
Doug's Translation
Exodus XVII
Verses 1-7
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Esther XVII:1-7:

Doug is following a Hebrew interlinear English version of Exodus which he found on Internet. Version which Doug is using is from Scripture 4 All. It shows idiom from left to right with individual Hebrew words ciphered appropriately right to left. It is an authorized translation taken from Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels. Idiom used here is very unlike what Doug is familiar with from Carlo Suares. Doug prefers latter and will use that in both his retranslation of idiom sometimes with quantum~remediation, and QCS™ combined with relevant Comcision. This source does not appear to reflect what Doug means by 'modern' (dialectical) Hebrew. So it may be closer to how Abraham's Autiot initiates may have read it. Let's hope so...

Doug has noticed in this reference, however, that ~Qof~ appears to be treated without what Suares refers, "Qof's role and ~situation~ of destroying illusions and delusions." This is important, at least to Doug, regarding how we treat Caheen (Cain), and all other ~schema~ (Autiot) which have Qof in them. That is what we ~experience~ elsewhere so far... Doug will follow his approach used so far in John (Magdalene), and that is to use a light green text background throughout wherever Qof appears (in idiom, remediation, and ~qwfal~ Comcision).

It is good to keep in mind that contemporary Hebrew, excepting Autiot and ~Gematria~ do not carry sema of Abraham's Autiot. Modern Hebrew idiom (apparently) carries little resemblance to Aut (~ana~coquecigruesical~) symbols' sema of Abraham's time. Doug is assuming that Abraham had a grasp of Autiot more ~metabolic~ than its modern versions' relatively intransigent objective, formal, dialectical idiom.

Doug, following Suares, assumes reality issi ~metabolic~. If that assumption is acceptable, then all of Autiot, its ~Gematria~, its Qabala, its Gnoses, its Seraphim, and Sefirot should reflect a language which too is ~metabolic~.

Our reference text does not do that. So part of Doug's retranslation effort will be to remediate as Doug sees fit. This may offend some. Doug isn't doing this for any purpose of offense, rather a way of bringing ancient ~metabolic~ memes into a more quantum real expression of our world CeodE 2019~2020... We are in Day three. Prophecy expects great change during this millennium, likely much chaos too. Doug may be viewed as part of that change and chaos, if you prefer.

To retranslate Exodus XVII ihn Suares' quantum~hologralq~fluxodynamic language, we need a legend of Autiot and their ~Gematria~. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Genesis
Doug Renselle

Exodus XVII:1

Exodus XVII:2


Exodus XVII:4

Exodus XVII:5

Exodus XVII:6

Exodus XVII:7

©Quantonics, Inc., 2020-2040

Retranslation of Exodus XVII:1

Doug - 11Jan2020.

Exodus XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some epic poetically altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






..."and they arera Lorenz solitonic Game of Lifeq journeyings synaptically chaoequil pivotings exihstence and Light;"

And they arera Lorenz, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHR ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~laseings~ Lorenz haploid0 ~exihstenceingsq~ ~{cav~...~pivotings~feminineq~fecundationingsq~...~rev}~ Lorenz haploid1 ~enlightenmentings~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~, solitonic journeyings...]

~{6 ~10~ ~{60}~ ~70~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~soliton~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~10~ ~{Lorenz~pivot}~ ~70~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~Lorenz~exihstenceingsq~ ~{60}~ ~70~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~10~ ~{60}~ ~Lorenz~enlightenmentings~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


. . .

Two ~swfs~: ~Yod~ and ~Ayn~.

~Cavitationally~ a ~divineq~ ~fecund~ ~synapticq~ pivot on female.

She issi a ~fecund~ hermaphroditic promulgator of ~enlightenedq~ ~existentialq~ lifeq~principleingsq~ ~cowithihn~ and ~among~ cosmos.

See if you can garner why ~60~ issi more flux rate energetic and ~6~ is less flux rate energetic: list is very long.

Strangely, ~antinomiallyq~, he is more atemporal and she is more temporal. But he acts more temporal, and she acts more atemporal.

Might we heurist she issi quantons(~60~,[~60~,~6~])
where he issi dichons(|6|, |60|)?

Doug issi heuristing Jung's animus and anima ~useings~ QCS™~gematria.

. . .

Compare Yessaaoo vav Yeshooaa.

~Enlightenedq~ ~fecundationingsq~ hyper ~fecund~ ~enlightenmentings~?

Feminineq~fecundationingsq~ vav ~cosmic~metabolismings~?

Issi feminism an unending quantum~metabolic adventure?

Comparatively, maleism is stux sux, yæs?

Aut~Neqivah vav Yassod~Zakhar...

Doug - 22Jan2019, 11Jan2020.





..."all ~grailingsq~ of evolutionary metabolismings engenderings;"

all ~grailingsq~, assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings of all evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~, of evolutionaryq metabolismings ~engenderings~...]





..."~enlightenedq~ destruction of dialectic ~evokeingsq~ new faith~filled beginnings;"

~enlightenedq~ destruction of dialectic, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ Valueings ~{gate~wayveings~ Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic ~encounterings~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings}~ re ~beginnings~ ~Beli~ dialectic, ~evokeingsq~ new faith~filled ~beginnings~...]

~70~ ~{4 400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~70~ ~{faith}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~enlightenmentings~ ~{4 400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Imagine this ~schema~'s fluxodynamic retranslation assa what we fathom and understand congregation means CeodE 2020:

"~Enlightenedq~ destruction of dialectic ~evokeingsq~ new faith~filled beginnings:" Without dialectic.

Compare faith and k~n¤w.

Doug - 11Jan2020.





..."progress comparative ~signatureings~ evolution cowithihn ¤ur somaticq ~exihstenceingsq~ accordings lifeq principleings;"

progress comparative ~signatureings~ evolution, assa spin 1/2 ~somaq~ ~signatureings~ evolution assessed via Gametria™ ~adhereingsq~ Game of Lifeq ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, cowithihn ¤ur ~exihstenceingsq~ accordings lifeq ~principleingsq~...]

~Somaq~ issi intrinsically Gametraic™.

~POSIT~ arera [nousq issi] intrinsically Gametraic™.

Doug - 11Jan2020.





..."Israel ~struggleings~ with g¤d;"

Israel, assa Valueings ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ ~overlapq~entangleingsq~ Valueings evolutionary ~{~{cosmic~metabolismings~ ~straddleings~ quantum~assessmentings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ attractorings fount of life resurrectionings of ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~ attractionings ~reverberationalq~metabolismings}~, ~struggleings~ with g¤d,...]

~{10 ~{~{300 200}~ ~1}~ ~30}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."from a wilderness of solitonic biospheric Lorenzian spoken ~awarenessingsq~ of dialectical Sin ihnto somatic creationings of spin 1/2 [Aleph ever tentatively cowithihn] ensembleings free of dialectic;"

from a wilderness of solitonic biospheric Lorenzian spoken ~awarenessingsq~ of dialectical Sin ihnto, assa ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic origins of ~exihstenceingsq~ ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ synaptically ~laseings~ ~mirrorings~ ~{cav~...~chainings~biosphereings~...~rev}~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~reverberationalq~gate~wayveings}~ Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic Valueings spin 1/2 spoken ~{cavitational~somaq~ creationings spoken expectationings ensembleings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ plenary, somatic creationings of spin 1/2 [Aleph ever tentatively cowithihn] ensembleings free of dialectic...]

~{40 ~{40}~ ~4}~ ~{2 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{ ~soliton~ }~ ~4}~ ~{createings}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{40 ~{spoken ~awarenessingsq~ destroyings dialectic}~ ~{2 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Superpositionings of sema emerq apparentq ad occulos here.

Note: Admittedly, Doug's "apparentq ad occulos" issi an oxymoron of simply incredible AEFings exegesis.

Doug - 12Jan2020.





..."Sin, a place of prolific feminineq ~fecund~ reproductivityings accordings lifeq principleings;"

Sin, a place of prolific feminineq, assa reproductive prolific ~feminineq~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ obeisant ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~, ~fecund~ reproductivityings accordings lifeq ~principleingsq~...]

Idiomatic masculine tragic abomination of this ~schema~ issi simply despicable, depraved: dialectically-|catholic|.

Doug - 12Jan2020.





..."journey assa evolutionaryq material and reproductive ~enlightenmentings~ of quantized livings;"

journey assa evolutionaryq material and reproductive, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ Valueings material ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ Valueings reproductive ~{cavitational~feminineq~fecundationingsq~ ~engenderings~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ of quantized ~livingsq~ double expectationings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~cosmic~biosphereings}~}~ celestial womb, ~enlightenmentings~ of quantized ~livingsq~...]

Valueings Lifeq Journeyings

~30~ ~{40 ~{60~ ~70.10.5~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Journey issi ~40.60.70~. Webster's.

This ~schema~ shows uhs Evolutionaryq Lifeq assa Adventure: A Quantum Lifeq Motif™.

Compare drawing a bow upon string[s] of a violin, cello, and base assa an evolutionaryq adventure: entropy music, entropy life: ~signatureings~ ~livingsq~ music of livings: Song of Songs.

Issi every ~note~, every word of you an adventure? Does Iht enjoy Iht's Gametric™ of Lifeq adventure with you?

Compare self prior and after playing a tune, taking a trip.

Now ponder self's Aleph~Bayt lifeq trajectory and its, "Let's have a go at that again, enthusiasm." Ponder Seth and Maggie ihn City of Angels...

"I would rather have had -- one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand -- than an eternity without it." Seth re Maggie.

"I simply want to bæ with you. The rest doesn't matter." Madam George Sand to Chopin, Impromptu.

This movie was made in 1991. Its leading protagonists are Chopin (Hugh Grant) and Madam George Sand (a pseudonym; played by Judy Davis. Emma Thompson is in this movie too, and who is, in our opinion, an "knock it out of any ballpark" capable actress). She chases him and he catches her in classic choice-chance-change tomfoolery and wishful, mostly fanciful, rutting.

Valueings Lifeq Journeyings

Doug - 11Jan2020.





..."their theht light metabolic issi shineings on sempiternally;"

their theht light metabolic issi, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ evolutionary ~metabolismings~, shineings on sempiternally...]





..."educeings biddings of;"

educeings, assa ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, biddings of...]


Phi: ladelphia
Phi: losophy
Phi: lip
Phy: llis
Phi: landerer
Phi: lology [LOLogy]
Phi: lucination]

Do you fathom quantum~philucination [coined by Doug, 12Jan2020] assa remedy for dialectical hallucination?

Ponder Phay assa ~Phay~Hay~.

"~Unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ of quantized~livingsq~ ~exihstenceingsq~."

Ponder ~Ha~y assa ~1.2.2~: ~1~ ~{2 2}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Hay: "Theht Name assa fount of lifeq ~1~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic spin 1/2 Gametraic™ ~{cavitational~somaq~ ~laseings~ ~synapses~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~somaq}~."

~Hay~ assa ~Abab~ Issi ~Bab~ quantum~metabolic?

Compare ~Bab~ and ~{~{Atta}~}~.

How many superpositional emerqancyingsq do~due Hay educe?

Ponder ~Baeb~.

