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A Comprehensive List
Problematic Classical English Terms

This comprehensive list affines other Quantonic URLs:

June, 1999 QQA on Thelogos
Coined Quantonic Terms
May, 2000 QQA on Millennium III Problems with English Language
June, 2000 QQA on Millennium III New Language Characteristics
Quantonic English Language Remediation for Millennium III
Problematic English Language Oxymora for Millennium III

We see these English language terms as one of Millennium III's greatest problematics.
In a real sense, we can say English language itself is problematic,
needing extensive revision or outright replacement!

Doug's use of 'problematic' means literally "troublesome."
In other words, classical language is problematic (troublesome) when one tries to explain (exegetize) quantum~reality using it.

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©Quantonics, Inc., 2001-2028Rev. 5Jun2015  PDRCreated 14Mar2001  PDR  (1 of 2)

Problematic Classical English Terms
by Doug Renselle
(We will periodically reset red text to highlight more recent updates.)

This page is growing too large, so we are gradually adding 'Read more...' off page links to extended exegetic texts. Doug.

Latest noticeable update: 14Aug2012: Update 'Identity' re geometry's founding axiom.
6May2010: Update 'monism' problematic with current material.
10Jan2009: Add link to recent QELR update of 'occur' under our QELP of 'event.'
13Aug2009: Add QELP of 'charge.'
23Oct2009: Reset legacy markups. Add link to QELR 'Rules Table,' under 'mon prefixes.' Update 'energy.'
2Nov2009: Add link to our coining of 'phasement' under our 'rational' problematic. Update our QELP of 'circularity.'

Many of you search for words here which are not just problematic, but also are Quantonics QELRed. Here are a few which will help you better understand our QELP entendres below.

See our Quantonics English Language Remediations of:

absolute, actual, affect, certain, change, choice, circle, concrete, consensus, contradict,
definition, describe, duration, fact, intelligence, interpretation, judgment, law, line, logic, measure, monitor, negate, new, object,
point, probability, quanta, rational, reality, science, select, simultaneity, state, stop, subject, superpose, symmetry, truth, uncertainty, wave, etc.

What more general aspects of language can we describe as English Language Problematic?

Let's make a list of classically-problematic words, phrases, clauses and sentences which are problematic since they...:

...deny change, i.e., words which demand state, stability, hold-still-ability.
...demand objective independence, i.e., words which deny compenetration of quantons.
...deny perpetual evolution, i.e., words which demand that reality is perpetually concrete.
...claim that reality can be negated, made absent, made null, made empty, i.e., words which deny that quantum~flux can only be tentatively canceled but never classically negated.
...claim that reality is particulately objective, and deny that reality is quantal fluxings.
...claim that subjective reality may be reified as classically objective, and that it is logical to do so.
...declare quantitative reality above qualitative reality.
...demand that objective reality is above subjective reality.
...demand that society is above individuals.
...demand that war is above peace.
...claim it is individually noble to die for a social 'cause.'
...claim state is above change.
...claim state is above choice.
...claim state is above chance.
...claim determinism is above uncertainty.

We can go on and on and on...

Doug wants to do a PB here, but it is going to be huge, so we will do it as a separate page and refer it from here. Above exemplifies on a smaller scale that effort.

Doug did not do that PB. But he did an rough equivalent of it as Chapter Three of his FEP Chautauqua online text book.

Doug - 11Nov2008, 5Jun2015.

  1. (Most anti- prefixes) Antithesis, Antimatter, Antigravity, Antinomy (not antimony), etc. (These prefixes describe an ideal dichotomous (dichonic), objective classical 'reality;' quantum reality is n¤t classically ideal, rather is Quantonics-c¤mplementary; Quantonics~quantum c¤mplementarity denies classical 'reality's' Aristotelian syllogistic substance-based logical excluded-middle which corresponds Bohr's "exclusive" "Copenhagen" quantum complementarity. Our Quantonics included-middle version of c¤mplementarity coopts Bohr's excluded-middle version. Our comments here apply to all other classical English language biforms and negations.)
  2. (Most articles) the, a, an, etc. (Two classes of articles: definite and indefinite. Quantum reality offers n¤ possibilities for definite, objective, excluded-middle linguistic references. In quantum reality all references to quantons are indefinite~uncertain.)
  3. (Most biforms, dyads, platypi) True | False, Right | Wrong, Up | Down, Left | Right, Either | Or, Life | Death, Fight | Flight, Win | Loose, Fail | Succeed, Begin | End, Cause | Effect, etc.
  4. (Most centricities, i.e., a concentric biform) Center, External, Internal, Concentric, In, Out, etc.
  5. (Most co-prefixes) Collateral, covert, coincide (quantum is our coined coinside), coherent (AKA quantum~superposition; see below), etc.
  6. (Most con- prefixes) Concept, Conformal, Construct, Contradict, Convention, etc.
  7. (Most di- and bi- prefixes) Difference, Digital, Dimension, Direction, Discrete, Distant, Distinction, Diverse, Division, Bidirectional, Bifurcate, Biform, Bilateral, Bistable, Bivalent, etc.
  8. (Most in-, il-, en-, em-, and ex- prefixes) Interpretation, Illogical, Empower, Entropic, Exclude, etc. These prefixes objectively dichotomize reality into within | without, in | out, internal | external EOOO EEMD dichons. None of these prefixes is valid in Quantonics English Language Remediation. In general, we will use quantum comtextual 'com-' in place of these prefixes. As an example classical 'interpret' might become quantum 'comterpret.' Latter suggests BAWAM EIMA quantons whose hermeneutics are anihmatæ, heter¤gene¤us, amd c¤mplementary.
  9. (Most mon- prefixes) 'Mon' usually implies one, oneness, classical unity. E.g., monist, monastic, and one which we are currently using which we should be QELRing: monitor. Following our precedent of 'omni' as our 'di' QELR and 'um' as our 'un' QELR, lets use 'umni' to QELR quantum comtextual occurrences of '[Mm]on.' So classical 'monitoring' becomes quantum 'umnitoring.' 'Umni' carries Quantonics' quantum~memeotic of animate, REIMAR, phasistic ensemblings' 'omni~umcertainty,' intrinsically. See our Quantonic Ensemble Quantum Interrelationships.

    Our quantum QELR of classical measure and monitor have evolved omnifferently than what we struck out above:

    Classical to QELR
    un QELRed
    measure see measure ¤mniht¤ring(s)
    monitor see monitor m¤niht¤ring(s) and ømnihtørings

    See our QELR master coding table.

    Doug - 17Oct2006.

