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A Sepher Yetsiral Quantum Hologralexology
Autiot V Words and Phrases


Doug Renselle

Commencing June, 2014























Hologralex™ V Words Index

Veebrakh - blessing Veekool - existence has been made, commingling Veeqdesh - sanctify Veeqra - to emanate - quantons(Aleph,Yod)'s emanations, quantum~signaturings, of Aleph and Yod in cosmic Qabala, cosmic Game of Life Veeshbot - Colloquially, he (creation) rested
Vekol - encompassing fecundity grailing existential metabolism Ve'Ma - to plant

Ve'No'Ieh - Doug unintentionally 'made' this word confusing Noun with Ghimel. It turned out so beautifully that it appeared wasteful to throw it away... It means roughly, "enhancement of martus~aritos of all quantum~beings"

New! 27Mar2016.

Ve'Rani - To be learning, to experience cosmic teaching to evolve and mature one's understandings Veyarey - Hologralic omniscriptioning of Bara.  V[B]eyn - Ending an old life trajectory with a new life's shell; B as shell's strength to protect its comtent, V as shell' vulnerability to breakage by 'chick' within...also as shell''s softness for delivery to 'laying' 'surviving' B-like in actuality until 'birth' 'breakage' of comtent into actuality and its new life trajectory

Hologralex™ V Words' Content




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)




Veebrakh (Vav~Yod~Bayt~Raysh~finalKhaf:

Vav - Fecundity's blessing of~for its creation.

Yod - A[ny] life in actualityings.

Bayt - Archetypically comtained.

Raysh - Cosmically comtained.

finalKhaf - [Blessed~]Grailing [communing] reality's cosmos.

"Blessed." Suares claims these schema of Autiot are not trivial and we should not take them literally. One huge issue here is radical~quantum~comtext~sensitivity of Genesis' hermetic Autiot. E.g., how does one parse 'blessing' as quantum~flux? How thermodynamic is 'blessing?' You~moi may fathom a few problematics almost immediately.

Doug has attempted to keep some hyle~psyche with these schemas' deeper pneuma.

From Gen II:1-3. See p. 99 of Suares' CoG.

...existence has been made, commingling...

Veekool - (Vav~Yod~Kaf~Lammed~Waw:

Vav - Existential and fecund evolving...

Yod - ...existence...

Kaf - ...grails its own metabolism...

Lammed - ...its quantum~existential~metabolism's...

Use of Lammed in this Autiot word shows us clearly that existenceq has an evolvingq, actively fecund, perpetual, and ubiquitous quantum~existential~metabolism.

Word one of Genesis 2:1. See Suares' Cipher of Genesis (CoG).

Suares complains regarding poor translation of this chapter (and surrounding chapters) of Genesis.

Colloquially, it is translated as, "thus they were done."

We must assume, first six days (they) were classically 'done.'

But a creationq of an evolving energy~fluxings quantum~reality cann¤t be classically 'done.'

It cann¤t be classically 'stopped' for ana lysis (mechanicalc, formalc, objectivec up cutting).

to emanate - quantons(Aleph,Yod)'s emanations, quantum~signaturings, of Aleph and Yod in cosmic Qabala, cosmic Game of Life

quantons(Aleph,Yod)'s emanations, quantum~signaturings, of Aleph and Yod in cosmic Qabala, cosmic Game of Life

quantons(Aleph,Yod)'s emanations, quantum~signaturings, of Aleph and Yod in cosmic Qabala, cosmic Game of Life

quantons(Aleph,Yod)'s emanations, quantum~signaturings, of Aleph and Yod in cosmic Qabala, cosmic Game of Life

Veeqra (Vav~Yod~Qof~Raysh~Aleph:

Vav - Fecundity of Aleph~Yod generating assessable, evolving signaturings in actuality.

Yod - A[ny] life in actualityings.

Qof - Assurance Yod abides Aleph's vital impetus. Qof destroys any illusions Yod might have about self being an 'earthly god.' Doing this Qof enables Aleph and Yod to dance, to Lila dance, to Wu Li dance Qabala's thermodynamicq Game of Life.

Raysh - Cosmic comtainer of quantons(Aleph,Yod).

Aleph - Vital impetus in actualityings.

Veeqra, to emanate, as in Sepher Yetsira's 10 spheres of emanations.

