionings cowithihn Iht


Doug — 15Feb2016.




..."behind it, behind all ;"

existential~metabolismings of vital~impetusings cavitationings of spirit, and behind all cosmic~comtainment reverberationings cowithihn existence, full of fecund abundanceings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~30~ ~{1 ~8.200 ~10}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


evolving vibrationally vicissitudes and spontaneities of


via columnar metabolic cavitationings I want to stand with you as


pneumatic quantum~breath cowithihn cosmic protection~support, behind all of


against all resistanceings by columnar metabolic reverberationings cowithihn


qwf~vibrationings affecting generative abundanceings of


cowithihn ~{Hær}~


. . .

We see a very interesting complementary~antinomialism of quantons(behind~all,against~all).

Against all issi merely a reflection of Isra~el, a struggle against comfinementings, and that struggle is key to evolutionary success of all species.

Doug — 17Feb2016.




..."and sealed well;"

Fecund cavitationings of spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encountering cosmic~vital~impedanceings sealed well cowithihn existential~biosphereings reverberating cowithihn fecundationings...]

Hhatam means, in idiom, "signed, sealed, etc."

Observe that Tav~Mem issi "death" projected. Its projection issi death, Mawt, Mem~Tav.

We see this projected~projection pattern~reversal phenomenon in Autiot often.

Da Vinci used it by simply writing backwards.

It issi intrinsic in Autiot and its Gematria since writing and spatial 'directions' are reversed from most other 'western' 'languages.' DesCartes would be fumboozled!

It appears Iht's opus issi very unclear, indeterminate, uncertain to all dialectical, hylic, objective, putative, formal, mechanical, retarded minds. That's one way of revealing Qabala as "Game of Life."

Is death a seal (sign) projected? Is death a seal (sign) projection?

Compare Rahh~Rahh (projected) and Kirker (Hhir~Hher projection).

. . .

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~{6 ~8~ ~{400 ~40}~ 6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


bilateral cavitationings whose abundant wellings of energyings experience fertility of


Atta's qycloidal quantum~metabolic breathings~out~breathings~ihn nurturing unlimited spiritual~energyings~possibilityings


descendant cavitationings nakedly resisting~tuning~fretting (transmutatively, melioratively tuneing~sealing all, sealing~tuneing all well) via descendant reverberationings


bilateral reverberationings whose abundant wellings of energyings experience fertility of


abundantly vibrationally lifting, resurrecting intemporal vital~impetus from depths of Iht


. . .

Normally a Sheen issi required for any resurrection of any of several Alephs.

Instead, in this fascinating word we see a combination of fecundity and resistive evolutionary quantum~processes meliorating quantum~metabolically 'our sealing' in agency of Iht as one of several Alephs.

But Doug, "What about Aleph and your use of resurrecting Aleph from intemporal~atemporal depths of Iht?"

Aleph as One as Vital~Impetus issi intemporal! Yod as Ten as 'existence' issi temporal! Qof as 100 as Destroyer of Illusions, straddles both intemporality (also 'atemporality') and temporality!!!

So we do not need to resurrect Yod and Qof from intemporalityings! Yod issi temporal! Qof straddles both atemporality and temporality persistently, ubiquitously, sempiternally!

Aleph issi only tentative in 'existence' so we have to keep resurrecting, not Aleph, rather its presence cowithihn existence. This begs clauses like "Always keep Aleph with your Yod," etc.

One way others all Alephs have to be quantonic in any sense of quantons(intemporality,temporality), everywhereings, everywhenings...always.

When Aleph is allowed to recede from temporality humanity loses Aleph, and commences its own extinction.

Clearly, at least to Doug, this issi quintessence of Qabala playing Game of Life as each individual qwf~standingunder themselves as quantons(Aleph,Bayt), and quantons(spiritual~nous,spiritual~soma), and quantons(atemporalityings,temporalityings), latter AKA "straddleings."

A Revelation, indeed!