  10. (Most Greek language derivatives. Greek language is innately nominalist, nounesque objective.)
  11. (Most Leibnitzian monads) Universe, God, One, Monism, Monolithic, Truth, etc.
  12. (Most negations, including negative versions of a-, dis-, ne-, un-, im-, and in- prefixes) atemporal, discord, Not, No, Non, Negative, Neither, Nor, asymmetric, unreal, imprudent, inconclusive, etc.
  13. (Most ob-, and op- prefixes; negative, dialectical away-from versions of ab- and ap- prefixes) opposite, obdurate,..., abnormal, apathy, etc.
  14. (Most singulars, including nouns, verbs, pronouns, articles, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions (e.g., between), etc.) This is a large classical legacy problem in English language. Quantum actuality is plural, n¤t singular. Quantum n¤nactuality is both plural (many quantum fluxes) and singular (quantum cohesive). Quantum n¤nactuality's quantum cohesion compenetrates quantum actuality. In general, in this specific regard, we may say that quantum reality is a plural present-participle reality.
  15. (Most uni- prefixes) Universe, Unilogism, Unity, Union, Unify, etc. Read more...
  16. (Some Latin language derivatives. Latin may inure objective functionalism and functional cohesion. Latin tends to verbesque (i.e., "like a verb") action | pragma. To good, Latin possesses innately more quantum compatiblities than Greek. A good way to grasp how functionalism is problematic is to grasp that functional biology is classically predicable, while evolutionary biology (real biology which admits its quantum~nature) issi n¤n predicable, indeed quantum~uncertain. When Doug says you should study quantum~biology, he is saying implicitly that you should n¤t study functional, classical biology since it is anti-quantum via its stux sux adherence to dialectic.)
  17. (N¤n-participle lingual forms of verb tense, e.g., '-ed.' Verb forms which elicit classical state or staticity are problematic. Where classical reality is static, quantum reality is wholly animate~stindyanic (only classically apparently 'static') and thus may n¤t be classically 'analyzed' by n¤n-participle verbs which 'induce' classical staticity. For example, quantons in quantum reality may n¤t ever be state-ically 'entangled.' As animate processes, they may only be "entangling" (æntangling issi proper Quantonic use(ing)) via quantum ontology.)
  18. (Most -ion suffixes which classically induce finality, completion, staticity, exclusive stability | inanimacy, etc. All quantum reality comstituents~quantons are stindyanic. )
  19. Absolute (consider classical 'absolute truth' vis-à-vis quantum absolute change; see absolute; )
  20. Alone ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; reality is quantum c¤mplementary, included-middle paralogical, thus classical lisr is impossible)
  21. Analysis (objective, based upon classical mind-matter, subject-object, et al. dichotomies; depends upon lisr; depends upon one-to-one classical correspondence and classical cause-effect; depends upon analytic immutability of classical reality; depends upon analytic | limitless divisibility of homogeneous classical reality; see analytic; )
  22. Attach (usual meaning is classically analytical - see 'analysis;' however, meaning may be quantum)
  23. Axiom (classical truth builds objectively upon absolutely certain and state-ic tautologies called 'axioms;' quantum 'truths' (quantons) are dynamic agents of their own quantum uncertainties)
  24. Begin (reality offers unending Planck rate beginnings; classical culture usually assumes alpha-omega, i.e., one beginning or creation and one end or catastrophic demise; some philosophers, esp. Bergson, refer this as 'radical finalism;' quantum reality is n¤t radically final, rather it is radically n¤nfinal and radically open and n¤nending; all quantum "beginnings" are always radically umcærtain;)
  25. Both (classical 'both' implies two separate, excluded-middle objects; quantum 'both' implies cohesive, included-middle quantons)
  26. Cause (in general, in Quantonics, we belie classical cause-effect; see 'Induction;' classical cause is mere apparition, illusion which is based upon quantum inertia and more slowly varying (classically only apparent aggregate) persistence of large scale quantons; in Quantonics we assume all large scale quantons are emerscent quantum included-middle aggregations of animate basal Planck quantons; classical apparitions arise from at least these preconditions: CTMs and Homo sapiens' limited perceptual bandwidths; see reality's ultimate perceptual bandwidth exemplified; )
  27. Certain (quantum reality is, both classically and analytically "quantum uncertain" (quantum uncertainty presides over ensehmble, statistical, quantum determinism) and offers n¤ classical single event cause and effect determinism; browser search for quantum contrafactual definiteness in our Bell's Theorem Study;)
  28. Change (classical change is analytic motion; see cause, effect, induction; classical change is determinate in an assumed stable (see: state-ic, constant, process, end, etc.) reality whose objects are ideally independent of one another; quantum change is ensehmble stochastic and emerscent 'affectings' and 'outcomings' — quantum change is semper flux!)
  29. Charge (classical charge, as electrical 'charge,' is state-ic, either plus or minus, presumed scalar, etc.; n¤ such memeos can concretely immute selves in quantum~reality...scalars and 'constants' are verboten in quantum~reality; quantum~reality always changes ( comsistænt ) and changes all ( c¤mplæte ); interestingly charge in QCD isn't bivalent, rather it is classically trivalent; however its trivalency is treated bivalently (dialectically) as either one or two 'thirds;' ...

    13Aug2009 aside on quark quantum~charge trivalency used dialectically, i.e., bivalently:

    Doug borrows two paragraphs from his 2004 June TQS News on QCD:

    "Three of six quarks have +2/3e fractional electric charge: U, C, and T. Three have -1/3e fractional electric charge: D, S, and B. Their respective names are Up, Charm, Top, and Down, Strange, Bottom. Those arbitrary quark 'names' are called 'flavors.' (We say "arbitrary" since, in some ways, up should be down and top should be bottom.) All of material reality results from animate, EIMA, quantum process interrelationshipings, i.e., quantons, among those six quarks."

    "Every nucleon composes three preferential fuzzon~emerqant quarks which in Quantonics we choose to call a codon. A neutron's nuclear quark codon is UDD (one up quark, two down quarks). A proton's nuclear quark codon is UDU (one down quark, two up quarks). Their electrical charges, respectively are: +2/3e, -1/3e, -1/3e, and +2/3e, -1/3e, +2/3e. As you can see a neutron has "neutral electrical charge." A proton has a net positive charge of one antielectron. Very roughly speaking, protons are missing an electron's worth of energy."

    In quantum~actuality a proton is UDU (+2/3e, -1/3e, +2/3e) and a neutron is UDD (+2/3e, -1/3e, -1/3e). Notice we apparently do n¤t see any other usages of quantum~charge as -2/3e and +1/3e. Hence Doug's accusation of dialectical bivalency.

    We have a similar issue in classical versions of mechanical quantum-theories in usages of eigenvalues as binary (either zero or one) projection operators. Quantumly, they should at least be stochastic!

    Thank you for reading,


    End 13Aug2009 aside.