In colloquial Veeqra is wholly mistranslated as "said."

Doug takes some liberties here, sort of following Jung viewing Veeqra as quantons(female,male), quantons(Neqivah,Zakar).

Recall that Adam as created (described in Genesis) is hermaphroditic. Biologically all men are haploidally hermaphroditic, so when Doug views Adam as Aleph ihn Blood assa quantons(XX,XY), we see female genomes dancing thermodynamicallyq with male genomes. We obtain XX as antinomial~complementary XY.

This thermodynamic antinomialism shows up in our chromosomes too.

Take GACTU for example, we see:

  • quantons(G,A),
  • quantons(G,C),
  • quantons(G,T),
  • quantons(G,U),
  • quantons(A,C),
  • quantons(A,T),
  • quantons(A,U),
  • quantons(C,T),
  • quantons(C,U),
  • quantons(T,U).

A total of 10 combinations (120/12: 5!/(2!(5-2)!))

Those 10 quantons illustrate pairwise quantum~complementary~antinomiality of nucleic acids in our chromosomic DNA. Beautifully those pairs enfold themselves in what we refer DNA's Double Helix! Note said helix is quantum~wavings! Ensemble antinomialq pairs of qwfs woven together to emersce life's biological, hologral, thermodynamicq template (i.e., pre emerqant~phenomic) archetypes.

Complementary~antinomialism and its everywhere~included~middle~associationings (EIMA) are a potent tellq that reality is indeed quantum~thermodynamic! QCD and QED offer further SEP of Doug's heuristics.

Doug should show red and green complements as quantized and iso~complementary. Soon.

Colloquially, he (creation) rested

Colloquially, he (creation) rested

Veeshbot (Vav~Yod~Sheen~Bayt~Tav: 6.10.300.2.400)

Vav - Fecundity of creation taking a rest.

Yod - A[ny] life in actualityings.

Sheen - Cosmic freedom of absolute metabolism of creation's efforts in actuality.

Bayt - Comtainment, freely resting...

Tav - [Only~]Tentative vital impedance as rest.

Rest here appears as Yod's comtainer Bayt twixt cosmic metabolism and cosmic vital impedance.

We may think of 'he' as Elohim. We may think of Elohim in actuality (created in Gen I:1, "Bara Elohim") as a Yod whose comtainer is a Bayt.

From Gen II:1-3. See p. 99 of Suares' CoG.




Veeqdesh (Vav~Yod~Qof~Dallet~Sheen:

Vav - Fecundity's sanctification of~for its creation.

Yod - A[ny] life in actualityings.

Qof - Assurance creation is perpetual and ubiquitous and freely always evolving in attempts to be k~now~ings itself. All illusionsc, all delusionsc are eliminated gradually through a perpetual and ubiquitous evolutionaryq Game of Life. Scihæntific~thermodynamicq provisionalityq issi intrinsicq.

Dallet - Creation's door is mostly open to those who abide creation's vital impetus. Creation's door may close to those who denyc creation's vital impetus. This is a memeq of sanctification. Those who do n¤t understand (standunder) Autiot and Qabala will often denyc creation's vital impetus.

Sheen - Metabolisis of unending sanctification of creation through Autiot's Loop.

From Gen II:1-3. See p. 99 of Suares' CoG.




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)


encompassing fecundity grailing existential metabolism

Vekol (Vayt~Kaf~Lammed: 2.20.30)

Vayt - (The) fecund con(m)tainment

Kaf - existential grail

Lammed - existential metabolism

This begs Doug's hermeneutics of a quantum~coherency of all of us in hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq existence fractallyq, recursivelyq grailing self and other.

Vision (seeing) may now be perceived as grailing other into our quantum~holographic nous.

Ditto hearing, other sensory experiences, and some quantum~grails which come from a greater fluxq and isofluxq spectrumq we are taughtc, very carefully taughtc, to ignorec.

Word four of Genesis 2:1.

to plant

to plant

Ve'Ma, Eemah

to plant, plant


Ve'Ma (Vav~Yod~Mem~Ayn:

Vav - Existential fecundity...

Yod - ...of vegetation (quantons)...

Mem - ...ihn Em's existential ground~earth biosphere...

Ayn - ...depends upon existential lightings.

. . .

Eemah (Ayn~Mem~Hay: 70.40.5)

Ayn - Existential light...