Doug — 15Feb2016.




..."an anagram of his great name, still gematraically twenty-three;"

somatic life's fecund qwf~existenceings...]

Essence: His Great Name anagrammatically emphasizing fecund~quantum~wave~functional~existenceings.

. . .

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


of individual quantons(intemporal,temporal) hologral qwf~cowithihn~middle~inclusionings of


experienceings qwf~abundanceings spawned and borne of


assa proemial~nascence of philo~sophial reproductionings, generationings, and regenerationings coobsfecting all


assa His Great Name cowithihn ~{Hær}~


Doug — 15Feb2016.










spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encroaching cosmic vital~impedance while sealed cowithihn cosmically~biosphereings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~8.400.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


spiritual unlimited possibilityings reverberationings below~against ultimate resistanceings of


quantum~wave~functionally~tuning~all sealing~all emerscents among and


cowithihn Iht


Doug — 17Feb2016.




..."in above;"

Archetypal gatewayveings cosmically~comtained and exalted cavitationings of fecundity oscillating cowithihn cosmic~biosphereings...]

This hermeneutic isn't comsistent yet... Need full translations this entire verse.

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~4.200~ ~{6 ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


ihn southern climes we find support,


heavenly quantum~assessmentings of


qwf~periodicityings persistent cyclings


cowithihn Iht


Doug — 15-16Feb2016.





qwf~fecundationings unlimited~possibilityings of uncertaintyings as peaceings chooseings~chanceings~changeings qwf~turnings cowithihn life~existenceings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~6.80~ ~{50 ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


qwf~regenerative~abundanceings of


affectationings quantum~assessmentings of qwf~durational vibrationings of

50.~{existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~

columnar descending naked cavitationings of all livings qwf~turnings~reverberationings cowithihn


vibrational metabolic evolutionings cowithihn Iht


Doug — 15Feb2016.



[Ve'Ymino: Doug, add target to this link

..."evolving right arm of him;"

Existential~metabolismings with existence bilaterally cavitating existential~biosphereings bilaterally reverberating existence evolving right arm of His individual experienceings of life principles of existential~quantizationings with fecund abundance...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~30 ~{10 ~40 10}~ ~50.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


invigorating temporal quantized qwf~atta~vibrationings of


bilateral unit~populated qwf~cavitationings of and


bilateral unit~populated qwf~reverberationings cowithihn


vibrationally experiencing quantons(scin,quan) qwf~evolutionings borne of

50.~existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~

expressing peace as uncertaintyings spawning~evolving right arm of His individual qwf~freedomings made abundant via


cowithihn ~{Hær}~


Doug — 15Feb2016.




..."and sealed well;"

Fecund cavitationings of spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encountering cosmic~vital~impedanceings sealed well cowithihn existential~biosphereings reverberating cowithihn fecundationings...]

Hhatam means, in idiom, "signed, sealed, etc."

Observe that Tav~Mem issi "death" projected. Its projection issi death, Mawt, Mem~Tav.

We see this projected~projection pattern~reversal phenomenon in Autiot often.

Da Vinci used it by simply writing backwards.

It issi intrinsic in Autiot and its Gematria since writing and spatial 'directions' are reversed from most other 'western' 'languages.' DesCartes would be fumboozled!

It appears Iht's opus issi very unclear, indeterminate, uncertain to all dialectical, hylic, objective, putative, formal, mechanical, retarded minds. That's one way of revealing Qabala as "Game of Life."

Is death a seal (sign) projected? Is death a seal (sign) projection?

Compare Rahh~Rahh (projected) and Kirker (Hhir~Hher projection).

. . .