    ...bivalency of any kind is verboten in quantum~reality; both classical-monism and classical-dualism (see quantum~antinomialism for comparison to classical-antinomialism) are verboten in quantum~reality; so, when we see classical 'either-or' used loquaciously we can assume said speaker ¤r writer is immersed in dialectic; then we will n¤t be wasting our timings when we chase down dialectic's flaw of either-or: essentially dualism borne of monism's "our monism is the monism." Quantum~reality is omnivalent due its overwhelming (many hermeneutics, "many truthings," omniplex veritas) plurality~heterogeneity and it is enthymemetic due its relentless~perpetual evolution and absolute fluxings. See our QELRs of monism, opposite, positive, QTP, QVP, etc.)
  30. Circularity, vicious (unchangeable, closed, isolate exclusively state-icity impossible in quantum reality; classical exemplar: "static truth is reality — reality is static truth," this vicious circle is what Pirsig calls "the mythos;") See circle.

    When a student is pondering 'circularity,' that student should also ponder classical notions of tautology, e.g., A=A. Can you see how that 'tautology' classically is 'always true,' however quantumly it may not be valid depending upon how one interprets it? That is why you see Doug often using quantonic script to show it as a quantum ¤mniht¤rable:





    Our 'q' subscript implies Aq is a quantum stindyanic memeotic, intrinsically full of qua via self~other~quantization~scintillation. By comparison classical 'A' has 'state,' and is 'stoppable,' for incapable-by-design scalar metrication. But ihn quantum~reality all issi always changing, always coobsfectively aware, always selecting, always choosing and always taking chances borne of real quantum~uncertainty. That is what real quantum~holomovements do.

    Quantum~reality is quantized~open, dynamic, and quantonically EIMA. Classical-reality is y=f(t)-closed, static, and objectively EEMD. See y=f(t). See Free Will as Quantization.
  31. Closure (e.g., classical thermodynamics assumes reality is 'closed;' rather, quantum reality is ¤pen (here y¤u see ¤ur first use of an '¤' t¤ replace classical 'o' t¤ show ¤ur assumption ¤f a quantum comtext — starting n¤w, 4Apr2001, let's c¤¤pt classical terms which contain classical "o's" by replacing them with '¤' whenever we need t¤ assure a reader that ¤ur comtext is quantum; in cases where we use s¤me ¤ther established quantum comvention — say quantum 'com' vis-à-vis classical 'con' — we d¤ n¤t need t¤ change 'o' to '¤');)
  32. Coherent (as a synonym for classical 'order')
  33. Common (as classical dichon(uncommon, common); would you rather have "common sense" or "extraordinary sense?"; do you want to be commonly politically correct...a hive droned clone of Venned patterns of acceptable thought?; isn't that what Catholics' Inquisition attempted to accomplish, i.e., mindless drones hived in a prison of common catholic political correctness?; none of quantum nature's creation is ever created commonly — we are all both emerging autonomous uniqueness while simultaneously being quantum similarly cohesive (latter is a Quantonics paraphrasing of Mae-wan Ho's ~quantum-reality as, "...both autonomous and cohesive"))
  34. Completeness (comsider Gödelian (i.e., states all truths) vis-à-vis quantum (i.e., changes all)). See absolute. See Decidable Gödel.
  35. Complementarity (as classically objective; Niels Bohr's complementarity is "exclusive," i.e., classically objective; our Quantonics version of c¤mplementarity is "inclusive," i.e., quantum real;)
  36. Concept (as a Platonic ideal; exclusive Static Quality; classically immutable objects)
  37. Concord, agreement (see Consense, see Fit)
  38. Concrete ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; an overused and extraordinarily misleading, mind-corrupting descriptor for classical, substantial, objective reality; quantum reality is n¤t a concrete reality; in quantum reality there are n¤ classical, substantial, 'physical' objects; indeed concrete classical objects are 'unnatu-real;')
  39. Conform (objective corrigibility; see Form; quantum reality is not formal, rather it emerqs)
  40. Consense, consensus (as classical "common sense" vis-à-vis quantum "extraordinary sense;" see our QELR of consense;)
  41. Conserve, Conservation (a unique 'con' term which requires extensive comsideration, Maxwell's thermodynamics, closure, etc.; see 'Closure;')
  42. Consistency (consider Gödelian vis-à-vis quantum; Gödelian absoluteness is both consistency (always states truth) and completeness (states all truths) of bivalent truth; quantum absoluteness is both consistency (always changes) and completeness (changes all);)
  43. Constant ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; all peri¤dicities in quantum reality are quantum uncertain; as a result they are quantum cha¤tic; e.g., ¤ur Solar System's Milky Way ¤rbit is cha¤tic, Earth's Sun ¤rbit is cha¤tic, amd Moon's Earth ¤rbit is cha¤tic; our weather is n¤t classically constant, indeed it is quantum self-similar in its current ensehmble phasicity, but still quantum cha¤tic (i.e., n¤n-classically, — n¤n-single-event-deterministic — quantum peri¤dic pragmabsolute flux); Earth's local and nonlocal~global weather in a most quantum real sense is ensehmble-unpredictable for periods longer than a few days; think about what this means for those 'scientists' who claim they can predict a 6oC temperature rise for Earth by year 2100 ; let me see...which charlatans were those...?; oh yes, duh, let me see now, 'scientists,' er uhm, charlatans can prove anything they want to with classical statistics...they, just like politicians, could even control 'the world;' seriously, as you may choose to infer reader, our view is that 'global warming' may evolve to embarrass scientists more than any of their prior follies, except perhaps classical objectivism)
  44. Contradict, Contradiction (a classical illusion; classical sciences' indispensable necessary and sufficient means of hypothetical disproof; Karl Popper's classical "falsifiability;" all classical scientific delusion; ref. Henri Louis Bergson's "...negation is subjective;" quantum science's Heisenbergian uncertainty; quantum included-middle vis-à-vis Aristotelian excluded-middle, quantum sophist~subjective~plural~comtextual c¤mplementarity; Quantonics'



    Readers please comprehend Bergson's subjective negation as quantum negati¤n. Edify yourself that (and how, why, what, where, who, and when) Bergson's duration is analogous quantum included-middle, quantum superp¤siti¤n, quantum umcærtainty, amd quantum c¤mplementarity. When one grasps these n¤vel quantum memeos one may intuit how classical contradiction and any classical notions of ideal putative opposition, ideal binary alternative denial, ideal either one or the other are only naïve self-delusions.