Mem - anabolizes Em's existential biosphere of (plants') quantons'...

Hay - ...livings.

First word in Genesis II:8.




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)


enhancement of martus~aritos of all quantum~beings

enhancement of martus~aritos of all quantum~beings

enhancement of martus~aritos of all quantum~beings

Ve'No'Ieh (Vav~Noun~Waw~Yod~Hay:

Vav - Essential fecundityings

Noun - existential quantizationings of FUPings

Waw - fecund abundanceings

Yod - actual existenceings as fermionic actualityings

Hay - archetypal life quantum~metabolically quantized

Doug - 27-28Mar2016.

See Doug's HotMeme™ in column right.

What issi ~Noun~Waw~ ~Yod~Hay~?

How issi it like Qabala? Qabala issi ~Aleph~Hay~ ~Yod~Hay~.

So how do we compare ~Noun~Waw~ and ~Aleph~Hay~?

How similar are they? How unsimilar are they?

How issi ~Noun~ to ~Aleph~, and how issi ~Aleph~ to ~Noun~?

Without ~Aleph~ there issi n¤ ~Noun~! So issi ~Noun~ a proxy for ~Aleph~?

When we look at our QVH Table, we commence an standingunder of that primal proxy.

What about ~Waw~ vis-à-vis ~Hay~?

Rinse and repeat our primal~proxy queries for ~Noun~ and ~Aleph~.

As Quantonics™ claims, "It issi profusely about situations and roles of all quantum~hologral quantonic~interrelationshipings!" Doug, just now CeodE 27Mar2016, started calling them "quantum~hologral primal~proxies."

To Doug, that last paragraph begs a new HotMeme™ for James' and Peirce's pragmatism:

A Quantonics HotMeme
"Quantum~pragmatism issi assiduous martus~aritos of our Gnostic~individual Qabalic quantum~beings quantum~hologral proemially~nascent primal~proxies."™
A Quantonics HotMeme

Doug - 27Mar2016.

. . .

QCS™ invites us to perceive:

~{6 ~{50 6.}~ ~10 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


bilateral overlapping qwf~cavitationings of

50.~{existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~

descendant overlapping populated qwf~cavitationings cowithihn bilateral overlapping qwf~reverberationings resonateings of


vigorously abundantly profusely pragmatically expressings and enhanceings martus~aritos of all quantum~beings


descendant overlapping qwf~reverberationings resonateings of


all of whose vibrational quantum~metabolic~evolutionings are cowithihn Iht


Doug - 26Mar2016.

To be learning, to experience cosmic teaching to evolve and mature one's understandings

Ve'Rani - (

Vav - Fecundation of

Yod - existence (e.g., you)

Raysh - ihn cosmos' exalted comtainer of all (biblically 'plenum')

Noun - quantizes (thus enables evolution of your freedom, indetermination, wisdom, and understanding)

Yod - your existence.

Cosmic comtainment evolves, adapts, transmute one's quantized, free, and indeterminate learning toward maturing wisdom and understanding.

Word one of verse four of Proverbs IV:4 4 1.

Ani issi me, myself, I as 'you.'

Ve'Rani shows directly that our cosmic maturation is both local and nonlocal which, for Doug is
what Jesus meant when he said I am ihn you and you are ihn me."

Quantum~complementary~antinomial~everywhere~included~middle~associative~straddling is implied.

This is a direct quantum 'tell' that Jesus is alive and living ihn all of us. Read his 'Farewell Discourse.'




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)





(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)


Hologralic omniscriptioning of Bara

Hologralic omniscriptioning of Bara

Hologralic omniscriptioning of Bara



Veyarey (Vayt~Yod~Raysh~Yod:


Vayt~Yod - Yod nissin actual existence.


Raysh~Yod - nissin cosmic n¤n existence.

It shows, hologralically, Yod straddling Aleph.1 and Aleph.1000.

See NT's Farewell Discourse, "I am ihn you and you are ihn me..."

"I nissin you!"

Doug sees quanton(2.10,200.10) as quantum complementary~antinomialism of Yod's creative 'existence' ihn actuality middle~including and everywhere~associating its, Yod's, creative 'cosmic n¤n existence' ihn n¤nactuality.

Compare Bara (create) as B[V]ayt~Raysh. Absence of Yod shows quintessence of B[V]ayt~Raysh.