Doug - 12Jan2020.





..."Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~ solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn exihstenceings;"

Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~...]

~10~ ~{5 ~6~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~10~ ~{5 ~soliton~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 12Jan2020.





..."and cowithihn a ~divineq~ ~fecund~ solitonic tent of ~hologralq~ coherent ~spiritually~ ~unlimitedq~ good;"

and cowithihn a ~divineq~ ~fecund~ solitonic tent, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ a tent~village of ~spiritually~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ ~adhereingsq~ ~hologralq~ coherent good ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~, of ~hologralq~ coherent ~spiritually~ ~unlimitedq~ good...]

~{6 ~10.8.50~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~soliton~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~tent of ~hologralq~ coherent good~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~tent~At~ive~village of Tov~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 12Jan2020.





..."ihn Rephidim, a camping place of celestial creationings ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ of solitonic ~exihstenceingsq~ relentlessly coherently recursivelyq destroyings dialectic;"

ihn Rephidim, a camping place of celestial creationings ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~, assa vestigial Valueings spin 1/2 ~{cavitational~somaq~ creationings stochasticq expectationings ensembleings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ plenary ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ for ~divineq~ FOCHRS cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ ~gate~wayveings~ Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic ~whileq~ ~mirrorings~ cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb cowithihn Hæ~r, of solitonic ~exihstenceingsq~ relentlessly coherently recursivelyq destroyings dialectic,...]

~{2 200}~ ~80~ ~{10 ~4~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{create}~ ~80~ ~{10 ~4~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{2 200}~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ ~{10 ~soliton~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{2 200}~ ~80~ ~{10 ~DoD~soliton~ ~10}~ ~celestial~biosphere~ of Hæ~r ~{~{iso1000}~}~

KJB: Rephidim: A wilderness camping place twixt Sin and Sinai.

Doug - 13Jan2020.





..."and there issi n¤ such memeset~mimeset assa |either-or| ihn ~QR~;"

and there issi n¤ such memeset~mimeset, denyings wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ vestigially Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ accordings ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings, assa |either-or| ihn Quantum~Realityings~...]

~6~ ~{1 10}~ ~700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Again Eyn vav Ayn

Again compare:

Eyn: Aleph~Yod~finalNoun ~vital~impetusingsq~ ~enlightenmentings~ quantons(Isot,Ison)
Ayn: Ayn~Yod~finalNoun
Light assa quantons(issi,issi~n¤t).

Ayn: "General quantons(QCD,QED) quantum~wayve~functionings of multiverseings."

Very neat qua of Aleph~Yod~finalNoun issi quantons(~1~,~10~) "I am ihn you you arera ihn me..." EIMA ~hologralq~ cowithihnihtnessings. But isn't that what Ayn's bosonic QED Light does? Ponder Light [Omni~]diffraction~ings:

dark issiihn light.
and light issi i
hn dark

Heraclitus anyone?

Yeshooaa anyone?

Self anyone?

Dialectic issi for |socialist| AGW PCtards.

Do y¤u sææ Aleph's ~Ab~ and ~Ba~ comeings and goings under left most column of quarks? Do y¤u fathom ~UD~ assa ~Yod~?

Do y¤u fathom quantons(~Aleph~,~Yod~)?

~Gematria~ arera Quantum~Real!!!

~Gematria~ arera Quantum~Strategic!!!

Again Eyn vav Ayn

"Let it bæ, let Iht bæ..."

Doug - 13Jan2020.





..."waters of ¤ur sentient quantum~beings;"

waters, assa Valueings ¤ur quantum~beings ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ expectationings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~cosmic~biosphereings}~ celestial womb, of ¤ur sentient quantum~beingsq...]

~{40 ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Wæ quantum~beingsq arera too ~intelligent~ to be duped by rote tote hive drone running on dialectical y=f(t) automatic AI |socialist-retards|:

To Blindly See

Doug - 13Jan2020.





..."whose Valueings arera both exihstential and cosmic metabolismings of ¤ur ~divineq~ ~hologralq~ coherent ~sempiternalq~ ~cosmic~ ~impedanceings~ re beginnings;"

whose Valueings arera both exihstential and ~cosmic~ metabolismings, assa Valueings evolutionary both exihstential ~{30~ and expectationings ~300}~ ~divineq~ FOCHRS wholly permeableq ~{~{400~ synaptically ~laseings~ ~mirrorings~ permeableq ~400}~}~ solitonic re ~beginnings~ ihn perpetuity, of ¤ur ~divineq~ ~hologralq~ coherent ~sempiternalq~ ~cosmic~ ~impedanceings~ re ~beginnings~...]

~{30 300}~ ~{~{400 400}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."of ¤ur quantized ~livingsq~ AEFings ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihn Hæ~r celestial womb of uhs;"

of ¤ur quantized ~livingsq~, assa ¤ur quantized ~livingsq~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihn Hæ~r ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb, AEFings ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihn Hæ~r celestial womb of uhs...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2020-2040

And they arera Lorenz solitonic journeyings
all ~grailingsq~ of evolutionaryq metabolismings ~engenderings~
destruction of dialectic ~evokeingsq~ new faith~filled ~beginnings~
progress comparative ~signatur
eings~ evolution cowithihn ¤ur ~exihstenceingsq~ accordings lifeq ~principleingsq~
Israel ~struggl
eings~ with g¤d
from a wilderness of solitonic biospheric Lorenzian spoken ~awarenessingsq~ of
dialectical Sin ihnto somaticq creationings of spin 1/2 [Aleph ever tentatively cowithihn] ensembleings free of dialectic
Sin, a place of prolific feminineq ~fecund~ reproductivityings accordings lifeq ~principleingsq~
journey assa evolutionaryq material and reproductive ~enlightenmentings~ of quantized ~livingsq~
their t
heht light metabolic
issi shineings on sempiternally
eings biddings of
Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~ solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithi
hn ~exihstenceingsq~
and cowithi
hn a ~divineq~ ~fecund~ solitonic tent of ~hologralq~ coherent ~spiritually~ ~unlimitedq~ good
hn Rephidim, a camping place of celestial creationings ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ of solitonic ~exihstenceingsq~ relentlessly coherently recursivelyq destroyings dialectic
and there issi n¤ such memeset~mimeset assa |either-or| i
hn Quantum~Realityings~
waters of ¤ur sentient quantum~beingsq
whose Valu
eings arera both
exihstential and cosmic metabolismings of ¤ur ~divineq~ ~hologralq~ coherent ~sempiternalq~ ~cosmic~ ~impedanceings~ re ~beginnings~
of ¤ur quantized ~livingsq~ AEFings ~enlightenmentings~ cowithi
hn Hæ~r
celestial womb of uhs.

Doug - 13Jan2020.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2020-2040

Retranslation of Exodus XVII:2

Doug - 14Jan2020.

Exodus XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some epic poetically altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






..."~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~ ~increaseings~ ensembleings of uhs known as;"

~Fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ Valueings ensembleings ~{cavitational~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ plenary attractorings spin 1/2 ~reverberationalq~somaq}~ known as, increaseings ensembleings of uhs known as...]

~6.10~ ~{200 2}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."theht people assa quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~enlightenedq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings;"

theht people, assa quantized ~livingsq~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb, assa quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~enlightenedq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~...]

This ~schema~ issi more interesting k~n¤w~ingsq that Doug views ~Aam~ assa with, and with assa ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~.

Then ~Haam~ becomes "Quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~enlightenedq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~," AKA the people.

A comtemporary problematic issi that people, globally, CeodE 2020 simply do not fathom selves in that manner.

Rather they view selves assa objective automatons.

They say, "But Doug, reality IS mechanical."

Modern human: "I am a machine."

Pure |social| degeneracy, depravity, ..., abomination.

People see selves assa "Artificial Intelligence."

Doug claims that |view| issi |retarded|:


Doug - 14Jan2020.





..."bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb;"

bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb, ~coobsfectingsq~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb...]

Over simply, "Bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb."

In anticipation of this chapter's verses 8-16 [second portion of this chapter], ponder:

~Aamaleq~: ~Aam~Leq~.


Laq: ~30.100~: metabolic omni(di)struction of illusions, dialectic
Leq: ~30.100~: Doug assumes "do~due self's ~Laq~"
Lekh: ~30.500~: "go you !"
Lakh: ~30.500~: to you, for you
Lahh: ~30.8~: moist damp [ponder cloud, fog, mist, water~dust]

A Huge Heads~up [much more than prophetic]:

Homo sapiens: lack understanding their ~Aamaleq~. Goodbye PCtards.

Neo sapiens and their proto~precursors: have and understand ~Aamaleq~.

Inference: quantons(~¤ur~,|our|) ~Aamaleq~ has qua to evolveq dialectic out of uhs: humanity.

Israel struggles with its Aamaleq [Suares, "...that which issi thine..."].

Assessment: Israel CeodE 2020: metastatically dialectical.

Boeing too, and most of rest of earth's sentients.

Review Doug's Humanity's Mission.

Doug - 15Jan2020.





..."Moses name ihn Qabala saying to uhs wæ should view selves assa evolutionaryq quantized ~livingsq~ beings;"

Moses name ihn Qabala saying to uhs, assa material ~biosphereings~ origins of ~exihstenceingsq~ ~experienceingsq~ evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ of quantized ~livingsq~, wæ should view selves assa evolutionaryq quantized ~livingsq~ beingsq,...]

Moses' name ihn Qabala claims that he issi and we should view selves, |not mechanical|, rather quantized ~cosmic~metabolic ~livingsq~ ~biosphereings~.

Doug agrees.

Doug - 14Jan2020.





..."and they solitonically, synaptically ihn agencyings of Aleph.1q arera sayings;"

and they solitonically, synaptically, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ attractorings ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~ material ~biosphereings~ origins of ~exihstenceingsq~ ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~, ihn agencyings of Aleph.1q arera sayings...]

~{6 ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6~ ~soliton~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6~ ~{10 A}~ ~40.R~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~{Aleph cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq}~ ~40.200~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Observe that Aleph isn't mechanical.

Too, Aleph issi EIMA FOCHRS all exihstenceings: which outright denies |ideasets| and |notionsets| of "mechanical us."

FOCHRS: Fractal, ~Omnilateral~, Coherent, ~Hologral~, ~Recursioningsq~, ~Synapses~.

Ponder Synapses: quantons(atemporal,temporal).

Doug - 14Jan2020.





..."give y¤u ~sempiternalq~ lifeq~deathq cyclings accordings ~fecund~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ !;"

give y¤u ~sempiternalq~ lifeq~deathq cyclings, assa wholly permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ re ~beginnings~ accordings abundant ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ prolific ~fecundationingsq~, accordings ~fecund~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ !...]

Review Doug's Qycloids.

Observe ihn this ~schema~ how ~Thav~ issi wholly permeableq, thus nurtureings ample and abundant re ~beginnings~ qycloidings.

Compare a ~Tav~ assa impermeableq [actually mimeings SOM's wall], capable of stopping any re ~beginnings~. Ihn death ¤ur bæings become temporally insensible to those who have known uhs prior.