    See our Bases of Judgment and our What is Wrong with Probability as Value?
  45. Control (SOM's delusion of absolute; vis-à-vis quantum realities' uncertainties eliminating any possibilities of absolute control; where classical science deludes absolute determinate control, quantum science offers ensehmble stochastic 'control')
  46. Death (classical culture is "one-life, one-alpha-one-omega centric;" quantum (MoQ~Quantonic) culture bælihæs any classical concept of 'death;' quantum life is unending quantum ontological self-referent iterations of paralogical metamorphoses, a li-la dance, a la Hermann Hesse's Magister Ludi description of Joseph Knecht's sequence of lives; see end;)
  47. Decide (objectively; classically definite | effective 'decisions' are only good for a Planck moment and so; quantum absolute flux changes all affectors~preconditions (both known and unknown, both local and nonlocal) at Planck rates; so ensehmble affectors of any choice (SOM) or choices (CR) or choosings (MoQ~quantum) are changing absolutely (though their persistencies are variable) and have a near zero probability of recurring as an identical ensehmble;) See "Whatings Happenings Nextings."
  48. Define ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; objectively; it is impossible to classically 'define' anything due to absolute quantum flux; whatever we choose to 'define' changes within a few Planck moments after our attempt to 'define' it;) See definition.
  49. Definite (objectively; quantum reality is quantum indefinite, quantum uncertain, quantum incorrigible;)
  50. Definition (we can n¤n-uniquely describe quantum reality; however we cann¤t 'define' and classically 'conform' quantum reality; quantum reality is incorrigible;)
  51. Determine (as classical cause-effect induction; quantum reality is not classically deterministic;) See cause vis-à-vis affectation.
  52. Difference (of classical 'objects' vis-à-vis omnifferencings of quantum wave interrelationshipings AKA waves and their phasicityings)
  53. Discovery (potential implications of:

    • pre-existence as classically immutable state,
    • potential implication of historical precedent as state-ic change from 'undiscovered' pre-existence to 'discovered' existence,
    • observation as creation (classical mutability), i.e., undiscovered pre-existing phenomena do not classically 'exist' until they are discovered,
    • not-exists | exists as a classical dichotomous state change (mutability) model, i.e., discovery as a discrete classical (mutation) event,
    • existence as exclusive staticity and discovery as recognition of previously unobserved | unrecognized state, i.e., undiscovered pre-existing phenomena 'exist' both before and after they are discoveredbut is that discovery?,
    • precedential discovery as historical evidence for classical induction,
    • before | after as a classical dichotomous unitemporal past | future discovery model,
    • discovery as a classically pre-determined effect of some previously unknown assumed cause, i.e., discovery as classically 'scientific' cause-effect,
    • discovery as a natural consequence of 'scientific' method,
    • 'scientific' method as a cause of discovery effect, (ponder how Kuhnian 'normal science' only wants to discover what is predicted by its current paradigm; paraphenomenathat which is unexpected is often discarded, swept aside as "unreal" since it does not fit 'normal science's' prediction matrix)
    • discovery as a classically scientific analytic process,
    • scientific methods' analytic discoveries which uncloak phenomena which may be either inside or outside current sciences' expectations (see Thomas Kuhn's SoSR),
    • discovery of unexpected phenomena as personal 'scientific' failure,
    • discovery of expected phenomena as personal 'scientific' success,
    • classical community 'science' as a failure of (if) its current methods to (do) not anticipate unexpected discoveries, and
    • etc.)

    Clearly, reader, we expose 'discovery' as a classically incoherent 'concept.' Exactly what do classicists mean when they use 'discovery' to describe reality? Which subset of our bullet items might guide 'scientific' adepts to discovery? From our Quantonics perspective, finding that which is wholly surprise and is wholly unexpected is real discovery, especially finding that which is genuinely n¤vel and in its emergent genesis. Finding n¤vel emergence is "success" and always finding that which is formally, singularly 'predicted' (ugh) is, relatively, "failure."

  54. Divide (Objectively reduce, separate, split, disassemble, deconstruct, analyse, enumerate, distinguish, divorce, bound, limit, edge, cliff, binary alternative denial, SOM's wall, excommunicate, scission, cut, demarcation, canyon, mountain, antithesis of bridge-join-etc., etc.; here we find essence of classical dialectic; here we find essence of all classical paradoxes, ironies, and dilemmas; division taken classically is stuff of Parmenidean-Aristotelian-Cartesian-Newtonian-Einsteinian DIQheads: hylics and psychics; one can mechanically divide substance and material, however, one may n¤t classically divide flux; one may classically negate substance and material, however, one may n¤t classically negate flux; etc...Doug - 10Aug2007.)
  55. Edge (as a SOM wall in a dichon)
  56. Effect (Causal, see Cause; Doug's personal experience with 'effect' during school was that whenever he used 'affect' teachers and professors cringed. Doug always wondered why. Classical reality is a monistic-monastic, state-ic, quantitative, objective, effective reality. To use 'affect' was to implicitly deny teachers' and professors' personal reality models. Of course 'affect' begs a plural~heterogeneous, dynamic, qualitative, more subjective, quantum m¤daling of ræhlihty, and Doug has often intuited that.)

    We may do well here to compare effect and affect. Let's use a table to do that:

    More Classical More Quantum
    Effect Each effect results from a classical, predicable cause, and thus is a posteriori. Notice how 'affect' quantum~physially requires, for example, any photon's intrinsic self~other~awarenessings!
    Classical-effect is, must be canonically, 1:1 correspondent.
    Classically, philosophically, scientifically, and linguistically to say "effectings," and "causings" is and can only be logically, canonically, dogmatically, provincially, and parochially "absurd."
    Affect Notice how 'effect' presuppositionally denies, for example, any photon's intrinsic affective~self~other~awarenessings. Affect initiates potential, even ensemble choosings, chancings, and changings, and thus issi a prihorai.
    Quantum~affect may be, itself (we should say per intera here), an ensemble, and each of its QLOs may have many to many ensemble affectings.
    Quantumly, to say affectings is to be quantum~linguistically, coquecigruesically, and philosophically better.
    Quantum awarenessings (self and other coobsfective) are precursive quantum~affectation.

    Doug - 18Oct2006, updated 28Feb2007.
  57. Empty (reality offers none, only a Homo sapiens illusion of)
  58. Endings (reality offers unending Planck rate flux transitions; classical radical finalism; see end;)
  59. Energy (as Maxwellian, uniquely posentropic; Maxwell's 2nd 'law' of thermodynamics, AKA "...y=f(t) continuous...heat classical 'dependent mechanical process'..." innately denies crown jewel axiomatic classical objective independence; see CP Snow juxtaposed Maxwell on thermodynamics; classical notions are just and plainly bogus due their massively self-contradictory immanations;)
  60. Entropy (See entropy.)
  61. Entry (Entry-exit, internal-external, in-out, afflux-efflux, affluent-effluent, etc. all dialectically sever schismatically those terms pairs as either-ors; we see reification of potential process into objective state)
  62. Equality; See 'Is;' (impossible due to Planck rate flux)
  63. Ether (classically does not 'exist;' ref. Albert Michelson and Edward Williams Morley, in ~1887, determined an "absence of aether drift" which was interpreted as a classical 'scientific' refutation of aether's presence in reality; subsequently Casimir, et al., demonstrated Quantum Vacuum energy~aether's existence; Quantonics' heuristic is that QVFlux is absolutely animate isotropic isoflux which form realities' isoenergetic isocones and explains nicely least action, least time (isoconic section, e.g., isoparabolic) trajectories of decoherent (fermionic), coherent (bosonic), and mixed (fermibosonic) quantons in isoomnispace)

    One of Quantonics' greatest breakthroughs is showing that absolute motion is measureable and monitorable: see A Quantum Pendulum.