Barashyt in Veyarey hologralic exegesis shows Shyt as Yod just created.

Bara Elohim in Veyarey hologralic exegesis shows Elohim as Yod just created.

Veyarey treats Shyt (see graphic right) and Elohim (and whatever) generically as Yod straddling Bara as quantum~EIMA, as quantum~Nasha.

See Genesis I:4. See Suares' Cipher of Genesis, p. 87, beginning of chapter 7, Weiser Books,'2005.


Shyt (Sheen~Yod~Tav: 300.10.400)

Sheen is cosmic metabolism evolving~adapting Yod using Tav as an anvil. All Yod are qwfs.

Sheen as Shyt issi ihn Atta cosmic life~cyclings which assume "life issi ihn death and death issi ihn life."

Ihn every ending there is a beginning.

Ihn every beginning there is an ending.
(See finalNoun: Beyn and Veyn.)

N¤ 'the beginnings,' n¤ 'the endings,' allowed!

Thanks Acceber! Hope you are well!





(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)


Ending an old life trajectory with a new life's shell; B as shell's strength to protect its comtent, V as shell' vulnerability to breakage by 'chick' within...also as shell''s softness for delivery to 'laying' 'surviving' B-like in actuality until 'birth' 'breakage' of comtent into actuality and its new life trajectory

Veyn - Beginning of a new life trajectory

Beyn - Ending of a life trajectory


Veyn (Vayt~Yod~Noun: 2.10.50)

Vayt - Shell which has its own Veyn~Beyn life ontology.

Yod - Zygote, fetus, etc. protected in Vayt's strong yet vulnerable shell.

Noun - Shell's life~existence~indetermination ihn actuality borne of quantization of all Yod ihn actuality. Noun is yet immature, life trajectory's finalNoun will accrue ihn new born's aging soma...

One may also view Zeyn's finalNoun achieved at breaking new born's shell.

. . .

Beyn (Bayt~Yod~Noun: 2.10.50)

Bayt - Comtainer, skin, of somatic being experiencing its life~trajectory to Bayt's breaking...ending of old Soma...

Yod - Soma protected ihn its already aging Bayt skin 'shell.'

Noun - Body-soma's life~existence~indeterminationq ihn actuality borne of quantization of all Yod ihn actuality. finalNoun is soma's ultimate ending prior next iteration's new Veyn beginning...

Very important to fathom is a meme that all actuality (all Yod) at all scales of reality from Planck's quantum up to multiverses and so on... experience Veyn~Beyn local life ontologies.

A BIG example issi Big Bangings to Black Holeings to Big Bangings to Black Holeings...

A tiny example is a photon copulating an electron (QED).

That 'tiny' example is big compared to Veyn~Beyn ontologies at nanoscopic and smaller levels of reality.

Quanta are born (Veyn) from isoflux: emanative~creation. Notice Em, Mother, ihnvolvement ihn Emanative.

Recall Tree of Life's branches top down: E, C, F, A. Emanations, Creation, Formation, and Action.

Emanation issi Neeveeah (Noun~Vayt~Yod~Ayn~Hay:

Noun - Indeterminate~quantization as~life~existence emanating new life energyings.

Vayt - Breakable shell of Yod.

Yod - Yod as that which is emanated ihnto actuality from n¤nactuality (where, according Heraclitus, "Nature hides.")

Ayn - "That which is naught," seen as newly emerging into actuality.

Hay - New life.

Genesis I:4 "Vayavdel Elohim Beyn Ha~Awr Ve~Veyn Ha~Hhosheykh."




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)





(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)



Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2014-2030 - Rev. 28Mar2016  PDR - Created: 6Mar2015  PDR
(8-9Mar2015 rev - Add 'Veyn~Beyn.' Update 'Veyn~Beyn.')
(25-26Mar2015 rev - Add 'Veeqra.' Update 'Veeqra.' Add 'Veeqdesh.' Add 'Veeshbot.' Add 'Veebrakh.')
(7,16Apr2015 rev - Change all Vee word '7' to '6.' Add 'Veekloo.' Reset legacy markups. Add Ve'Ma.)
(7May2015 rev - Add 'Ve'Rani.')
(28Mar2016 rev - Add 'Ve'No'Ieh.' Reset legacy markups. Make page current.)

