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Quantonics' Quantum Remediation
English Language Problematics
Millennium III
by Doug Renselle
: 20Jul2002
Master Index
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English Language Problematic

Quantonics' Quantum

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  • happy
    • affirm
    • convince
    • favor
    • bold
  • assured
    • confident
    • consensual
    • certain
    • prescript
  • plus sign
    • formal
    • irrefute
    • radical
    • ideal opposite of negative

: Positive (Three views here: emotional happiness, social consensus, logical-mathematical valency vis-à-vis negative.)

Classically positive means:

  • ideal opposite of negative: positive implies negative and their classical excluded-middles as 'empty,' 'neutral,' 'null,' and 'zero.'
  • social positivism: consensus, herd orthodoxy
  • emotive confidence: look good, feel good, happy, etc.

Classical Thingk-king Methods assume reality is 'state.' States can be 'positive,' and their opposite states are 'negative.' CTMs permit classicists to dialectically, formally, logically add and subtract 'states.' CTMs adhere notions which permit addition and subtraction of positive and negative 'states.' Doug - 7Jul2006.

Logically and mathematically 1-1 and A-A are 'zero.' All ones are identical to all other ones. All As are identical to all other As. Implication: You-You is zero. See point, line and circle for examples of 'negation' AKA classical removal of points.

Socially, provincially, parochially, organizationally, institutionally, governmentally, nationally, culturally, paradigmatically classicists can know and di-stinguish, positively and certainly, EOOO(verity, falsity). Classically positive social judgment is absolute truth.

Classical positivism requires 'elements,' of an ideal classical reality, to hold still and be objectively independent of one another. See stoppability and Zeno.

See yellow background cells in Bases of Judgment.

It is worthwhile for students of quantonics to compare

  • negative (adjective) and negate (verb: to deny) and
  • positive (adjective) and posit (verb: to affirm).

: P¤sihtihvæ, p¤sihtihvæs, p¤sihtihvings, p¤sihtihvæness, p¤sihtihvænæssæs, p¤sihtihvænessings, etc. (Quantum p¤sihtihvings aræ comtextuahlly anihmatæ, EIMA~heterogen¤us. Many quantons(nægati¤nings,p¤sihtihvings).)

Quantum p¤sihtihvæ mæans:

  • quantum~nægati¤n issi quantum~subqjæctihvæ (quantum~relatihve ¤mnihfferæntial c¤mparihs¤ns am¤ng peaqlos), which mæans quantum~nægatihvæ amd quantum~p¤sihtihvæ aræ quantum~c¤mplæmæntary,
  • p¤sihtihvæ issi ihn nægatihvæ amd nægatihvæ issi ihn p¤sihtihvæ,
  • quantum~pr¤babilihty which issi ahlways p¤sihtihvæ (peaqlos aræ ahlways p¤sihtihvæ) absent any ideal classical zero and classical unity bounds,
  • Sankara: "[quantum] reality [actuality] is that which is absent [ideal classical] negation," which is an analogue of,
  • ahll quantum ahctual æmærqants ræsult fr¤m quantum~squarqeing pr¤cæssings. Studænts sh¤uld n¤te hæræ that quantum squarqeing issi a spæcial casæ ¤f quantum addqihti¤n where nægati¤n cann¤t classically integrate.

Quantum Think-king Modes assume reality is 'flux.' All quantum flux are 'positive.' QTMs permit quantum~hermeneuticists to mix 'flux.' Quantum~addition of quantum flux issi quantum~subtraction of quantum flux and vice-versa. Mixing of quantum flux is a "mixing of positives, a mixing of absence of negatives." Mixing of quantum~flux may result in emerqancies of n¤vel quantum~phasæ~ænc¤dings: quantum~interrelationshipings, quantons. Doug - 7Jul2006.

Quantum ræhlihty p¤sihts ahctualihty!!! (Vis-à-vis classical reality permits ideal negation thus denial of actuality.) Quantum ræhlihty cræatæs (ihn Doug's vihew, this issi abs¤lutæ quantum affirmati¤n) amd Planck ratæ ændlessly ræcapihtulatæs amd reaffirms ahctualihty!