  64. Event (see instant; see moment; see Doug's 2008 CeodE 2008 QELR of occur; see final below;)

  65. Exclude ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; objectively; reality is not classically lisr; reality is not both stable and objectively independent;)
  66. Exist ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; objectively; consider 'ex' as external | objectively real and 'ist' as 'is' ex 't' ernal; here 't' takes on an exclusively state-ic semantic much like 't' in Pirsigean ESQ 'virtue.')
  67. Fact (objective; classical facts are immutable until contradicted; quantum facts are animate agents of their own evolution; assuming an absolute flux ontology, all 'objective facts' are really quantum-tentative;)
  68. False, Falsifiable (see contradiction; see negation)

    See our Bases of Judgment and our What is Wrong with Probability as Value?

  69. Final (reality is unstoppable; notice how stoppability is one of classical reality's most metastatic language, religious, scientific, etc. problems; see our recent Zeno's Paradice on stoppability; see Bergson's Radical Finalism;)
  70. Fit (objective containment in its classical spatial negation; quantum reality bælihæs spatial negation as subjective; quantons compenetrate where dichons cannot)
  71. Form ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; [quantum] reality offers no absolute persistence; reality's scale of persistences and meso~macro scales of quantum inertia, offer sentient sensory bandwidth illusions, e.g., consider atomic, biological, and cosmological persistences vis-à-vis Homo sapiens' sensory bandwidth; see immutable just below; see perpetual motion)
  72. Fundament, fundamental (ancients believed that when you cut away all fluff (analytically) what was left was crux; in Latin fund-a-ment means to pour or melt away from result (i.e. what's left), and often that was what was at 'the bottom;' modern examples of this radically mechanistic SOM thingk are Ockham's razor (AKA Occam's razor), minimalism, classical analysis, reductionism, et al.; all very ugly concepts whose consequences we see, for example, in modern biological 'tools:' Cuisinart, centrifuge, etc., and many other 'technical' fields too;)
  73. Homogeneous (a classically homogeneous reality is impossible due to Planck rate flux)
  74. I (sentients are n¤nclassical quantum entities, indeed, all actualities are n¤nclassical quantum entities)
  75. Idea ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; classical ideas and concepts are n¤t quantum memetic; they lack intrinsic pragma~action~animacy; they are n¤t pragmadigmatic;)
  76. Ideal ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; Plato's ideality is immutable form, ideal absence of change; of course this violates quantum reality's absolute change, absolute flux)
  77. Identity ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; as used here, different from identifiability; here we infer a classical delusion of a capability to 'clone' an object with an 'identical' object; a SOM illusion; impossible due to Planck rate flux (quantum reality's absolute flux, semper fluxio quantum dancing) and quantum realities' included-middles; see Is; see equals; readers should weigh wrecklessness of classicists like Buridan who treat labeled | named | appellated 'identity' significates as classically real, i.e., Doug is Doug, akin Pirsig's, "the map is not the territory" — 'map' is not classically identical 'territory,' ever; in quantum reality all notions of classical 'identity' lose their semantic value — nothing is identical to itself (even the territory), let alone its label, longer than a Planck moment; Adepts please obtain: Identity is Geometry's primal axiom. Another classical maths' founding bogosity.)
  78. Illusion (apparently unreal, nonobjective phenomena which occur outside current classical belief and religious, cultural, and scientific paradigms; illusions 'exist' in classical, objective reality; all n¤vel quantum phenomena, most of which appear as illusions in classical reality, are explicable in quantum reality;)

    See our Bases of Judgment and our What is Wrong with Probability as Value?

  79. Immutable ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; objects in classical reality are presumed-assumed-putatively immutable and unchanging thus absolutely nonemergent; quantons in quantum reality are absolute flux AKA semper flux, and thus always changing in nearly unbounded ways and in nearly unbounded quantum heter¤tehmp¤ralities; quantum reality offers QVP: quantum variable persistence; see IPAC, MTBUE, PSIUE, EQU, and EQC;)
  80. Include (objective)
  81. Independent ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; objectively; see Bergson's second classical self-delusion) (ideal classical objects do not exist in quantum reality; quantons exist in quantum reality; where classical objects are presumed-assumed excluded-middle lisr, quantons' quantum-cohere, -superpose, -everywhere-associate, -everywhere-arbitrarily-distribute their probabilities, and their middles are included;)

    See our Bases of Judgment and our What is Wrong with Probability as Value?

  82. Induction (classical history induces predicable and predictable 1-1 correspondent effects; quantum outcomes Value many local and nonlocal preconditions) See cause.
  83. Inform (see New, Transformation)
  84. Instant (reality is unstoppable; see event; see moment;)
  85. Intellect (objective; see our Bergson TaFW comments on IQ)
  86. Interact (objectively)
  87. IQ (see DIQ; see QIC; classical intellect is a uniparametric artifact, i.e., static know-ledge; state-ic numeric value is impossible; reality is always changing; consider I3Quanton; see our Bergson TaFW comments on IQ; consider quantum creativity)
  88. Irrational (see Rational;)

    See our Bases of Judgment and our What is Wrong with Probability as Value?
  89. Is; same (usually taken as classical equals (=), and Greek 'iso;' quantum reality bælihæs any classical absolute equality or identity; in Quantonics we use  or issi as our coopting replacements for classical 'is,' and classical 'equals.')
  90. Isolate ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; objectively) See lisr.

    See our Bases of Judgment and our What is Wrong with Probability as Value?

  91. Kill (terminate, execute, eliminate, et al.; consider how a classical mind views this in terms of classical negation; consider what that means when we and nature abort life)
  92. Know (reality is always changing, so we may not state-ically (classically) 'know' reality)
  93. Limit (see precise;)
  94. Line (many classical problems here; classical definition depends upon static classical three or four-space point objects, e.g., y=f(t), with time as a classically independent (see 'Independent') variable, which have no possible existence in quantum reality; no state-ic classical lines 'exist' in quantum reality; no classically synthetic, unitemporal 't' and time 'exists' in quantum reality; removal of any point in a line 'causes' classical di-s-junction and 'creation' of two lines; quantitative disjunction; any line is an mechanical assemblage of classical objects called points;)
  95. Local ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; objectively; classical objects axiomatically have unique determinate loci, even during unitemporal motion; CTMs offer no concept of classical object as both local and nonlocal simultaneously; in quantum reality quantons are always indefinitely~uncertainly b¤th l¤cal amd n¤nl¤cal; ) See lisr.

    See our Bases of Judgment and our What is Wrong with Probability as Value?

  96. Log (as a classical prefix, infix, and suffix; log as a word implies, classically, word as an object; its quantum counterpart must be a quanton, thus we view 'o' to '¤' quantum~remediation as adequate except in some cases like quantum logic which becomes an oxymoron and we choose Rabelais' coquecigrues as a quantum~substitute; also see Heraclitus' logos which carries ancient yet quantum essence when viewed n¤nclassically)
  97. Logic ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; classical; classical logic assumes: an excluded-middle (i.e., Aristotle's sillygisms ; tertium non datur) objective reality, radical mechanism, radical finalism, analyticity and its concomitant staticity, objective stability (omnitemporal independence; change independence), objective independence via excluded-middle, dichotomous negation, etc., all of which are only quantally bandwidth-limited variably-persistent illusions in quantum reality; see What is Wrong with SOM Logic?; see SOM Limitations; )

    See our Bases of Judgment and our What is Wrong with Probability as Value? See our logic, and our truth.