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~{6 ~8~ ~{400 ~40}~ 6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


bilateral cavitationings whose abundant wellings of energyings experience fertility of


Atta's qycloidal quantum~metabolic breathings~out~breathings~ihn nurturing unlimited spiritual~energyings~possibilityings


descendant cavitationings nakedly resisting~tuning~fretting (transmutatively, melioratively tuneing~sealing all, sealing~tuneing all well) via descendant reverberationings


bilateral reverberationings whose abundant wellings of energyings experience fertility of


abundantly vibrationally lifting, resurrecting intemporal vital~impetus from depths of Iht


. . .

Normally a Sheen issi required for any resurrection of any of several Alephs.

Instead, in this fascinating word we see a combination of fecundity and resistive evolutionary quantum~processes meliorating quantum~metabolically 'our sealing' in agency of Iht as one of several Alephs.

But Doug, "What about Aleph and your use of resurrecting Aleph from intemporal~atemporal depths of Iht?"

Aleph as One as Vital~Impetus issi intemporal! Yod as Ten as 'existence' issi temporal! Qof as 100 as Destroyer of Illusions, straddles both intemporality (also 'atemporality') and temporality!!!

So we do not need to resurrect Yod and Qof from intemporalityings! Yod issi temporal! Qof straddles both atemporality and temporality persistently, ubiquitously, sempiternally!

Aleph issi only tentative in 'existence' so we have to keep resurrecting, not Aleph, rather its presence cowithihn existence. This begs clauses like "Always keep Aleph with your Yod," etc.

One way others all Alephs have to be quantonic in any sense of quantons(intemporality,temporality), everywhereings, everywhenings...always.

When Aleph is allowed to recede from temporality humanity loses Aleph, and commences its own extinction.

Clearly, at least to Doug, this issi quintessence of Qabala playing Game of Life as each individual qwf~standingunder themselves as quantons(Aleph,Bayt), and quantons(spiritual~nous,spiritual~soma), and quantons(atemporalityings,temporalityings), latter AKA "straddleings."

A Revelation, indeed!

Doug — 15Feb2016.




..."an anagram of his great name, still gematraically twenty-three;"

somatic fecund existence qwf~livings...]

Essence: His Great Name anagrammatically emphasizing existential~quantum~wave~functional~livings.

. . .

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~2.6..10.5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


of individual quantons(intemporal,temporal) hologral qwf~cowithihn~middle~inclusionings of


abundantly generating and regenerating qwf~soma of


experienceings qwf~proemial~nascence of philo~sophial qwf~reproductionings, generationings, and regenerationings hologrally coobsfecting all


assa His Great Name cowithihn ~{Hær}~


. . .

Doug uses "philo~sophial" above in any sense of "love of feminine (reproductive, very high qwf~wave~energyings) gnostic wisdomings."

Doug — 16Feb2016.




..."for all ten, ten;"

For all ten spheres of sephirot's emanationings whose focused cosmic~metabolicq lightq issi cosmically comtained ...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~70.300.200.5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

70.~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~

quantizing all metabolic ana~cata~processings of making~beginning, evolving~adapting~made, and ending~being~finishings


for all ten focused sephirot emanationings and their cosmic~metabolic lightings ihn


of all


adapting, transmuting, mutating, evolving cowithihn Iht


Doug — 17Feb2016.





spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encroaching cosmic vital~impedance while sealed cowithihn cosmically~biosphereings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~8.400.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


spiritual unlimited possibilityings reverberationings below~against ultimate resistanceings of


quantum~wave~functionally~tuning~all sealing~all emerscents among and


cowithihn Iht


Doug — 17Feb2016.




..."in north;"

Your structuration's unlimited existential possibilityings fecundate me with cosmic quantization of peace, uncertainty, and freedom...]

See SY I:5.





Turned~peregrinating qwf~fecundationings of unlimited~existential~possibilityings emerqancyings from undifferentiated qwfal~realityings experienceings quantizationings~life~principleings cowithihn individual~qwf~livings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~6.80~ ~{50 ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


qwf~regenerative~abundanceings of


affectationings quantum~assessmentings of qwf~durational vibrationings of

50.~{existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~

columnar descending naked cavitationings of all individual~livings qwf~turnings~reverberationings cowithihn


vibrational metabolic evolutionings cowithihn Iht


Doug — 15,17Feb2016.