"Eli Eli lama sabahhthani?" That ~Than~ has ~Tav~ ihn iht. Its pronunciation appears an attempt to fool uhs ~antinomiallyq~. Is it?

Can any whatever |kill| Aleph.1? Yahweh, almost [apparitionally] dialectically, protects Aleph!

Wæ arera k~n¤w~ingsq that accordings comtextings: ~Yeshooaa's~ S&R.

Doug - 14Jan2020.





..."to uhs ~fecundlyq~ ~evolveingsq~ ¤ur lifeq principleings;"

to uhs ~fecundlyq~ ~evolveingsq~, assa evolutionary ~metabolismings~ ~adhereingsq~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~, ¤ur life ~principleingsq~...]





..."waters of ¤ur sentient quantum~beings;"

waters, assa Valueings ¤ur quantum~beings ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ expectationings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~cosmic~biosphereings}~ celestial womb, of ¤ur sentient quantum~beingsq...]

~{40 ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Wæ quantum~beingsq arera too ~intelligent~ to be duped by rote tote hive drone running on dialectical y=f(t) automatic AI |socialist-retards|:

To Blindly See

Doug - 13Jan2020.





..."accordings evolutionaryq metabolismings assureings ¤ur ~sempiternalq~ ~principleingsq~ of quantized ~livingsq~ re beginnings;"

accordings evolutionaryq metabolismings, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ Valueings obeisance ~{cavitational~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ wholly permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ re ~beginnings~ of ¤ur quantized ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, assureings ¤ur ~sempiternalq~ ~principleingsq~ of quantized ~livingsq~ re ~beginnings~,...]

~6~ ~{50 ~300.400~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."and he issi saying abideings ~situationingsq~ and roleings;"

and he issi sayings, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ attractorings fount of life ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~ ~whileq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ material ~biosphereings~ of multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings, abideings ~situationingsq~ and ~roleings~,...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{10 A}~ ~40.R~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Again, speakings bury Aleph.1q via emitted words.

Those words may be:

ESQ: without Aleph: chruch takes this as canon law.
SQ [~Yod~] heretically quantons(with,without) Aleph.

Visualize quantons(~Aam~,~Beli~) Aleph.

This Doug~forensic denouement of ~speakings~ offers one of many interesting interpreta of Autiot's ~Iot~ suffix re Yod's Gnostic hylic~psychic Free Will. Da' dialectical "...our way OR the highway, SOM-knife excommunicative..." chruch hegemonously calls "free will" heresy.

Review Esther I:13 word 1 Comcisionings. Muchas buenoissimo Qualityings.

Never allow self to forget: hegemonousqc ESQ...

..., e.g., Hyman P. Minsky's Stabilizing an Unstable Economy,
retarded dialectical sociopathic PC,
maths' bogus topological shape invariance,
neoCONs' anthropogenic warming,
sociopathic One World Order,
y=f(t) predicable social planning, etc., ...

...represent glaring manifesta of the System Problem.

Ponder how contemporary maths ~radically~ depend upon ESQ to be viable.

See Doug's Suggested Requirements for a New Quantum~Mathematics.

Doesn't your AI application script utilize formal code whose bases are ESQ dialectical maths?

Doug - 6Jan2020.





..."to better evolutionaryq ~livingsq~ of them;"

to better evolutionaryq, assa evolutionary ~metabolismings~ of quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~, ~livingsq~ of them...]





..."Moses name ihn Qabala saying to uhs wæ should view selves assa evolutionaryq quantized ~livingsq~ beings;"

Moses name ihn Qabala saying to uhs, assa material ~biosphereings~ origins of ~exihstenceingsq~ ~experienceingsq~ evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ of quantized ~livingsq~, wæ should view selves assa evolutionaryq quantized ~livingsq~ beingsq,...]

Moses' name ihn Qabala claims that he issi and we should view selves, |not mechanical|, rather quantized ~cosmic~metabolic ~livingsq~ ~biosphereings~.

Doug agrees.

Doug - 14Jan2020.





..."what ?;"

what, assa what material ~biosphereings~ remain quantized ~livingsq~, ?...]





..."assurance have wæ regardings ¤ur re ~beginnings~ of ¤ur ensembleings somaticq ~exihstenceingsq~ ~fecundlyq~ ~adhereingsq~ lifeq principleings;"

assurance have wæ regardings ¤ur re ~beginnings~, assa wholly permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ re ~beginnings~ Valueings ensembleings ~{cavitational~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ plenum cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ attractorings spin 1/2 ~reverberationalq~somaq}~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings, of ¤ur ensembleings somaticq ~exihstenceingsq~ ~fecundlyq~ ~adhereingsq~ lifeq ~principleingsq~...]

~400~ ~{200 ~10~ ~2}~ ~6.700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."cowithihn ~enlightenmentings~ of my destruction of dialectic;"

cowithihn ~enlightenmentings~, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ Valueings material ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ attractorings ~reverberationalq~gate~wayveings}~ Atbash antinomial destruction of dialectic cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, of my destruction of dialectic...]

~70~ ~{40 4}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."what ?;"

what, assa what material ~biosphereings~ remain quantized ~livingsq~, ?...]





..."hermaphroditic Atta~esque probeingsq re both exihstential and ~cosmic~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ re beginnings;"

hermaphroditic Atta~esque probeingsq, assa wholly permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ re ~beginnings~ Valueings ~{cavitational~lifeq~principleingsq~ Valueings hermaphroditic wayve~makeings both ~{cavitational~feminineq~fecundationingsq~ and attractorings ~reverberationalq~masculine~fecundationingsq}~ expectationings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq}~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~, re both exihstential and ~cosmic~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ re ~beginnings~...]

~400~ ~{50 ~{60 6}~ ~700}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug isn't sure, but it appears hermaphrodicityings here ~relateq~ Mother's Gametraic™ Chaldaean Gnostic ~{~{Atta}~}~ Star of David quantons(~breatheings~¤ut,~breatheings~ihn) metabolic AEFings hermaphrodicity.

Regardless which ~patterns~ of ~energyings~, which S&Rs, wæ sææ uhs always challengeings and beings challenged by some other spiritq regarding ¤ur evolutionaryq progress assa humanity.

Why do not psychologists grasp this quintessential of mental health?

C. G. Jung got it.

Freud fubarred big time.

Carlo Suares, paraphrased by Doug, "Psychology hasn't learned to self evolveq via quantum~dyings ihn its own words."

Doug senses wæ arera about to find autsimilar auturgical ~struggleings~ ~among~ uhs, Aamaleq and Yahweh.

Doug - 14Jan2020.





..."thoroughly ~breatheings~¤ut re ~beginnings~ chideings;"

thoroughly, assa [<bra|:~{At~ ==> male~cavitationings] fount of life ~Aleph.1q~ ~encounterings~ permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ re ~beginnings~ [via <== ~aT}~: |ket> Atta female~reverberationings], ~breatheings~¤ut re ~beginnings~ chideings...]





..."Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~ solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn exihstenceings;"

Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~...]

~10~ ~{5 ~6~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~10~ ~{5 ~soliton~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 12Jan2020.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2020-2040

~Fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~ ~increaseings~ ensembleings of uhs known as
heht people assa quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~enlightenedq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~
bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ cowithi
hn ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb
Moses name i
hn Qabala saying to uhs wæ should view selves assa evolutionaryq quantized ~livingsq~ beingsq
and they solitonically, synaptically i
hn agencyings of Aleph.1q arera sayings
give y¤u ~sempiternalq~ lifeq~deathq cyclings accordings ~fecund~ lifeq ~principl
to u
hs ~fecundlyq~ ~evolveingsq~ ¤ur life ~principleingsq~
waters of ¤ur sentient quantum~beingsq
accordings evolutionaryq metabolismings assur
eings ¤ur ~sempiternalq~ ~principleingsq~ of quantized ~livingsq~ re ~beginnings~
and he issi sayings abid
eings ~situationingsq~ and ~roleings~,
to better evolutionaryq ~livingsq~ of them
Moses name i
hn Qabala saying to uhs wæ should view selves assa evolutionaryq quantized ~livingsq~ beingsq,
what ?
assurance have wæ regardings ¤ur re ~beginnings~ of ¤ur ensembl
eings somaticq ~exihstenceingsq~ ~fecundlyq~ ~adhereingsq~ lifeq ~principleingsq~
hn ~enlightenmentings~
of my destruction of dialectic
hermaphroditic Atta~esque prob
eingsq re both exihstential and ~cosmic~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ re ~beginnings~
thoroughly ~breath
eings~¤ut re ~beginnings~ chideings
Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~ solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithi
hn ~exihstenceingsq~

Doug - 15Jan2020.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2020-2040

Retranslation of Exodus XVII:3

Doug - 15Jan2020.

Exodus XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some epic poetically altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






..."we acknowledge verily ~fecund~ exihstential biospheric ~structurationings~ all cowithihn Aleph.1;"

We acknowledge verily, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ fermionic ~structurationings~ material ~biosphereings~ cowithihn fount of lifeq ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~, ~fecund~ exihstential biospheric ~structurationings~ all cowithihn Aleph.1q...]

~6~ ~{10 ~90.40~ ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."all ~cosmically~ cowithihn Hær name assa Hær ~cosmic~ metabolismings cowithihn Hær cosmic ~biosphereings~ celestial womb;"

all ~cosmically~ cowithihn Hær name, assa Hær name assa Hær evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ cowithihn Hær ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb, assa Hær ~cosmic~ metabolismings cowithihn Hær cosmic ~biosphereings~ celestial womb...]





..."theht quantized ~livingsq~ ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihnitnessings Hær;"

theht quantized ~livingsq~ ~enlightenmentings~, assa quantized ~livingsq~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb, cowithihnitnessings Hær...]





..."for their evolutionaryq sake [i.e., ~Aamaleq~] of their ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn Hær;"

for their evolutionaryq sake [i.e., ~Aamaleq~], assa evolutionary ~metabolismings~ Valueings material ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ expectationings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~cosmic~biosphereings}~ celestial womb, of their ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn Hær...]

~30~ ~{40 ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This ~schema~,
to Doug,
hints of Aamaleq's presence,
usually ignored,
~among~ quantum~beingsq.

Socially positive dialecticians tend to deny:

o Aleph ihn blood,
o Presence of I
o Presence of Aamaleq,
o quantons(Yeshooaa,u
hs) [redundant 1st bullet],
o etc.

Paraphraseings Godel, "...all dialectical formulations in number theory include undecidable [Doug's bullets...] propositions."

Doug - 15Jan2020.





..."thus our ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~ evolveq S&R ~radically~ quantum comtext ~sensitiveq~ Hær ~cosmic~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ coobsfectings;"

thus our ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~ evolveq, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~experienceingsq~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings, S&R ~radically~ quantum comtext ~sensitiveq~ Hær ~cosmic~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~...]





..."theht people assa quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~enlightenedq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings;"

theht people, assa quantized ~livingsq~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb, assa quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~enlightenedq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~...]





..."their theht light metabolic issi shineings on sempiternally;"

their theht light metabolic issi, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ evolutionary ~metabolismings~, shineings on sempiternally...]