  98. Matter (reality offers n¤ne, only a Homo sapiens-centric classical illusion of; see object; )
  99. Me, my (classical, see I; all actual constituents of quantum reality are c¤mplements of nonactual quantum reality; quantum reality is in us and we are in quantum reality;)
  100. Mechanics, Mechanism, Machine (reality is n¤t mechanical; David Bohm was one of few and earliest quantum physicists to understand this philosophical meme; also see Henri Louis Bergson on Radical Mechanism and Final Mechanism;)
  101. Method (as classical, monistic, unitemporal analyticity; as classical tautological mechanical process; )
  102. Moment (CTMs claim reality may be stopped for convenience of measurement and observation; quantum reality is unstoppable; see event; see instant; )
  103. Momentum (See 'Zero;' zero momentum 'exists' in classical reality; due its absolute flux, absence of zero momentum is impossible in quantum reality; )
  104. Necessity (see Determine)
  105. Necessary, necessity (objective; implicate causation via radical formal dialectical deduction; 'necessity' is an anti~quantum classical term; we need to replace 'necessity' with more quantumesque memeos like n¤ndeterministic durational flow in which a Bergsonian duration becomes a flux~varying uncertain quantum~inertia; we have to throw away Newton's mechanical version of state-ic inertia; Doug - 5Jun2007.)
  106. Negation (objective; object - object = zero; quantum meme is c¤mplementarity; see contradiction; prerequisite for quantitative disjunction)

    See our Bases of Judgment and our What is Wrong with Probability as Value? See our logic, and our truth.

  107. New (objective rearrangement, classical manufacturing; in Quantonics we adopt novel as co-optive term for classical 'new;' novel implies quantum EEE, emerscenture of quantons, emerscence of emerqs, etc.)
  108. Normal (as classically objective dichon(abnormal, normal); classically then ignorance makes almost everything abnormal ; in quantum reality we say, "few quantons are 'normal,' indeed all quantons are extraordinary;" )
  109. Null (reality offers n¤ne, only a Homo sapiens illusion of)
  110. Number, Peano's Zero, One, Two… (See Number, Zero; see One; see One is Only; )
  111. Object ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; classical senseless, unsensing proto-thing; classical material analytic exclusivity borne of infinite divisibility of a material monism; classical objects obey Aristotle's syllogistic 'laws;' in quantum reality, we bælihæ any existence of classical objects; see our QELR object.)
  112. One ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; quantum reality bælihæs 'one' as a classical state-ic concept; see 'Alone;') See our One is the Loneliest.
  113. Order ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; quantum reality bælihæs any notion of classical predictable radically mechanistic clockwork 'order;' quantum reality bælihæs any oppositive dichon(disorder, order);)
  114. Ought, should, etc. (as classically prescriptive {ought 'not' as classically proscriptive}, normative, determinate, causal, inductive, verisimilitudinous [many of you have asked what this word means; allow us to use this opportunity to show you how easily you may extract any word's meaning complementarily; most words are groupings of complementary, animate~evolving~memetic~semantic~carrying syllables; this case is no exception; 1) veri and 2) simili and 3) tudi and 4) nous; classical 'truth' is 'veritability' so our first syllable is easy if you own that entendre; if not, you need some language references including: dictionaries, thesauruses, Ayers-Worthen's English Language from Latin and Greek elements, specific Latin and Greek, et al., language ref's.; look up each syllable; quantumly, coherent~meaning~comtextually, middle~include their emergent memeotics: e.g., 1) truth 2) simile-similarity 3) across many 4) comtextual perceptions, and there you have it; in Quantonicsese: "many truths," and in Latin: "omniplex veritas;" recall that meme is a Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene coining of absolutely changing and evolving idea and concept; so all quantumly~hermeneuticized word syllables are memes and should be thought of then as quantons whose quantum~complementary interrelationships emerq words; hope that helps - Doug - 14Dec2005], etc.)
  115. Part, Portion, Piece, Chunk, Hunk, Segment, etc ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; objective exclusivity, stability, independence)
  116. Particle ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; objective exclusivity, stability, independence)
  117. Permanent (state-icity; see 'constant;' perpetual stability {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; perpetual immutability; etc., all of these are classical naïve realisms and naïve localisms-parochialisms: classical simple-minded Ockhamistic idiotic bogosity;)
  118. Point ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; exclusivity; quantitative disjunction)
  119. Precedent (as historical evidence for classically determinate 'next,' and precedent as classical tell of method)
  120. Precise, precision (classically implies arbitrary analytic, unequivocal, measurement verity; quantum reality is n¤t classically analytic; where classical precision may be arbitrarily 'perfect' and 'certain,' quantum measurement is always quantal and uncertain; if we use a quantum qubit as an exemplar of quantum 'precision' we think of said qubit's probability distribution(s), localities and n¤nlocalities, entanglements, quatrotomous coherencies~entropies, etc.)
  121. Predict (See determinate; Classicists assume unitime and unihistory and unifuture via y=f(t); quantum reality is omnitemporal, negentropic, zeroentropic, posentropic, isocoherent, coherent, and decoherent in omnifluxings; Quantum reality is stochastic: probable (pastings), plausible (nowings), and likely (expectationings of futurings); Quantum phasicityings anticipate whatings happenings nextings quantum~stochastically; Doug - 28Feb2007)
  122. Process (See pr¤cess.)
  123. Property ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; exclusivity; quantitative disjunction)