A David Hume 5Oct2008 aside:

If you are a student of David Hume, beware!

David Hume used integrable classically-negative stochastics to deny probability (more generally, quantum~stochastics) and then scepticism!

That single sentence describes Hume's enormously tragic mistake, perhaps a greatest philosophical mistake of all time (mayhaps second only to Aristotle's immutably perpetual concrete substance).

Sankara (bullet list above) and Bergson avoided Hume's Tragedy. They both denied dialectical negation's logical viability! Brilliance.

Any time you are practicing classical philosophy, science, mathematics, and logic...any time you use classical objective are recommitting Hume's Tragedy.

To view Hume's Tragedy up close, carefully read pp. 170-171 of his...

A Treatise of Human Nature, by David Hume, 1739 -

Book I - Of the Understanding
Part IV - Of the Sceptical and Other Systems of Philosophy
SECT. I. - Of Scepticism with Regard to Reason

You will see Hume denying validity of of both probability and scepticism using classical mechanics to integrate 'negative' stochastics! As we have said before it is ludicrous to use thelogos and call oneself, perhaps other, a sceptic.

This clearly puts Hume n¤t in the genius category, but in the idiot category.

Beware classical maths and logics...their independence axiom, identity, equality, objectivity stoppability, and negations as objective are "quantumly bogus." Why? Classical durable, perpetual, immutable, localable, isolable, separable, reducible 'state' is simply an illusion. Stux sux! Quantum durable 'change' is real. Flux is crux!

In Doug's view this simply destroys Hume's reputation as a philosopher. Too it destroys reputations of all who have assessed his works as "genius."

Some of you know how Doug has been reviewing Granger's book comparing Pirsig and Dewey. I will n¤ longer waste my time on that effort, due Granger's inability to assess Hume well and appropriately. If one uses Bergson and de Finetti to assess Hume, one cannot feel good about Hume's opus. Even though de Finetti regards Hume's cause-effect deliberations highly. I have lost all regard for David Hume. Neither will I spend any more valuable time reviewing further Hume's opus.


All of you reading this should adhere Doug's caveats issued during his Loyola presentation...

End a David Hume 5Oct2008 aside.

Quantum ræhlihty issi p¤sihtihvæ! Iht issi ahlways quantum~p¤sihtihvæ quantum~æmoti¤nahlly, ~s¤ciahlly, amd ~l¤gihcahlly.

Thæræ aræ n¤ ideal classical negatives n¤r ideal classical negations ihn quantum ræhlihty.

Quantum ræhlihty issi ahlways quantum~umcærtain! Quantum~p¤sihtihvæly umcærtain! Sææ ¤ur Absoluteness as Uncertainty.

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To contact Quantonics write to or call:

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2001-2019 Rev. 13Sep2011  PDR — Created 20Jul2002  PDR
(26Sep2002 rev - Remediate all quantum comtextual occurrences of 'ensemble.')
(7Feb2003 rev - For browser compatibility, substitute GIFs for some Wingdings and Symbol fonts. Reset red text.
(24Feb2004 rev - Reset legacy add's. and rev's. and red text.)
(21Oct2004 rev - Reset red text. Allow all table and cell bounds to adjust freely.)
(28Oct2004 rev - Repair a very bad accidental QELR of some cells on this page.)
(13-15Dec2004 rev - Extend classical table column content under 'probability.' Add more questions there. Add 'positive.')
(9,19,21,28Apr2005 rev - Repair 'dumbfound' spelling under 'perplex.' Reset updates. Update 'phase.' Add 'uncertain' link under 'positive.')
(17Jun2005 rev - Reset red text.)
(27Mar2006 rev - Reset legacy red text.)
(2,7Jul2006 rev - Update 'percept.' Update 'positive.')
(21Jan2007 rev - Adjust colors. Reset legacy red text markups.)
(15Jan2008 rev - Reformat slightly.)
(5Oct2008 rev - Make a positive declaration of Hume's greatest mistake: that negative stochastics are integrable.)
(28Mar2009 rev - Link our Humean 'idiot' to its acronym. Reset legacy markups. Make page current.)
(13Sep2011 rev - Make page current.)