..."Moses name ihn Qabala saying to uhs wæ should view selves assa evolutionaryq quantized ~livingsq~ beings;"

Moses name ihn Qabala saying to uhs, assa material ~biosphereings~ origins of ~exihstenceingsq~ ~experienceingsq~ evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ of quantized ~livingsq~, wæ should view selves assa evolutionaryq quantized ~livingsq~ beingsq,...]

Moses' name ihn Qabala claims that he issi and we should view selves, |not mechanical|, rather quantized ~cosmic~metabolic ~livingsq~ ~biosphereings~.

Doug agrees.

Doug - 14Jan2020.





..."and he issi saying abideings ~situationingsq~ and roleings;"

and he issi sayings, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ attractorings fount of life ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~ ~whileq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ material ~biosphereings~ of multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings, abideings ~situationingsq~ and ~roleings~,...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{10 A}~ ~40.R~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Again, speakings bury Aleph.1q via emitted words.

Doug - 6Jan2020.





..."ask uhs regardings ¤ur quantum~uncertaintyingsq~ whatings happenings nextings ?;"

ask uhs regardings ¤ur quantum ~uncertaintyingsq~, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ of material ~biosphereings~ happenings their quantized ~livingsq~, whatings happenings nextings ?...]

Whatings happenings nextings?

Doug - 19Oct2019.





..."this issi Qabalic ~unlimitedq~ ~potentiaq~ of The Game of Life;"

this issi Qabalic ~unlimitedq~ ~potentiaq~, assa ~unlimitedq~potentiaq~ of quantized ~livingsq~, of The Game of Lifeq...]

Essence of Qabala assa Hay spelled~out:

Hay~Aleph~Yod: Qabala!

Doug - 25Oct2019.





..."reared accordings ¤ur evolutionaryq ~livingsq~ ~enlightenedq~ ~fecund~ re beginnings;"

reared accordings, assa vestigial Valueings quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ re ~beginnings~ attractionings obeisance ~reverberationalq~lifeq~principleingsq}~ reared by ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ and their prolific ~fecundationingsq~, ¤ur evolutionaryq ~livingsq~ ~enlightenedq~ ~fecund~ re ~beginnings~...]

~{5 ~ ~50}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Issi ~Aal~ a tell of ~Aamaleq~?

Why do their rearings n¤t apprise them of Aamaleq's evolutionaryq metabolic presence cowithihn them.

Doug ~thinks~ thaht ~Aamaleq~ wantneeds ¤ur gradual evolution to ~affectq~ uhs, and emerq ¤ur individual gnostic qua to find ¤ur inners, thus sus ~Aamaleq's~ presence cowithihn uhs.

To Doug, Aamaleq issi looking more and more like a redemptive serving of Yeshooaa's MIII Strategy.

It's deeper playings than that, however. Suares shows uhs how that quantons(Yahweh,(quantons(Aamaleq,quantons(Israel,uhs))) struggle issi ubiquitous and perpetual.

In a way, assa we must never forget Belimah a prefix of Elohim, we must never relinquish Aamaleq's perpetual ~evolutioningsq~ of uhs. Before that, though, we must re cognize Aamaleq's n¤n anthropomorphic impersonal quantons(said,unsaid) qwfal presence ~among~ uhs.

Doug - 15Jan2020.





..."from Egypt;"

from, assa ~divineq~ FOCHRS Valueings material ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ ~laseings~ ~whileq~ ~mirrorings~ ~synapticq~ Valueings ~{cav~...~pivotings~biosphereings~...~rev}~ ~coobsfectingsq~ fermionic ~structurationings~ ~among~ multiversal ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ of double expectationings ~cowithihn~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~biosphereings}~, Egypt,...]

~{40 ~{40}~ ~90.200.10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."to evoke metabolic quantized ~livingsq~ and dyings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ assa re beginnings;"

to evoke metabolic quantized ~livingsq~ and dyings, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ quantized ~livingsq~ Valueings material ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ dyings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ implyings expectationings permeable ~reverberationalq~cosmic~vital~impedanceings}~ re ~beginnings~, cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ assa re ~beginnings~...]

~30.5~ ~{40 ~10~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~30.5~ ~{exihstential dyings}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Observer how this ~schema~ says, "Metabolic quantized ~livingsq~ and dyings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ assa re ~beginnings~."

Doug - 15-16Jan2020.





..."~coobsfectingsq~ thoroughly me;"

~coobsfectingsq~, assa vestigial Valueings fount of life ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~encounterings~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ cowithihn attractionings ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~, thoroughly me...]

~{1 ~400~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."~fecund~ anabolic ~breatheings~¤ut ~evokeingsq~ complementary catabolic ~breatheings~ihn re beginnings;"

~fecund~ anabolic ~breatheings~¤ut, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ anabolic fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~encounterings~ permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ catabolic re ~beginnings~, ~evokeingsq~ complementary catabolic ~breatheings~ihn re ~beginnings~...]

Again, Doug reminds uhs that anabolic ~{Ath~ implies its catabolic complementq ~Tha}~: which PAM Dirac referred <bra | ket> nominally perceived assa, plausibly non-metabolic, Poisson Bracket.

How does one break that quantum~metabolic~oscillation?

Imagine one's heart stoppings: actuality's metabolic ~livingsq~dyings cycleings for that heart and its blood system cease. That issi NOT a formal mechanical system process. State-c bivalent 'logic' of Newton nor Einstein can explain quantum metabolic decomposition...

Recall Mae-wan's biophotonic, almost Kirlian, hyperbolic ramp emission at Drosophila's dyingq...

Without QR, especially QED, how can one explain, "smelling decomposition?" How do we smell ammonia? Sulfurous methane?

Can your AI smell? When might it need to? Did Boeing's cockpit AI deny metabolic evolution of QR's quantons(~air~,~gravity~)?

Doug - 16Jan2020.





..."progress comparative ~signatureings~ evolution cowithihn ¤ur somaticq ~exihstenceingsq~ accordings lifeq principleings;"

progress comparative ~signatureings~ evolution, assa spin 1/2 ~somaq~ ~signatureings~ evolution assessed via Gametria™ ~adhereingsq~ Game of Lifeq ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, cowithihn ¤ur ~exihstenceingsq~ accordings lifeq ~principleingsq~...]

~Somaq~ issi intrinsically Gametraic™.

~POSIT~ arera [nousq issi] intrinsically Gametraic™.

Doug - 11Jan2020.





..."~fecund~ anabolic ~breatheings~¤ut ~evokeingsq~ complementary catabolic ~breatheings~ihn re beginnings;"

~fecund~ anabolic ~breatheings~¤ut, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ anabolic fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~encounterings~ permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ catabolic re ~beginnings~, ~evokeingsq~ complementary catabolic ~breatheings~ihn re ~beginnings~...]





..."of my ~biosphereings~ and their ~vital~impetus destruction of dialectic cowithihn my exihstential lifeq~principleings;"

of my ~biosphereings~ and their, assa my material ~biosphereings~ Valueings ~{cavitational~cosmic~vital~impetus~ destruction of dialectic ~among~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~, ~vital~impetus destruction of dialectic cowithihn my exihstential lifeq~principleingsq~,...]

~40~ ~{100 ~50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

KIM: ~vital~impetus issi:

~fecund~ vicissitudinality
imperative spontaneity.

What arera your AI's "lifeq~principleingsq~." How does your AI emulate ~vital~impetus? What does destruction of dialectic ~mean~ ihn any mechanical, formal, objective system?

Self destruction, anyone?

Where will all dialecticians be middle and end of MIII?

Dialectic issi simply too expensive to system~responsibly tolerate much longer.

Doug - 16Jan2020.





..."and their somaticq re ~structurationings~ of my ~biosphereings~ cowithihn Aleph.1;"

and their somaticq re ~structurationings~, assa , spin 1/2~somaq~ ~returningsq~ fermionic ~structurationings~ material ~biosphereings~ to fount of lifeq ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~, of my ~biosphereings~ cowithihn Aleph.1q...]

~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~B.90.40.a~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Somatic re ~structurationings~ of one's ~biosphereings~ cowithihn Aleph.1q." ~Note~ that metabolismq issi implied.

Doug - 15-16Jan2020.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2020-2040

We acknowledge verily ~fecund~ exihstential biospheric structurationings all cowithihn Aleph.1q
all ~cosmically~ cowithi
hn Hær name assa Hær ~cosmic~ metabolismings cowithihn Hær ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~ celestial womb
heht quantized ~livingsq~ ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihnitnessings Hær
for their evolutionaryq sake [i.e., ~Aamaleq~] of their ~exi
hstenceingsq~ cowithihn Hær
thus our ~fecund~ ~exi
hstenceingsq~ evolveq S&R ~radically~ quantum comtext ~sensitiveq~ Hær ~cosmic~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~
heht people assa quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~enlightenedq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~
their t
heht light metabolic
issi shineings on sempiternally
Moses name i
hn Qabala saying to uhs wæ should view selves assa evolutionary quantized ~livingsq~ beingsq
and he issi sayings, abid
eings ~situationingsq~ and ~roleings~,
ask u
hs regardings ¤ur quantum ~uncertaintyingsq~ whatings happenings nextings ?
issi Qabalic ~unlimitedq~ ~potentiaq~ of The Game of Lifeq
reared accordings ¤ur evolutionaryq ~livingsq~ ~enlightenedq~ ~fecund~ re ~beginnings~
from Egypt
to evoke metabolic quantized ~livingsq~ and dyings cowithi
hn ~exihstenceingsq~ assa re ~beginnings~
~coobsfectingsq~ thoroughly me
~fecund~ anabolic ~breath
eings~¤ut ~evokeingsq~ complementary catabolic ~breatheings~ihn re ~beginnings~
progress comparative ~signatur
eings~ evolution cowithihn ¤ur ~exihstenceingsq~ accordings lifeq ~principleingsq~
~fecund~ anabolic ~breath
eings~¤ut ~evokeingsq~ complementary catabolic ~breatheings~ihn re ~beginnings~
of my ~biospher
eings~ and their ~vital~impetus destruction of dialectic cowithihn my exihstential lifeq~principleingsq~
and their somatic re ~structurationings~ of my ~biospher
eings~ cowithihn Aleph.1q.

Doug - 16Jan2020.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2020-2040

Retranslation of Exodus XVII:4

Doug - 16Jan2020.

Exodus XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered epic poetically by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






..."a ~fecund~ carpe undular exaltationq of fermionic ~structurationings~ via ~hologralq~ ~enlightenmentings~ ~accomplishings~ destruction of dialectic;"

A ~fecund~ carpe undular exaltationq, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ carpe undulaq Valueings ~exaltationingsq~ ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn fermionic ~structurationings~ hologramic bosonic QED~enlightenmentings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ expectationings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq}~ destruction of dialectic, of fermionic ~structurationings~ via ~hologralq~ ~enlightenmentings~ ~accomplishings~ destruction of dialectic...]

~6~ ~{10 ~90.70~ ~100}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{10~ ~structured~enlightenmentings~ ~100}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{10~ ~hologram~ ~100}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

To any dialectical mind, it absurdly appears that Nature issi rolling dice and playing stochasticq games with their minds. So they, in futility, cry and complain, "|We| wantneed nature to follow our rules..." |We| |govern| |reality|, |not| nature.