..."the name of Him;"

existential~metabolismings populated bilateral cavitationings of cosmic~metabolismings existential~biospherically enveloped experiencing vital~impetus imperatives and vicissitudes bilaterally reverberating existential~metabolically the name of Him with abundant fecundationings...]

This appears to be (could be, but "from whence Aleph?") a com(n)traction for Le Shem Elohim.

Part of this word, interpreted omnifferingly appears as Semolo ("left arm") at Song of Songs II:6 word 1.

Again, note how "left" ("up, etc.") projectedq issi "right's" ("down's, etc.") projectionq and vicæ~værsa. This issi one essence of quantum~antinomialism which drives dialecticians to classical insanity. Sort of like Hal in Space Odyssey 2001.

There, in Semolo, Seen (focused more-matrix-catho~like metabolism) issi used in place of Sheen (diffuse hologral metabolism).

. . .

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~{~{30 ~{300}~ ~40.1 30}~}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


nested~overlapping columnar ascendant and bilateral cavitationings of


evolving and transmutatively~adapting all


affected by fecund~vicissitudinalityings and imperative~spontaneityings of


change~absolute auturgy~ings nested~overlapping columnar descendant and bilateral reverberationings of


multi~vibrant affectationings of the name of Him and his abundant


cowithihn ~{Hær}~


Doug — 15Feb2016.




..."and sealed well;"

Fecund cavitationings of spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encountering cosmic~vital~impedanceings sealed well cowithihn existential~biosphereings reverberating cowithihn fecundationings...]

Hhatam means, in idiom, "signed, sealed, etc."

Observe that Tav~Mem issi "death" projected. Its projection issi death, Mawt, Mem~Tav.

We see this projected~projection pattern~reversal phenomenon in Autiot often.

Da Vinci used it by simply writing backwards.

It issi intrinsic in Autiot and its Gematria since writing and spatial 'directions' are reversed from most other 'western' 'languages.' DesCartes would be fumboozled!

It appears Iht's opus issi very unclear, indeterminate, uncertain to all dialectical, hylic, objective, putative, formal, mechanical, retarded minds. That's one way of revealing Qabala as "Game of Life."

Is death a seal (sign) projected? Is death a seal (sign) projection?

Compare Rahh~Rahh (projected) and Kirker (Hhir~Hher projection).

. . .

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~{6 ~8~ ~{400 ~40}~ 6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


bilateral cavitationings whose abundant wellings of energyings experience fertility of


Atta's qycloidal quantum~metabolic breathings~out~breathings~ihn nurturing unlimited spiritual~energyings~possibilityings


descendant cavitationings nakedly resisting~tuning~fretting (transmutatively, melioratively tuneing~sealing all, sealing~tuneing all well) via descendant reverberationings


bilateral reverberationings whose abundant wellings of energyings experience fertility of


abundantly vibrationally lifting, resurrecting intemporal vital~impetus from depths of Iht


. . .

Normally a Sheen issi required for any resurrection of any of several Alephs.

Instead, in this fascinating word we see a combination of fecundity and resistive evolutionary quantum~processes meliorating quantum~metabolically 'our sealing' in agency of Iht as one of several Alephs.

But Doug, "What about Aleph and your use of resurrecting Aleph from intemporal~atemporal depths of Iht?"

Aleph as One as Vital~Impetus issi intemporal! Yod as Ten as 'existence' issi temporal! Qof as 100 as Destroyer of Illusions, straddles both intemporality (also 'atemporality') and temporality!!!

So we do not need to resurrect Yod and Qof from intemporalityings! Yod issi temporal! Qof straddles both atemporality and temporality persistently, ubiquitously, sempiternally!

Aleph issi only tentative in 'existence' so we have to keep resurrecting, not Aleph, rather its presence cowithihn existence. This begs clauses like "Always keep Aleph with your Yod," etc.