  124. Quantity (exclusivity; where classical reality is an objective, causal, quantitative, measurable reality, quantum reality is a quantonic, radically stochastic, qualitative, flux-definable reality)
  125. Rational (ratiocinate, rational versus irrational is an ideal, either | or classical dichon; Pirsig calls this a "platypus;" to classicists reality is either rational, absolutely factual, true, right, or it is 'not' rational — where 'not' is an ideal objective negation;; (In Quantonics we call this DIQheadedness which resonates Pirsig's notion of platypus.); we show this notationally using quantonic script like this: dichon(irrational, rational); comma-space represents SOM's Aristotelian excluded-middle, EEMD, absolutely objective "wall;" irrational phenomena, to classicists, are unreal; quantum reality shows us unambiguously that all reality's comstituents, which we call "quantons," are always — to a greater and lesser extent — both irrational and apt and sui generis-rational; we show this notationally using quantonic script like this: quanton(irrational,apparently_rational); comma-n¤nspace represents quantum reality's quantonic included-middle, EIMA, more subjective "c¤mplementarity;" quantum umcærtainty tells us that any quanton's rationality is uncertain (In Quantonics, we call this QICheadedness, which resonates Dr. Paul Pietsch's, Shufflebrain, "Indeterminacy is a principal feature of intelligence."); this is why quantum logic is pragrmalogical; all quantum logic statements (rather, phasements) appear as "paradoxical, oxymoronic, absurd, false, unreasonable, foolish, ridiculous, nonsensical, irrational sophisms" to classicists observing them; classicists' SOM metadigm is too small to permit its lens to capture more quantumesque Quantum Lightings;)
  126. Reduce (objectively) See lisr
  127. Reform (see 'form;' comsider: quantum reality is incorrigible; what do we mean by incorrigible? well,..., quantum realihty has abs¤lute, anihmatæ-ensehmble-EIMA free will at all scales ¤f realihty; quantum realihty permits n¤ 'classical hegemons' t¤ control he-r;)
  128. Rest (Any classical notions of 'zero momentum' are just ludicrous, silly, naïve, and ignorant in quantum reality. Quantum reality is dynamic absolute quantum flux. It always changes and changes all. It cann¤t hold still. Doug - 9Jun2007.)
  129. Reverse (as a dichon(forward, reverse))
  130. Right (as a dichon(wrong, right); as a dichon(left, right))
  131. Separate ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; objectively) See lisr.
  132. Side (notion of classically objective side-by-side interactions; sides formed by classical knife cuts; ideal classical analytic separation and reduction; notion of anti-quantum, anti-Gestalt, anti-c¤mplementary, anti-subjective, anti-qualitative reality;)
  133. Stasis, immutable stability ({Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; reality offers n¤ne, only a Homo sapiens illusion of)
  134. State ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; reality offers n¤ne, only a classical Homo sapiens illusion of; quantum reality is an absolute change ontology stimulated and mediated by absolute quantum vacuum flux; see Quantonics English Language Remediation (QELR) of state; classical notions of 'state' imply a decoherent classical notion of zero posentropy gradient; )
  135. Subjective, subject, subjects, etc.; Subjective reality perceived as 'opposite,' as an classically ideal dichotomy with objective reality, as a ideal dialectical 'contradiction' of objective 'truth,' is a classical self-delusion, and a hegemonous deign to feign perpetrated on humanity by material, substantial monists and dualists. In quantum reality most Value is subjective: i.e., wave-functional, flux, likelihood omnistributed heterospatially and heterotemporally, etc. Classicists claim that subjective reality "doesn't 'exist.'" Quantum philosophy shows vigorously and rigorously that classical dialectical thing-king methods are simply invalid. See our CTMs and QTMs.
  136. Substance (reality offers n¤ne, only a Homo sapiens illusion of)
  137. Success (as a dichon(failure, success))
  138. Sufficiency ('objective' offers n¤ne since it excludes any subjective c¤mplement)
  139. Sum (of classical 'objects' vis-à-vis superposings of quantum wave interrelationshipings AKA waves and their phasicityings)
  140. Syllogisms ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; See Aristotle; see sillygisms;)
  141. Synthesis (objective, based upon classical mind-matter, subject-object dichotomy)
  142. Tautology ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; absolute truth is impossible in quantum reality; why? quantum flux always changes and changes all)
  143. The (see our June, 1999 QQA; often implies EOOO, where 'other' is often heterogeneous)
  144. Time (in Quantonics, we bælihæ classically synthetic unitemporality, i.e., "one global time fits all;" see our Quantonic English Language Remediation of time.)
  145. Transformation (objective rearrangement, classical manufacturing; in quantum reality, we think of emerscenture vis-à-vis classical manufacture; we think of emergent development vis-à-vis reproduction; )
  146. True ({lisr independence: Bergson's second "classical self-delusion"}; {Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; as a classical dichon(false, true); quantum reality bælihæs any ideal classical dichons, while claiming all constituents of reality are quantonic;) See our logic, and our truth.
  147. Up (as a dichon(up, down); implicit tautologous assumption of classical inertial stasis (specific local classically static 3D isoconic perspective); quantum reality offers inertial stasis (general quantum animate omnimensional isoconic perspective))
  148. Void (reality offers n¤ne, only a Homo sapiens illusion of)
  149. Wrong (see 'right')
  150. Zero ({Stability: Bergson's first "classical self-delusion"}; quantum reality bælihæs 'zero' as a classical state-ic concept; for example "zero momentum;" quantum reality supports no such classical concept and physical condition; also, any 'zeroness' is quantum uncertain)