Sounds like a dumbass PCtarded AGW |socialist|, yæs?

S~hæ [Nature] issi rolling dice and playing Qabala's metabolic stochastic qwfal [~metabolicallyq~ competitive] games! Einstein fubarred big time.


"On this account which holds forever men prove uncomprehending, both before hearing it and when first they have heard it." [B 1] (Diels Kranz B-Texts)


"For that reason you must follow what is common. But although the account is common, most men live as though they had an understanding of their own." [B 2] Ibid.

Doug - 16Jan2020.





..."evoked via Moses name ihn Qabala saying to uhs wæ should view selves assa evolutionaryq quantized ~livingsq~ beingsq free of dialectic;"

evoked via Moses name ihn Qabala saying to uhs, assa material ~biosphereings~ origins of ~exihstenceingsq~ ~experienceingsq~ evolutionaryq ~cosmic~metabolismings~ of quantized ~livingsq~, wæ should view selves assa evolutionaryq quantized ~livingsq~ beingsq free of dialectic,...]

Moses' name ihn Qabala claims that he issi and we should view selves, |not mechanical|, rather quantized ~cosmic~metabolic ~livingsq~ ~biosphereings~.

Doug agrees.

Doug - 14Jan2020.





..."to fount of lifeq ihnciteings evolutionaryq metabolismings of both anabolisis and catabolisis assa Heraclitean One quantum coherenceings;"

to fount of lifeq inciteings evolutionaryq metabolismings, assa ~Aleph.1q~ ihnciteings ~metabolismings~, of both anabolisis and catabolisis assa Heraclitean One quantum ~coherenceingsq~...]





..."Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~ solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn exihstenceings;"

Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~...]

~10~ ~{5 ~6~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~10~ ~{5 ~soliton~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Yahweh means, "Yod ~livingsq~, ~fecund~ ~livingsq~."

Compare Mosheh's Qabala, "Aleph ~livingsq~, Yod ~livingsq~."

Doug - 16Jan2020.





..."to be sayings arera metabolic material antinomial Alephic apoptoseings;"

to be sayings arera metabolic material, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~evokeingsq~ fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~cowithihn~ material ~biosphereings~ ~experienceingsq~ ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ decoherent ~fluxings~ assa, antinomial Alephic apoptoseings...]





..."what ?;"

what, assa what material ~biosphereings~ remain quantized ~livingsq~, ?...]

This is like asking, "What is life?"

~Terets~: "Fermionic biospheres of ~livingsq~ quanta."

Doug - 16Jan2020.





..."I [Mosheh] shall be do~dueings;"

I [Mosheh] shall, assa what your messenger, our fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~evokeingsq~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ wisdomings evolutionaryq ~cosmic~metabolismings~ of my quantized ~livingsq~ auturges me to, be do~dueings...]

"Alephic ~enlightenmentings~ ~metabolicallyq~ enfoldings ~holograllyq~ all ihn all ~among~ ~livingsq~." Biblically, "...mixings all things ihn all things..."

Doug - 13Nov2019.





..."via evolutionaryq metabolismings with people of Hær;"

via evolutionaryq metabolismings, assa evolutionary ~metabolismings~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihn ~comic~biosphereings~ celestial womb, with people of Hær...]

"Metabolismings of people with and ihn Hær..."





..."~unlimitedq~ quantized solitonic ~livingsq~ ~potentiaq~ of vestigial quantons(~mind~,~body~);"

~unlimitedq~ quantized solitonic ~livingsq~ potential, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS quantized solitonic ~{~{cavitational~livingsq~ ~laseings~ ~synapticq~ ~unlimitedq~potentiaq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~}~, of vestigial quantons(~mind~,~body~)...]

A Simple View of Mind~Body Nexi

~{~{5 ~7~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{5~ soliton ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

For example: ~{~{living~mind~ ~7~ ~living~body}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~.

To fully grasp coquecigrues of this ~schema~ wæ can use Doug's Gametria™.

Allow Doug to use assa an antenna.

Ponder ~unlimitedq~ ~potentiaq~ of ~mind~body~.

How does that work?

~Unlimitedq~ ~nexi~ of cerebellum's nine thought lobes [~includeings~ corpus callosum assa predominately nexial lobe] and cerebrum's single ~mind~body~ motor lobe ~cowithihn~ quantons(~mind~,~body~).

Keep ihn mind: Doug assumes all of this may be viewed assa QED fluxodynamic metabolic high computational density system.

Now view Doug's very exegetic comma~nospace like this:

~neuronal~ ~axons~ ~synapses~ ~neuronal~ ~dendrites~

Ponder ~possibilityingsq~ for many of those
hn parallel and serial ~interrelationshipings~ with
one another...

Where does phasicity play a huge role here?
Ponder sema of entanglement(~presence~,~absence~) and
quantum~partialings of those.

When does kick ihn? Why does matter?

View ~synapses~ assa unbounded
~ethereal~ ~adiabatic~ ~nexi~.

View ~axons~ assa quantized [QED]
~phoxonic~ nearly ~adiabatic~ wayve~guides.

Thinkq of Josephson junction re Doug's "nearly adiabatic." Read all of that...

That view issi quantum. Mechanics' venue, purchase, and rend are banished as infantile and inutile...forever. Mechanics is just an old and worn out mantra.

A Simple View of Mind~Body Nexi

Doug's narrative above may help you grasp why a few rat brain ~neurons~ could successfully assist running a YF-22 flight simulator...

Doug - 19Feb,16Mar2019;2,13Aug2019,23Sep2019, 8Jan2020.





..."repeating, again their wisdom of an emphasis to destroy dialectic;"

repeatings again their wisdom of, assa their feminineq wisdom of bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~gate~wayveings~ Atbash antinomial destruction of dialectic, an emphasis to destroy dialectic,...]





..."biospheric ~enlightenmentings~ of feminineq pre~ensembleings ~cellularizationingsq~ smallnessings;"

biospheric ~enlightenmentings~, assa material ~biosphereings~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ pre~fermionic ~cellularizationingsq~, of feminine pre~ensembleings ~cellularizationingsq~ smallnessings...]

This ~schema~ appears as a material view of an immaterial photon.

Classical dialectical minds tend to do that.

Read Story of Spin., Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, UChicagoP, 1997.

Tomonaga shows uhs there arera two spin classes ihn QR:

Bose stochasticq Alephicq~coherent immaterial bosonic,
Fermi stochasticq Bayt~decoherent material fermionic.

Gametral HotMeme
"Gametra™ simply will not work without Bayt's antinomial~decoherent Mobius ~enabl
eingsq~ of quantum~comsciousnessings."™

Both arera quantum~metabolic~evolutionaryq ~Ab~, ~Ba~, and ~AbbA~ memesets.

Again, ponder Hohlraum.

Like must read Tomonaga over and over and over...

Skim at first. Choose fav terms. Dig deeply each of those. Let your quantum~stage ~holograllyq~ cohere all of that...feed your mind quantons and it will do ~hologralq~ hermeneutics for you. Be amazed!

Be quantum you!

Doug - 16Jan2020.





..."regardless Hær hermaphrodicityings evokeings destruction of dialectic ~among~ all metabolic lifeq~principleingsq~ cowithihn exihstenceings;"

regardless Hær hermaphrodicityings evokeings destruction of dialectic, assa vestigial Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ hermaphroditic attractionings prolific reproductive ~reverberationalq~feminineq~fecundationingsq}~ Valueings ~{cavitational~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ destruction of dialectic ~among~ all ~metabolismings~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ attractionings ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~, ~among~ all metabolic lifeq~principleingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~...]

~{6 60}~ ~{100 ~30.50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Key epic poetic memesets here:

Hær hermaphrodicityings
destruction of dialectic
all metabolic lifeq~principl

To Doug, this issi what SoD symbolizes, thus this ~schema~ begs a stone~ic entendre.

Compare sapphire and Saklani [Sakal, Sekel, etc.]. It appears to Doug that dialectic may be ~experienceingsq~ its own "stoneing." SoD should be hermaphroditically destroying dialectic. Opine.

Doug - 16Jan2020.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2020-2040

A ~fecund~ carpe undular exaltationq of fermionic ~structurationings~ via ~hologralq~ ~enlightenmentings~ ~accomplishings~ destruction of dialectic
evoked via Moses name i
hn Qabala saying to uhs wæ should view selves assa evolutionaryq quantized ~livingsq~ beingsq free of dialectic,
to fount of lifeq incit
eings evolutionaryq metabolismings of both anabolisis and catabolisis assa Heraclitean One quantum ~coherenceingsq~
Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~ solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithi
hn ~exihstenceingsq~
to be sayings arera metabolic material
antinomial Alephicq apoptoseings
I [Mosheh] shall be do~dueings
via evolutionaryq metabolismings with people of
~unlimitedq~ quantized solitonic ~livingsq~ potential of vestigial quantons(~mind~,~body~)

*** Humanity's Mission ***

repeatings again their wisdom of an emphasis to destroy dialectic,

*** Humanity's Mission ***

biospheric ~enlightenmentings~ of feminineq pre~ensembleings ~cellularizationingsq~ smallnessings
regardless Hær hermaphrodicityings ~evok
eingsq~ destruction of dialectic ~among~ all metabolic lifeq~principleingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~

Doug - 16Jan2020.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2020-2040

Retranslation of Exodus XVII:5

Doug - 16Jan2020.

Exodus XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered epic poetically by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






..."and he issi saying abideings ~situationingsq~ and roleings;"

And he issi sayings, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ attractorings fount of life ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~ ~whileq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ material ~biosphereings~ of multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings, abideings ~situationingsq~ and ~roleings~,...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{10 A}~ ~40.R~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Again, speakings bury Aleph.1q via emitted words.

Doug - 6Jan2020.





..."Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~ solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn exihstenceings;"

Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~...]

~10~ ~{5 ~6~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~10~ ~{5 ~soliton~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 12Jan2020.





..."to fount of lifeq ihnciteings evolutionaryq metabolismings of both anabolisis and catabolisis assa Heraclitean One quantum coherenceings;"

to fount of lifeq inciteings evolutionaryq metabolismings, assa ~Aleph.1q~ ihnciteings ~metabolismings~, of both anabolisis and catabolisis assa Heraclitean One quantum ~coherenceingsq~...]





..."Moses name ihn Qabala saying to uhs wæ should view selves assa evolutionaryq quantized ~livingsq~ beings;"

Moses name ihn Qabala saying to uhs, assa material ~biosphereings~ origins of ~exihstenceingsq~ ~experienceingsq~ evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ of quantized ~livingsq~, wæ should view selves assa evolutionaryq quantized ~livingsq~ beingsq,...]

Moses' name ihn Qabala claims that he issi and we should view selves, |not mechanical|, rather quantized ~cosmic~metabolic ~livingsq~ ~biosphereings~.

Doug agrees.

Doug - 14Jan2020.





..."came passing by, his somaticq light like an creative aureola;"

came passing by, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ vestigial Valueings spin 1/2 ~{cavitational~somaq~ expectationings ensembleings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~, his somaticq light like an creative aureola...]