One way others all Alephs have to be quantonic in any sense of quantons(intemporality,temporality), everywhereings, everywhenings...always.

When Aleph is allowed to recede from temporality humanity loses Aleph, and commences its own extinction.

Clearly, at least to Doug, this issi quintessence of Qabala playing Game of Life as each individual qwf~standingunder themselves as quantons(Aleph,Bayt), and quantons(spiritual~nous,spiritual~soma), and quantons(atemporalityings,temporalityings), latter AKA "straddleings."

A Revelation, indeed!

Doug — 15Feb2016.




..."an anagram of his great name, still gematraically twenty-three;"

somatic fecund life qwf~existenceings...]

Essence: His Great Name anagrammatically emphasizing living~quantum~wave~functional~existenceings.

. . .

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~2.6..10.5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


supporting individual quantons(intemporal,temporal) hologral qwf~cowithihn~middle~inclusionings of


abundantly generating and regenerating qwf~soma of


experienceings qwf~proemial~nascence of philo~sophial qwf~reproductionings, generationings, and regenerationings hologrally coobsfecting all


assa His Great Name cowithihn ~{Hær}~


Doug — 16Feb2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030


Ghimel issi cosmic~metabolismq recursivelyq, fractallyq, perpetuallyq, ubiquitously reverberatingq existential metabolismsq as Three Mothers are chosen
from Autiot's Qabalic feminine wisdom
above as existential~biosphereings experienceings cosmic~principle~of~life~quantizationings as an apex of being above
the simples unlimited existential possibilityings cosmically metabolizing fecund cavitationings of cellular structurationings reverberating fecundity while cosmic vitally~impeded
spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encroaching cosmic~vital~impedance while sealed cowithihn cosmic~biosphereings,
cosmically~comtained fecundly abundant lofty~chooseings of and cowithihn cosmic~biosphereings
clarificationings, somatic~clarity via double~divine~fractal~recursive cosmic~comtainmentings.

Ghimel issi cosmic~metabolismq recursivelyq, fractallyq, perpetuallyq, ubiquitously reverberatingq existential metabolismsq as three
fecundityings of cosmic~vital~impetus somatic great lightings cosmically~quantizing
somatic housing of cosmic~metabolism's qwf~evolutionings of his name cowithihn existential biosphereings experiencing qwf~fecundationings.

Living organic~movementings~and~restings of God's name ascending through limit~gatewayveings fecundityings existential~metabolizings.

His great name cowithihn existence~living as many self~qwf~anagrammings of his great name.

Fecund cavitationings of spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encountering cosmic~vital~impedanceings cowithihn existential~biosphereings reverberating cowithihn fecundationings,
with them, with their somatic livesq ensconced~enfolded cowithihn cosmic biosphere's isoenergyingsq.

Six cosmic~metabolic divine double cavitationings

Extremities ascertained by cosmic~vital~impetus witnessing~signatureing existential emerqancyings divine fecundationings encountering cosmic~vital~impedanceings
qwf~fecundationings unlimited~possibilityings of uncertaintyings as peaceings chooseings~chanceings~changeings qwf~turnings cowithihn life~existenceings.

Existential metabolismings lower bilateral fractal~recursionings of QED enlightened existential biosphereings livings.

Fecund cavitationings of spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encountering cosmic~vital~impedanceings sealed well cowithihn existential~biosphereings reverberating cowithihn fecundationings

Ba'Yahwo: somatic existence living qwf~fecundityings


Spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encroaching cosmic vital~impedance while sealed cowithihn cosmically~biosphereings.

Populated bilateral cavitationings of unlimited qwf~spiritualings in place of and cowithihn and bilateral qwf~reverberationings of cosmic~vital~impedanceings..] Turned~peregrinating qwf~fecundationings of unlimited~existential~possibilityings emerqancyings from undifferentiated qwfal~realityings experienceings quantizationings~life~principleings cowithihn individual~qwf~livings.