To contact Quantonics write to or call:
Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2001-2028 Rev. 5Jun2015  PDR Created 14Mar2001  PDR  (2 of 2)
(4Apr2001 rev - Add 'Is.' Add comments and links throughout. Correct some 'no' to 'n¤' terms. Difficult to break classical habit!)
(11Apr2001 rev - Add affine URLs at page top.)
(27Apr2001 rev - Add 'axiom.')
(7Jul2001 rev - Append remarks to 'Most articles.')
(24Jul2001 rev - Extend 'Most negations.' Add 'success,' 'true,' 'circularity,' 'permanent,' 'right,' 'wrong,' and 'interact.')
(24Jul2001 rev - Add 'complementarity,' 'energy,' 'method,' 'precedent,' 'ought,' 'consense,' 'concord,' 'fit,' and 'conform.')
(24Jul2001 rev - Add 'order,' 'discovery')
(25Jul2001 rev - Add 'control,' 'normal,' 'common,' 'ether,' 'contradiction')
(26Jul2001 rev - 'tautology,' 'reverse,' 'up,' 'constant,' )
(13Aug2001 rev - Add anchors to 'analysis,' 'conserve,' 'contradict,' 'control,' 'effect,' 'equality,' 'falsifiability.')
(13Aug2001 rev - Add anchors to 'identity,' 'mechanics.')
(14Aug2001 rev - Extend 'quantity' comments. Add anchors to 'quantity,' and 'tautology.')
(15Sep2001 rev - Typos. Add 'change.')
(16Sep2001 rev - Add link to Bergson's I-cubed quanton under 'IQ.' Extend 'logic' description.)
(16Sep2001 rev - Add comments under 'me.' Add several links under 'mechanics.' Typos.)
(16Sep2001 rev - Extend 'order,' 'ought,' 'particle,' 'reform,' )
(17Sep2001 rev - Add anchors to 'fact,' 'is,' and 'induction,' Extend 'cause,' 'fact,' 'identity,' 'induction,' and 'is.')
(17Sep2001 rev - Add 'irrational,' 'rational,' )
(10Oct2001 rev - Extend 'constant.')
(13Nov2001 rev - Extend 'decide.' Add 'define,' and 'definite.')
(16Nov2001 rev - Add anchors to 'define,' and 'decide.')
(17Nov2001 rev - Add 'instant.' Add anchors/links to 'event,' 'instant,' and 'moment.')
(27Nov2001 rev - Add top of page browser frame-breaker. Add 'idea.')
(29Nov2001 rev - Add 'concrete.')
(30Nov2001 rev - Add anchor to 'state.')
(3Dec2001 rev - Extend 'object,' 'one,' 'syllogisms,' 'transformation,' 'true;' add anchors to several terms.)
(3Dec2001 rev - Extend 'number,' 'normal,' 'momentum,' 'moment,' 'logic,' 'local,' 'homogeneous.')
(3Dec2001 rev - Extend 'fact,' )
(15Dec2001 rev - Add anchor to 'know.')
(16Dec2001 rev - Add non-participle verb tense problematic. Add '-ion' suffix problematic.)
(19Dec2001 rev - Typo.)
(24Dec2001 rev - Alter page returns, and add one at page bottom.)
(27Dec2001 rev - Alter 'Inform' with links to 'New,' and 'Transform.')
(30Dec2001 rev - Typo.)
(10Jan2002 rev - Add 'part, etc.')
(12Jan2002 rev - Add several new anchors to existing problematic terms. Typos.)
(14Jan2002 rev - Add link to 'cause.' Extend 'analysis.')
(21Jan2002 rev - Alter our comments about Bohrian complementarity at page top, #1. Reset all red text to black.)
(19Feb2002 rev - Extend 'identity.')
(20Feb2002 rev - Typo in 'consistency.' Add Kyoto link.)
(30Mar2002 rev - Add 'Precise,' and 'Limit.')
(3Apr2002 rev - Extend 'determine.')
(19May2002 rev - Extend 'number.' Add link to
QELR 'number.' Extend 'is.')
(26May2002 rev - Add anchors to 'certain.')
(13Jul2002 rev - Repair minor typo: 'do' to 'to' in last item of 'discovery.')
(17Jul2002 rev - Extend 'state' comments.)
(23Jul2002 rev - Change QELR links to A-Z pages.)
(24Jul2002 rev - Repair typos and misspellings.)
(26Jul2002 rev - Extend our QELR of 'object.')
(30Jul2002 rev - Add anchor to 'time.' Extend 'state.')
(10Sep2002 rev - Add 'entropy,' and 'process.' Update 'analysis,' 'cause,' 'machine,' and 'time.')
(15Sep2002 rev - Add 'in-, il-, en-, em-, and ex-' prefixes. Upgrade 'singulars.')
(21Sep2002 rev - Add anchor to 'fundament.')
(26Sep2002 rev - Remediate all quantum comtextual occurrences of 'ensemble.')
(22Oct2002 rev - Add a parenthetical explanation to our usage of "verbesque.")
(22Oct2002 rev - Add very important in- prefix link to "interpretation." Extend 'begin.')
(17Dec2002 rev - Extend 'define.')
(3Feb2003 rev - Repair some typos and spelling errors. Reset all red text, except for today's changes.)
(3Feb2003 rev - Extend 'final,' 'discovery,' 'identity.' Add 'illusion.')
(4Feb2003 rev - Add a final, dated comment to 'discovery.')
(17Feb2003 rev - Add 'ne-' as a negational prefix. Correct link to 'sillygistic.')
(5May2003 rev - Update 'final.')
(28May2003 rev - Update 'contradict.')
(2Aug2003 rev - Add anchor to and extend 'complete.')
(9Aug2003 rev - Repair long standing error under 'momentum.')
(27Sep2003 rev - Extend 'independent.' Add 'immutable.' Reset legacy red text.)
(28Nov2003 rev - Add anchor to 'concept.')
(7Dec2003 rev - Upgrad 'rational,' and 'reform.')
(29Dec2003 rev - Add 'thingk' link.)
(23Jan2004 rev - Reset legacy colors and debold some text.)
(26May2004 rev - Add anchor to and extend 'form.')
(5Jun2004 rev - update 'logic' with tertium non datur and temporal-change independence.)
(13Jul2004 rev - Add some links.)
(26Nov2004 rev - Add 'the.' Add some links. Reset red text.)
(15Dec2004 rev - Reset red text. Add red text improvements. Swap quantum comtextual 'deny' with 'belie.' Ditto 'or' with 'and.')
(17Dec2004 rev - Add 'ob- and op-' and 'ab- and ap-' prefixes.)
(18Mar2005 rev - Add 'log.')
(15Apr2005 rev - Update 'rational.')
(13Jul2005 rev - Typo.)
(10,14,31Dec2005 rev - Add 'mon-' prefixes problematic. Show how to describe 'verisimilitude' under 'Ought.' Update 'identity.')
(2,21Apr2006 rev - Princip[le] to principal. Simplify page top and bottom.)
(15May2006 rev - Add links to several high Value occurrences of 'object,' and 'subject.' Add a separate 'problematic' for 'subject.')
(17Jul2006 rev - Add quantonics breakthrough of how to monitor "absolute motion," under 'ether.')
(13,17-18Oct2006 rev - Adjust colors. Reset legacy red text. Show current QELR of 'measure' and 'monitor.' Majorly extend 'effect.')
(10Dec2006 rev - Repair a few non general graphic links. Remove some ancient date stamps. Reset legacy red text.)
(28Feb2007 rev - Add 'entry,' 'ideal,' 'predict,' )
(23-24Mar2007 rev - Tie all problematics directly affected back to Bergson's two classical delusions. Update 'object.' Repair 'ether.')
(6Apr2007 rev - Add 'Event' QELR link under 'Event' QELP as Reality_Classical_Science.gif link.)
(8May2007 rev - Add 'rational' to page top list.)
(5,9,28Jun2007 rev - Add 'necessity.' Add 'rest.' Add 'difference.' Add 'sum.')
(10Aug2007 rev - Add 'divide.')
(15Sep2007 rev - Release table constraints on some tables. Reset legacy red text.)
(15Dec2007 rev - Reformat slightly.)
(8Sep2008 rev - Exegetise Latin functional issues with biology.)
(11Nov2008 rev - Add more general examples of problematics near page top.)
(10Jan2009 rev - Add link to recent QELR of 'occur' under QELP of 'event.')
(13,29Aug2009 rev - Add 'charge' problematic. Repair a minor formating error.)
(20Sep2009 rev - Add links to recent added QELR of 'wave.')
(23Oct2009 rev - Correct an rtf encoding error with 'naïve,' under 'contradict.' Reset legacy markups. Update 'energy.')
(2-3Nov2009 rev - Add link to our coining of 'phasement,' under our 'rational' problematic. Update our QELP of 'circularity.' Add some unsaid commentary under our 'circularity' update.)
(6May2010 rev - Update 'uni' prefixes. Add 'classical static monism vav quantum quantized pluralism' graph.)
(6May2011 rev - Add 'chance' link near page top. Reset legacy markups.)
(30Aug2011 rev - Update 'Mon' prefix.)
(14Aug2012 rev - Update 'Identity.')
(5May2015 rev - Make page current. Add some links. Add some bold color emphasis.)
(5Jun2015 rev - Make page current. Adjust colors. Reset legacy markups.)