~70~ ~{2 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Also ponder, "~Enlightenmentings~ spin 1/2 fermionic creationings."

Again, memesets of Hohlraum.


~1~ ~{2 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Alephic spin 1/2 fermionic creationings."

Doug - 16Jan2020.





..."quantum a priori with obeisanceings to them;"

quantum a priori, assa evolutionary ~metabolismings~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ before and ihn face of obeisance to their ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, with obeisanceings to them...]





..."theht people assa quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~enlightenedq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings;"

theht people, assa quantized ~livingsq~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb, assa quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~enlightenedq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~,...]





..."and you ! be takeings ~spiritualq~ ~energyings~ free of dialectic;"

and you !, assa Valueings cowithihn your ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ expectationings ~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq}~ destruction of dialectic ~affectingsq~ ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~, be takeings,...]

~{10 100}~ ~8~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."thoroughly with you;"

thoroughly, assa fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ re ~beginnings~ of fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, with you...]





..."from old ones of;"

from, assa material ~biosphereings~ old ones ~unlimitedq~potentiaq~ of Valueings Qaheen~like ~{cavitational~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ Qabalaesque destruction of dialectic and ~adhereingsq~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ attractorings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~, old ones of...]

~40.7~ ~{100 ~50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Let's ostense our proxy tactic here too:

~40.7~ ~{1 ~5~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~40.7~ ~{Qabala's Game of Lifeq}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Old ones" memeset carries a bundle of enigma, biblically.

One mimeset exemplar issi "Laughter of theht gods..."

Why does wisdom laugh at us mortals?

Doug Gnostically assesses our extreme, predominately masculine, immaturity ~accomplishings~ Humanity's Mission.

Dialectic issi humanity's Great Abomination.

"Composition of a tragedy requires testicles." Voltaire

Can U C~Carpe Undulaq?

Seize omnitorable comscious~signatureings: Gametraically™.

Doug - 26Nov2019.





..."Israel ~struggleings~ with g¤d;"

Israel, assa Valueings ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ ~overlapq~entangleingsq~ Valueings evolutionary ~{~{cosmic~metabolismings~ ~straddleings~ quantum~assessmentings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ attractorings fount of life resurrectionings of ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~ attractionings ~reverberationalq~metabolismings}~, ~struggleings~ with g¤d,...]

~{10 ~{~{300 200}~ ~1}~ ~30}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Take ihnto account this struggle ihncludeings;

Yahweh's struggle with Mosheh,
Mosheh's struggle with Aamaleq.
our struggle with Aamaleq, Yahweh, and Mosheh,

with Mosheh beingq marginalized and Yahweh incarnate assa ~Qinaut~.

Doug - 16Jan2020.





..."and rod of you;"

and rod, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ material ~biosphereings~ of pre fermionic ~cellularizationingsq~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, of you...]

~Note~ that ~rod~ issi ~Mot~.

Here we have a comtraction assa Mem~Tayt, without a Waw infix.

Doug - 16Jan2020.





..."which quantum assessmentings via tentative temporal Alephic apoptosis reveal;"

which quantum~assessmentings, assa fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q's~ ~straddleings~ evolutionary ~{cavitational~cosmic~metabolismings~ of multiversal ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ supportings, via tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis reveal,...]

~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~A~ ~{300 R}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Asher Apoptoses, Israel Resurrectings

Time off, time on, time off, time on...

Planck's time issi ¤n ¤ur side~ings...

Compare Esher: ~1.300.200~: ~clock~ off,
Compare Shyrae: ~300.200.1~: ~clock~ on.

Songings of Aleph.1q...

"Leefney Ha Sheray Havayah Yeleed," "...turn Planck's Clock ON!"

Proemial Nascence

Does ~Belimah~ make more sense n¤wings...?

"Without what?" Without Planck's Clock On!

Qabala Quantum~Assesses Qabala

Doug - 4Sep2019





..."you smote;"

you, assa quantized ~fecundationingsq~ fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~encounterings~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ re ~beginnings~, smote...]





..."ihn him;"

ihn, assa Gametraic™ spin 1/2 ~somaqq ~coobsfectingsq~ his wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ of, him...]





..."thoroughly ~breatheings~¤ut re ~beginnings~ chideings;"

thoroughly, assa [<bra|:~{At~ ==> male~cavitationings] fount of life ~Aleph.1q~ ~encounterings~ permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ re ~beginnings~ [via <== ~aT}~: |ket> Atta female~reverberationings], ~breatheings~¤ut re ~beginnings~ chideings...]





..."quantized ~livingsq~ of quantons(Yod,Aleph.1q) cowithihn plenary river [Nile] ensembleings of ~cosmic~ emerqancyings;"

quantized ~livingsq~ of quantons(Yod,Aleph.1q), assa quantized ~livingsq~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn attractorings fount of life ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~ ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ plenary, cowithihn plenary river [Nile] ensembleings of cosmic emerqancyingsq...]

~5~ ~{10 1}~ ~200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

River: ~Nahar~.


Serpent: ~Nahhash~.

Notice how a serpent can channel high energy ~spiritualq~ life ~principleingsq~ ~cosmic~metabolicallyq~. Garden of Eden: Adam coinsideings Aleph.1q.

Doug - 16Jan2020.





..."take you !;"

take, assa ~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~, you !...]





..."ihn hand of you;"

ihn hand, assa vestigial Valueings spin 1/2 ~{cavitational~somaq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~gate~wayveings~ Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic expectationings ~among~ ensembleings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ ~holograllyq~, of you,...]

The Big Quantum But

~{2 ~10.4~ ~200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{2 ~exaltedly~create~ ~200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{2 ~DoD~ihn~exihstenceingsq~ ~200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

. . .

DoD: destruction of dialectic.

Note: hand issi hologramic.

Its somaticq spin 1/2 vestige issi fermionic primal: holographic.


Holograph issi to genome [vestigial]
hologram issi to phenome [actual].

Holograph to hologram: exaltationq.

Genome to phenome: exaltationq.

Projected issi vestigial (~cosmic~ energy of absolute change AKA ~vital~impetus: often referred crudely assa scalar 'momentum').

Projection issi ~Yod~ ~actualityings~ perceived: flux ensembleings materially.

Classical dialectical analytic mind says, "Yod issi all there is. Yod IS |reality|: |classical reality|: CR."

The BIG quantum but:

Projected: vestigial ¤.

Projection: perceived o.

But, but, but,..., o issi ~emerqant~ metabolic ensembleings quantons(~ana~,~cata~) of quanta ~.

"Mama got a whole lot~{ta~ back..."

The Big Quantum But

Doug - 17Jan2020.





..."and ~fecundlyq~ quantized ~livingsq~ of you ~metabolicallyq~ ~grailingsq~ go;"

and ~fecundlyq~ quantized ~livingsq~ of you, assa and wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ quantized ~livingsq~ you evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ go fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings ~compenetrateings~ wholly permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~, ~metabolicallyq~ ~grailingsq~ go...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2020-2040

And he issi sayings, abideings ~situationingsq~ and ~roleings~,
Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~ solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithi
hn ~exihstenceingsq~
to fount of lifeq incit
eings evolutionary metabolismings
, of both anabolisis and catabolisis assa Heraclitean One quantum ~coherenceingsq~
Moses name i
hn Qabala saying to uhs wæ should view selves assa evolutionaryq quantized ~livingsq~ beingsq
came passing by his somaticq
Light like an creative aureola
quantum a priori
with obeisanceings to them
heht people assa quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~enlightenedq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~
and you ! -- be takeings,
thoroughly with you
from old ones of
Israel struggl
eings with g¤d,

and rod of you

*** Doug asks you to view ~rod~ assa ~fecund~ ensembleings destroyer of dialectic. ***

which quantum~assessmentings via tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis reveal,
you smote
hn him
thoroughly ~breath
eings~¤ut re ~beginnings~ chideings
quantized ~livingsq~ of quantons(Yod,Aleph.1q) cowithi
hn plenary river [Nile] ensembleings of ~cosmic~ emerqancyingsq
take you
hn hand of you,
and ~fecundlyq~ quantized ~livingsq~ of you ~metabolicallyq~ ~grailingsq~ go.

Doug - 17Jan2020.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2020-2040

Retranslation of Exodus XVII:6

Doug - 17Jan2020.

Exodus XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered epic poetically by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






..."behold me !;"

Behold, assa vestigial Valueings quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ attractionings ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic ~{~{cavitational~lifeq~principleingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~lifeq~principleingsq}~}~}~ of ~divineq~ ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, me !...]

~{5 ~{~{50 50}~}~}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

FOCHRS: Fractal, ~Omnilateral~, Coherent, ~Hologral~, ~Recursioningsq~, ~Synapses~.

This ~schema~, too, has much to do with Lorenz~relevant detail omniscribed ihn Comcisionings:

Epigenomic Essence of AReRA

Behold! My epigenomics.

That link's Comcisionings arera crucial to metabolic ~understandings~ of Aleph.1q cowithihn uhs.

Doug - 13Jun2018, 6Jul2019,7Aug2019,17Jan2020.





..."he stood;"

he, assa ~cowithihn~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ affording Valueings material ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ origins of ~exihstenceingsq~ ~glimmerings~ attractorings ~reverberationalq~gate~wayveings}~ Atbash antinomial destruction of dialectic, stood...]

~70~ ~{40 4}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Dam: blood.
Mad: "~enlightenedq~ height" assa standings.

Doug - 17Jan2020.





..."to prior faces of you;"

to a prior faces, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ Valueings abideings ~{cavitational~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ ~cowithihn~ ~exihstenceingsq~ expectationings fermionic ~reverberationalq~cosmic~grailingsq}~ Mobius twistings, of you, ...]

~30.80~ ~{50 ~10~ ~500}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Said grail issi important to give a fermionic twist to whatever so that it becomes Gametraically™ assessable, thus offeringsq a ~qMI~ meaningful ~signatureings~.

qMI: quantum~Metabolic Intelligence.

Doug - 17Jan2020.





..."there a ~hologralq~ place of Qabalic~name Shem;"

there, assa evolutionaryq ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~cowithihn~ quantons(atemporal,temporal) ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb, a ~hologralq~ place of Qabalic~name Shem...]





..."their theht light metabolic issi shineings on sempiternally;"

their theht light metabolic issi, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~, shineings on sempiternally...]





..."~coobsfectingsq~ ~livingsq~ ~fecund~ fermionic ~structurationings~ plenary ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyings;"

~coobsfectingsq~ ~livingsq~ ~fecund~, assa quantized ~livingsq~ fermionic ~structurationings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~among~ ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ plenary comstitua, fermionic ~structurationings~ plenary ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq...]

Webster's 'rock' issi Sammekh~Lammed~Ayn.

Webster's Tsoor [Tsadde~Waw~Raysh] issi a mutable form, an emerqancyingsq capable of self~other evolution.

Suares appears to ~relateq~ this 'rock' assa hermaphroditic, sapphire, SoD Gametraic™. Quantum~generically, "~Livingsq~ ~fecund~ fermionic ~structurationings~ plenary ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq."