Existential metabolismings of existential~biosphereings underneath of cellular~emerqancyings living.

Fecund cavitationings of spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encountering cosmic~vital~impedanceings sealing~well all cowithihn existential~biosphereings reverberating cowithihn fecundationings

Ba'Yahwah: somatic existence fecund qwf~livings


Spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encroaching cosmic vital~impedance while sealed cowithihn cosmically~biosphereings
existential biosphereings in east have unlimited~potentia cosmically~comtaining unlimited~spiritings
qwf~fecundationings unlimited~possibilityings of uncertaintyings as peaceings chooseings~chanceings~changeings qwf~turnings cowithihn life~existenceings.

Existential~metabolism evolving unlimited~possibilityings according life's principles of quantizationings of existenceings blazing in his own face fecund~abundanceings.

Fecund cavitationings of spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encountering cosmic~vital~impedanceings sealing~well all cowithihn existential~biosphereings reverberating cowithihn fecundationings

Ba'Haywo: somatic life's existence cowithihn qwf~fecundityings.


Spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encroaching cosmic vital~impedance while sealed cowithihn cosmically~biosphereings
existential~biosphereings of western experienceings enlightenings cosmically~comtained, somatically enveloped
qwf~fecundationings unlimited~possibilityings of uncertaintyings as peaceings chooseings~chanceings~changeings qwf~turnings cowithihn life~existenceings.

Existential~metabolismings of vital~impetusings cavitationings of spirit, and behind all cosmic~comtainment reverberationings cowithihn existence, full of fecund abundanceings.

Fecund cavitationings of spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encountering cosmic~vital~impedanceings sealed well cowithihn existential~biosphereings reverberating cowithihn fecundationings

Ba'Haway: somatic life's fecund qwf~existenceings.


Spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encroaching cosmic vital~impedance while sealed cowithihn cosmically~biosphereings
Archetypal gatewayveings cosmically~comtained and exalted cavitationings of fecundity oscillating cowithihn cosmic~biosphereings
qwf~fecundationings unlimited~possibilityings of uncertaintyings as peaceings chooseings~chanceings~changeings qwf~turnings cowithihn life~existenceings.

Existential~metabolismings with existence bilaterally cavitating existential~biosphereings bilaterally reverberating existence evolving right arm of His individual experienceings of life principles of existential~quantizationings with fecund abundance.

Fecund cavitationings of spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encountering cosmic~vital~impedanceings sealed well cowithihn existential~biosphereings reverberating cowithihn fecundationings

Ba'Wayah: somatic fecund existence qwf~livings.


For all ten spheres of sephirot's emanationings whose focused cosmic~metabolicq lightq issi cosmically comtained
spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encroaching cosmic vital~impedance while sealed cowithihn cosmically~biosphereings
Your structuration's unlimited existential possibilityings fecundate me with cosmic quantization of peace, uncertainty, and freedom.

Turned~peregrinating qwf~fecundationings of unlimited~existential~possibilityings emerqancyings from undifferentiated qwfal~realityings experienceings quantizationings~life~principleings cowithihn individual~qwf~livings.

Existential~metabolismings populated bilateral cavitationings of cosmic~metabolismings existential~biospherically enveloped experiencing vital~impetus imperatives and vicissitudes bilaterally reverberating

Ba'Wahay: existential~metabolically the name of Him with abundant fecundationings.

Fecund cavitationings of spiritual~unlimited~possibilityings encountering cosmic~vital~impedanceings sealed well cowithihn existential~biosphereings reverberating cowithihn fecundationings
somatic fecund life qwf~existenceings.

Doug - 14-20Feb2016.


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030 Rev. 14Mar2016  PDR Created: 14Dec2015  PDR
(14Mar2016 rev - Add 'Ha'Godel' anchor to word 14 of this verse.)