Doug - 17Jan2020.





..."ihn Horeb, a place of coherent ~hologralq~ spiritq cowithihn and ~among~ ensemble somaticq emerqancyings;"

ihn Horeb, a place of coherent ~hologralq~ spiritq, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHR spin 1/2 soliton ~{cavitational~somaq~ ~laseings~ ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ ~among~ ensembleings ~{cav~...~pivotings~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~...~rev}~ plenary ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~somaq}~, cowithihn and ~among~ ensemble somaticq emerqancyingsq,...]

~{2 ~8~ ~{200}~ ~2}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Compare ~{2 ~100~ ~{200}~ ~2}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ ihn word 17 of verse 7 of this page.

Doug - 17Jan2020.





..."and you smite grail~alterings ~livingsq~ shapeings;"

and you smite, assa ~fecundationingsq~ quantized ~livingsq~ fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~encounterings~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ re ~beginnings~, grail~alterings ~livingsq~ shapeings...]





..."ihn exaltedq creationings of ~fecund~ ~structurationings~ ~among~ ensemble somaticq emerqancyings;"

ihn exaltedq creationings, assa vestigial Valueings spin 1/2 ~{cavitational~somaq~ fermionic ~structurationings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~among~ expectationings ensembleings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ plenary comstitua, of ~fecund~ ~structurationings~ ~among~ ensemble somaticq emerqancyingsq,...]

~{2 ~90.6~ ~200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."and they ~holograllyq~, coherently come forth middle~includeings Aleph.1q their ~fecund~ material selves;"

and they ~holograllyq~, coherently come forth, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHR coherent wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~laseings~ Valueings ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ fermionic ~structurationings~ coinside attractorings ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~, middle~includeings Aleph.1q their ~fecund~ material selves...]

An Gametraic Ogdoad

~{6 ~{10 ~90~ ~1}~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~soliton~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~{reverberant Aleph.1q coinside spin 1/2 ~exihstenceingsq}~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

They of uhs came out middle~ihncludeings~ fount of lifeq's structural ~Yod~ emissaries.

. . .



~2.1~: comeings
~1.2~: goings.

Comeings and goings arera cavitational AEFings shown ~antinomiallyq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~.

Comeings require metabolic ~breatheings~.

Goings require metabolic ~breatheings~.

Amazing, eh?

[Systemic Success:] Gametra™, withihn Gametra™, withihn Gametra™...

Ponder ~1.2~ assa ~{1 ~{1}~ ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{Aleph.l ~{1}~ Alephicq spin 1/2 Higgs soliton ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Classical |science| has naught that to offer uhs.

Quantum~Scihæce gives uhs QCS™ qwfal Game of Lifeq allegories of all ~QR~.

. . .

Ever looked at a human brain assa system success ogdoatic exemplar?


Comma~Nospace assa quasi~adiabatic full~duplex Angstrom wayve~length corpus callosum.

An Gametraic Ogdoad

Doug - 17Jan2020.





..."from him, his ~divinity~ of always youthful ~Mem~ assureings~vouchsafeings origins of ~fecund~ lifeq principled exihstenceings;"

from him, his ~divinity~ of always youthful ~Mem~, assa ~divineq~ FOCHRS coherent solitonic ~Mem~ ~{~{cavitational~biosphereings~ ~laseings~ ~synapses~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~biosphereings}~}~ assureings origins of ~exihstenceingsq~ ~adhereingsq~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and peaceings prolific ~fecundationingsq~, assureings~vouchsafeings origins of ~fecund~ lifeq principled ~exihstenceingsq~...]

~{~{40 40}~}~ ~50.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{Mem~ ~solitonic~ ~Mem}~}~ ~50.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

That ~divineq~ cavity QCS™ expresses ~Mem~ assa origins of ~exihstenceingsq~ ihn its natural coherent solitonicityings.

There is a forensic issue here though...

Do we express Mem assa ~40.40~...

Do we express Mem assa ~40.600~?


Guess: if Mem does not occur at end of a script [whatever that means since no script has any classically objective ending...use Mem.

I think that makes it OK to just use ~40~ for Mem in situationsq like this one.

But that brings up an even bigger forensic issue: Why finals?

Well, we have at least one answer:

To compare Adam immature vav Adam mature.

But does that apply in general to other finals?

Most of finals omniscriminate actuality vav cosmos: n¤ end is ever implied. Keep in mind maturity issi like that too.

Doug - 17Jan2020.





..."waters of ¤ur sentient quantum~beings;"

waters, assa Valueings ¤ur quantum~beings ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ expectationings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~cosmic~biosphereings}~ celestial womb, of ¤ur sentient quantum~beingsq...]

~{40 ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Wæ quantum~beingsq arera too ~intelligent~ to be duped by rote tote hive drone running on dialectical y=f(t) automatic AI |socialist-retards|:

To Blindly See

Doug - 13Jan2020.





..."evolutionary metabolismings assureings ¤ur ~sempiternalq~ quantized ~livingsq~ re beginnings;"

evolutionary metabolismings, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ evolutionaryq ~cosmic~metabolismings~ wholly permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ re ~beginnings~ of ¤ur quantized ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, assureings ¤ur ~sempiternalq~ quantized ~livingsq~ re ~beginnings~,...]





..."theht quantized ~livingsq~ ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihnitnessings Hær;"

theht quantized ~livingsq~ ~enlightenmentings~, assa quantized ~livingsq~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb, cowithihnitnessings Hær...]





..."and with that accomplishment ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~ ~experienceingq~ great ~enlightenedq~ wisdomingsq borne of ~cosmic~ evolution;"

and with that accomplishment, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ evolutionary ~cosmic~biosphereings~, ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~ experienceing great ~enlightenedq~ wisdomingsq borne of ~cosmic~ evolution...]





..."so and persistently;"

so, assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings still and yet abide ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~, and persistently...]





..."Moses name ihn Qabala saying to uhs wæ should view selves assa evolutionaryq quantized ~livingsq~ beings;"

Moses name ihn Qabala saying to uhs, assa material ~biosphereings~ origins of ~exihstenceingsq~ ~experienceingsq~ evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ of quantized ~livingsq~, wæ should view selves assa evolutionaryq quantized ~livingsq~ beingsq,...]

Moses' name ihn Qabala claims that he issi and we should view selves, |not mechanical|, rather quantized ~cosmic~metabolic ~livingsq~ ~biosphereings~.

Doug agrees.

Doug - 14Jan2020.





..."~metabolicallyq~ ad occulos, made lucid evolution via ~enlightenmentings~ of solitonic lifeq principleings;"

~metabolicallyq~ ad occulos, made lucid, assa evolutionary ~metabolismings~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic cowithihnitnessings ~{~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ accordings ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~}~, evolution via quantum electro dynamic spin 1 ~enlightenmentings~ qwfal~ings of multiverseings general solitonic lifeq ~principleingsq~...]

~30.70~ ~{~{10 ~50~ ~10}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~30.70~ ~{~{10 ~soliton~ ~10}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 17Jan2020.





..."~unlimitedq~ ~potentiaq~ of Qaheenesque old ones;"

~unlimitedq~ ~potentiaq~, assa ~unlimitedq~potentiaq~ of Qaheenesque Valueings ~{cavitational~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ destruction of dialectic accordings ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~, of Qaheenesque old ones...]

~7~ ~{100 ~50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."Israel ~struggleings~ with g¤d;"

Israel, assa Valueings ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ ~overlapq~entangleingsq~ Valueings evolutionary ~{~{cosmic~metabolismings~ ~straddleings~ quantum~assessmentings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ attractorings fount of life resurrectionings of ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~ attractionings ~reverberationalq~metabolismings}~, ~struggleings~ with g¤d,...]

~{10 ~{~{300 200}~ ~1}~ ~30}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2020-2040

Behold me !
he stood
to prior faces of you
there a ~hologralq~ place of Qabalic~name Shem
their t
heht light metabolic issi shineings on sempiternally
~coobsfectingsq~ ~livingsq~ ~fecund~ fermionic ~structurationings~ plenary ensembl
eings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq
hn Horeb, a place of coherent ~hologralq~ spiritq cowithihn and ~among~ ensemble somatic emerqancyingsq
and you smite grail~alterings ~livingsq~ shapeings
hn exaltedq creationings of ~fecund~ structurationings ~among~ ensemble somaticq emerqancyingsq,
and they ~holograllyq~, coherently come forth middle~includ
eings~ Aleph.1q their ~fecund~ material selves
from him, his ~divinity~ of always youthful ~Mem~ assur
eings~vouchsafeings origins of ~fecund~ life principled ~exihstenceingsq~
waters of ¤ur sentient quantum~beingsq
evolutionaryq metabolismings assur
eings ¤ur ~sempiternalq~ quantized ~livingsq~ re ~beginnings~
heht quantized ~livingsq~ ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihnitnessings Hær
and with that accomplishment ~fecund~ ~exi
hstenceingsq~ ~experienceingq~ great ~enlightenedq~ wisdomingsq
borne of cosmic evolution
so and persistently
Moses name i
hn Qabala saying to uhs wæ should view selves assa evolutionaryq quantized ~livingsq~ beingsq,
~metabolicallyq~ ad occulos, made lucid evolution via quantum electro dynamic spin 1 ~enlightenmentings~ qwfal~ings of multivers
eings general solitonic lifeq ~principleingsq~
~unlimitedq~ ~potentiaq~ of Qaheenesque old ones
Israel ~struggl
eings~ with g¤d

Doug - 17Jan2020.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2020-2040

Retranslation of Exodus XVII:7

Doug - 18Jan2020.

Exodus XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered epic poetically by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






..."and he issi callings;"

And he issi, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ expectationings Valueings ~{cav~...~pivotings~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ ...~rev}~ destruction of dialectic ~cowithihn~ universal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings attractorings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~, callings...]

~6~ ~{10 ~{100}~ ~200~ ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Refer this prior opus by Doug.

This ~schema~ has deep, deep sema across a broad linguistic spectrum.

Doug - 19Mar2019,4Aug2019.





..."theht ~hologralq~ evolutionaryq Qabalic name;"

theht ~hologralq~, assa evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~cowithihn~ quantons(atemporal,temporal) ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb, evolutionary Qabalic name...]





..."~livingsq~ quantons(~cosmic~,~existentialq~) ~biosphereings~ ~hologralq~ places of ~fecund~ dialectical destruction;"

~livingsq~ quantons(~cosmic~,~existentialq~) ~biosphereings~ ~hologralq~ places, assa quantized ~livingsq~ Valueings material ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ ~cosmic~vital~impetus~ destruction of dialectic ~overlapq~ ~nestingsq~ Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ copulative double expectationings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~cosmic~biosphereings}~}~, of ~fecund~ dialectical destruction...]

~5~ ~{40 ~100~ ~{6 600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Don't forget

genus two metabolic quanta with vertical tilde

Ponder quantum~hologralq~ thesauri ostenseings of:

o imperative~spontaneity: flux absolute ~changeings~,...
o ~fecund~vicissitudinality: flux copulation~uncertaintyingsq~,...

. . .

Now thinkq of global warming [LOL] assa ~radically~ quantum stochasticallyq uncertain, rqsu: formal predication verboten.

Memesets of some earth quantum affective weathers:

cosmic radiation
~cosmic~ gravity
~livingsq~' population memeset logistics [biomassagenics]

Doug has observed how Atlantic hurricane ~patterns~ have visibly shifted east during this most recent summer~fall. To Doug, that issi a quantum~metabolic tell of ~evolveingsq core weather global influence. No one else of whom Doug is aware is even mentioning north pole ~pattern~ 60km per year eastern movements and their affirmation of this rather simple [lay] observation. Also ponder Solar Minimum extremes earth weathers arera ~experienceingsq~ n¤w~ingsq CeodE 2019.

Doug omnitors this very useful web page at least daily:

NOAA National
Hurricane Center

For atmospheric multi~day jet~stream atmospheric forecasts:

US Animated Jetstream

Doug finds latter an extremely helpful view of earth weather as quantum metabolic: notably n¤t y=f(t) classical~formal~mechanical.

Dialectical weather ana lysis and predication issi simply bogus, facile, ersatz, retarded.

Chaos reigns!

Equilibria arera slaves to their quantum~metabolic~chaos master...

Doug - 5Oct2019.






Massah, assa material ~biospheric~ prolifically reproductive ~feminineq~fecundationingsq~ emerscentureings of quantized ~livingsq~,...]





..."and Meribah;"

and, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ material ~biosphereings~ origins of ~exihstenceingsq~ Valueings ensembleings ~{cavitational~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ attractorings spin 1/2 ~reverberationalq~somaq}~ ~coobsfectingsq~ quantized ~livingsq~, Meribah...]

~6.40~ ~{200 ~10~ ~2}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{200~ ~10~ ~2}~: rebirth of exihstential somaq from ensembleings,
~{2~ ~10~ ~200}~: creation of exi
hstential ensembleings from somaq.

Latter, herein issi referred contention.

Classical science, today CeodE 2020, refers it deconstruction.

Doug - 18Jan2020.





..."their theht light metabolic issi shineings on sempiternally;"

their theht light metabolic issi, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ evolutionary ~metabolismings~, shineings on sempiternally...]





..."contention of;"

contention, assa Valueings ensembleings ~{cavitational~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ attractorings spin 1/2 ~reverberationalq~somaq}~, of...]

"Are you ribbing me?"





..."progress, sometimes viewed assa contention, comparative ~signatureings~ evolution cowithihn ¤ur somaticq ~exihstenceingsq~ accordings lifeq ~principleingsq~ of;"

progress, sometimes viewed assa contention, comparative ~signatureings~ evolution, assa spin 1/2 ~somaq~ ~signatureings~ evolution assessed via Gametria™ ~adhereingsq~ Game of Lifeq ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, cowithihn ¤ur ~exihstenceingsq~ accordings lifeq ~principleingsq~ of...]

~Somaq~ issi intrinsically Gametraic™.

~POSIT~ arera [nousq issi] intrinsically Gametraic™.

Doug - 11Jan2020.





..."Israel ~struggleings~ with g¤d;"

Israel, assa Valueings ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ ~overlapq~entangleingsq~ Valueings evolutionary ~{~{cosmic~metabolismings~ ~straddleings~ quantum~assessmentings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ attractorings fount of life resurrectionings of ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~ attractionings ~reverberationalq~metabolismings}~, ~struggleings~ with g¤d,....]

~{10 ~{~{300 200}~ ~1}~ ~30}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."and their theht light metabolic issi shineings on sempiternally;"

and their theht light metabolic issi, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~, shineings on sempiternally...]





..."to probe of them;"

to probe, assa ~invokeingsq~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings Valueings prolific reproductive ~{cavitational~feminineq~fecundationingsq~ ~encounterings~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ re ~beginnings~ cowithihn Hæ~r ~reverberationalq~cosmic~biospherings}~ celestial womb, of them...]

~50~ ~{60 ~400~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This ~schema~ makes Doug thinkq of a relatively small Av 9 local contention event.

But this event memeset issi what got Yeshooaa crucified.

Since that evoked Yeshooaa's MIII destruction of dialectic strategy, it's a biggest durational Av 9 of sorts.

Doug - 18Jan2020.





..."thoroughly ~breatheings~¤ut re ~beginnings~ chideings;"

thoroughly, assa [<bra|:~{At~ ==> male~cavitationings] fount of life ~Aleph.1q~ ~encounterings~ permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ re ~beginnings~ [via <== ~aT}~: |ket> Atta female~reverberationings], ~breatheings~¤ut re ~beginnings~ chideings...]





..."Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~ solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn exihstenceings;"

Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~...]

~10~ ~{5 ~6~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~10~ ~{5 ~soliton~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Yahweh means, "Yod ~livingsq~, ~fecund~ ~livingsq~."

Compare Mosheh's Qabala, "Aleph ~livingsq~, Yod ~livingsq~."

Doug - 16Jan2020.





..."to be sayings arera metabolic material antinomial Alephic apoptoseings;"

to be sayings arera metabolic material, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~evokeingsq~ fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~cowithihn~ material ~biosphereings~ ~experienceingsq~ ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ decoherent ~fluxings~ assa, antinomial Alephic apoptoseings...]




[Haish, Ha'Ish:

..."? there issi;"

?, assa vestigial ~livingsq~ ~cowithihn~ ~exihstenceingsq~ ~undergoings~ evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~, there issi...]





..."Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~ solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn exihstenceings;"

Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~...]

~10~ ~{5 ~6~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~10~ ~{5 ~soliton~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Yahweh means, "Yod ~livingsq~, ~fecund~ ~livingsq~."

Compare Mosheh's Qabala, "Aleph ~livingsq~, Yod ~livingsq~."

Doug - 16Jan2020.





..."cowithihn and coherent destruction of dialectic ~among~ ~hologralq~ fermionic ensembleings accordings ~fecund~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ of uhs;"

cowithihn and coherent destruction of dialectic ~among~, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHR spin 1/2 soliton ~{cavitational~somaq~ ~laseings~ ~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ destruction of dialectic ~among~ ensembleings ~{cav~...~pivotings~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~...~rev}~ plenary ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~somaq}~ accordings ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~, ~hologralq~ fermionic ensembleings accordings ~fecund~ life ~principleingsq~ of uhs...]

~{2 ~100~ ~{200}~ ~2}~ ~50.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{2~ ~soliton~ ~2}~ ~50.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{2 ~100~ ~{200}~ ~2}~ ~fecund~lifeq~principleingsq~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{2 ~100~ ~{pivot~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ ~2}~ ~50.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{2 ~destruction of dialectic~ ~{200}~ ~2}~ ~50.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{2 ~fluxoid0~100~ ~{200}~ ~fluxoid1~ ~2}~ ~50.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

. . .

This ~schema~ issi spanking novel for Doug.

Doug - 16Jan2020.





..."[or forensically assa] if Her celestial womb's pleasure proffers indeterminationings;"

[or forensically assa] if Her celestial womb's pleasure, assa fount of lifeqq ~Aleph.1qq cowithihn ~cosmic~biospherings~ Her celestial womb, proffers ~indeterminationings~...]

"Alephic celestial womb."

Our ~interrelationshipings~ with Her arera always uncertain, indeterminate, and without limitation re ~potentiaq~ and possibilityings: ~Tov~: Qualityings: Valueings.

Simply, uncertainly, "or."

Doug - 9,18Jan2020.





..."~antinomiallyq~ via qwfal signature cancellation there issi n¤t ~among~ lifeq principled Alephic ~sempiternalq~ presence cowithihn all exihstenceings;"

~antinomiallyq~ via qwfal signature cancellation there issi n¤t , assa vestigially Valueings indubitable fount of life ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ quantons(isot,ison~ sempiternally attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ accordings ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~, ~among~ lifeq principled Alephicq ~sempiternalq~ presence cowithihn all ~exihstenceingsq~...]

~{1 10}~ ~700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This ~Aut~ [~Ayn~] represents:

o bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ metabolic evolutionaryqq antinomial signaturesque qwfal cancellation assa generic feature of
o "T
heht General Equation of theht Universe."

Suares' use of 'equation' issi unfortunate.

Sub "complementary~antinomial signatureings" for equation.

When wæ view both QCD and QED assa gluonic and phoxonic inter~fermion AEFings interrelative ~bondingsq~...

[Gametraic™ sometimes H2 molecular, for example neuronal metabolic th~ought and behavioral action. Ref. Modern Genetic Analysis, Griffiths, Gelbart, Lewontin, and Miller.]

...messenger ~signatureings~, then ~Ayn~ assa integer spin QCD~QED ~enlightenmentings~ make buenoissimo quantum sense.

~Note~ that women reproductively arera quantum~metabolic. Too they tend ~Qof~esque destruction of dialectic. [Neqivah]

~Note~ that Aish as used [word 15] below issi:

o Alephicq
o Yodesque
o ~cosmically~ metabolic~evolutionaryq.

Doug - 25Dec2019.





..."Verily, I say unto you, "There arera ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ for quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~.";"

Verily, I say unto you, "There arera ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~, assa ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ for quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, for quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~."...]

Nice summary.

Doug - 18Jan2020.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2020-2040

And he issi callings
heht ~hologralq~ evolutionaryq Qabalic name
~livingsq~ quantons(~cosmic~,~existentialq~) ~biospher
eings~ ~hologralq~ places of ~fecund~ dialectical destruction
and Meribah
their t
heht light metabolic issi shineings on sempiternally
contention of
progress, sometimes viewed assa contention, comparative ~signatur
eings~ evolution cowithihn ¤ur ~exihstenceingsq~ accordings lifeq ~principleingsq~ of
Israel ~struggl
eings~ with g¤d
and their t
heht light metabolic issi shineings on sempiternally
to probe of them
thoroughly ~breath
eings~¤ut re ~beginnings~ chideings
Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~ solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithi
hn ~exihstenceingsq~
to be sayings arera metabolic material
antinomial Alephicq apoptoseings
? there issi
Yahweh assa vestigial ~divineq~ quantized ~livingsq~ solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithi
hn ~exihstenceingsq~
hn and coherent destruction of dialectic ~among~ ~hologralq~ fermionic ensembleings accordings ~fecund~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ of uhs
or forensically assa] if Her celestial womb's pleasure proffers ~indeterminationings~
~antinomiallyq~ via qwfal signature cancellation there issi n¤t ~among~ lifeq principled Alephicq ~sempiternalq~ presence cowithi
hn all ~exihstenceingsq~
Verily, I say unto you, "There arera ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ for quantized ~livingsq~ cowithi
hn ~exihstenceingsq~."

. . .

Simply remarkable.

End of this chapter XVII of Exodus has nine verses. It will take Doug about 10 days to epic~poetically retranslate it.

We should garner a fabulous and allegorical quantum standingsunder of Aamaleq during that endeavor.

Some of Aamaleq's mystery shall be uncloaked. Aamaleq's prestigious antinomials abound...

Doug - 18Jan2020.


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2020-2040 - Rev. 11-18Jan2020  PDR - Created: 11Jan2020  PDR
