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Quantonics' Quantum Remediation
English Language
Millennium III
by Doug Renselle
: 20Jul2002


Alphabetical Reference Index Quantonics English Language Remediation Pages
©Quantonics, Inc., 2001-2036

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Index to Quantonics English Language Remediated F Terms
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fact false for form


English Language Problematic

Quantonics' Quantum

©Quantonics, Inc., 2001-2036

: Fact

: Fahct

In original Latin 'fact' means sane-, profecto-, -act, -do, -make, etc. Notice how this description inheres classical modica of animacy. But sane qualifies said animacy, and some animacies therefore, we infer via contraria, must, at least classically, be insane.

In original Greek 'act' and 'action' mean pragma. Greek 'ast' means "one who does." Notice how these descriptions inhere animacy, quasi~quantum~anihmacy. Too, pragma is one of few Greek words which inheres anihmacy. There is much to ponder in this arena.

There are some fascinating nexi here. Greek hypocrite means 'actor.' What do actors do? Tentatively, reusably behave as ideal hermeneuts! Amd what issi quantonics ihn pr¤cessings ¤f teachings ab¤ut quantum realihty? It is, from a classical conspective, 'sophist,' 'subjective,' 'qualitative,' and especially 'interpretive and hermeneutic.'

Paraphrasing Philip R. Wallace, "Interpretation (role-playing, acting) involves according primacy to subjectivity over objectivity." See Wallace's Paradox Lost. Quantum Interpretation then might be referred, "deep role playing."

You may recall how Feynman and Dyson agreed that Einstein "lost it" when he stopped his "deep physical role playing" and started using mathematics to do some "shallow playing" AKA "naïve realist radically mechanical modeling."

S¤ wæ can say, fr¤m a quantum hermeneutic pærspæctive, a hyp¤crite issi a pragmatihst amd a s¤phist. Wæ can als¤ say that act¤rs have great p¤tential f¤r bæing amd bæc¤ming genuine quantum ihndihvihduals.

Today, classicists objectify and immute 'fact.' What happened to original Latin and Greek inherent animacy? (SOM has ideally objectified 'fact.' They did something similar with pragma: reverse engineered it to a less individual and more social, communis vitae, Demos will 'practical.' Our opinion.)

H¤wævær, ihn quantum realihty pragma aræ EIMA mutable. Wæ, ihn Quantonics, call them quantons. Classicists, naïve realists, naïve localists, SOMites, SOMwits call them "insanitons!" Why? Why do they call quantons insanitons? Quantons aræ n¤t ideally, classically, dialectically dichonic.

Were wæ t¤ QELR 'fact,' wæ w¤uld have t¤ bæings usings amd quantum c¤herings s¤methings likings thissings: "c¤¤bsfective d¤ings." Quantons aræ "c¤¤bsfective d¤ings."

Ihn quantum realihty there issi n¤ anal¤gue ¤f classical immutable, unchanging 'fact.'

See Julian Jaynes' quote on fact as superstition. What Jaynes describes is what classical science does. For a more expanded view which describes fact in terms of a mythos...

See: absolute, axiom, certain, law, principle, rule, tautology, truth.

Page top index.



"false adj. Probably before 1200 false, fals; developed in part from Old English (about 1000) fals counterfeit, not genuine, and reinforced by reborrowing in Middle English from Old French fals, faus, from Latin falsus, past participle of fallere deceive, disappoint. Old English fals was apparently a rare form also borrowed from Latin falsus, from fallere. The continental Germanic languages borrowed the word in an altered form, as found in Middle High German valsch, (modern German falsch), Old Frisian falsch, Middle Dutch valse (modern Dutch vals), Icelandic falskur, Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish falsk." Quoted from Barnhart's Dictionary of Etymology.


Classical -

  • truthless,
  • sham,
  • lie,
  • cunning,
  • deceiving,
  • perjured,
  • imitation,
  • etc.

Quantum -

  • quanton(fahlsæness,truth),
  • "Never affirm a thing is 'not.'"
  • "Negation is(si) subjective."
  • versus and falsus as subjective and quantum c¤mplementary
  • etc.

: False

Classically dichon(false, true) and dichon(negative, positive) are both perfect EOOO constructions AKA pre 'di' cations AKA "affirmations."

Similarly dichon(falsus, versus). And dichon(negat, posit). And dichon(deny, affirm).

It is interesting that elite English practitioners usually do not interpret falsity and affirmation as ideal opposites. Apparently, though, some French elites do. Simply, elite English appear not to accept affirmation on a level of oath bearing absolute truth, where omnifferently some elite French mot juste. Our French blood appears to run deep, so we intuit said tendencies almost intrinsically.

Our discussion here is important in terms of deciding what language can be genuinely ideal, formal, predicable, and oath-worthy.

Our hermeneutics desnouer, however, decrepit classical thing-king places truth above logic (It also places truth and logic above Good, thanks to that SOMwit Aristotle and his incogitant 13th century protégé Thomas Aquinas!), and for sure, that is what we uncovered in our uniquely Quantonic Bases of Judgment. Pirsig says classical thought exhibits, "genetic defects in reason itself."

Henri Louis Bergson, about 100 years ago (i.e., 1907 1st ed. of Creative Evolution), made a profound remark which we believe alters classicism irrevocably:

"We shall never affirm a thing is not." See Bergson's Creative Evolution, topic 39, p. 291.

Of course, Bergson originally used French forms of negation (non, mais non, aucun, ne...pas, etc., for example), but we read his works in translated English and depend upon our translators to render French in much more vulgar, simpler English. So, in Quantonics we take our English 'not' above as classical negation. Then we also hear Bergson loquaciously ejaculate, "Negation is subjective!"

All of this begs our intended query: "Would Bergson approve our translation to 'We shall never verify a thing is not?'"

More specifically, in, say, a court of law, would Bergson agree that we can say, "I testify, with a solemn pledge, a formal promise, that no thing is or can be not?"

Our answer issi quantum~ "Yæs!"

It is then problematic that all classicists believe that negation is a general 'objective' property.

Doug - 12Oct2005.

: Fahlse, fahlsihty

Quantonics ch¤¤ses t¤ c¤¤pt classical 'false' amd remerq all quantum comtextual ¤ccurrences with 'fahlse.' Ditto fahlsity.

In classical contexts, SOMwits believe dichon(false, true).

Ihn quantum comtexts MoQwihts bælihævæ quanton(fahlsæness,truth), where ¤ur quanton's c¤mplæmænts aræ quantum nægati¤nahlly subjectihve. Why? Quantum ræhlihty issi anihmatæ EIMA. Quantons have arbihtrary ~Hilbert ¤mnispathial pr¤babilihty ¤mnistrihbuti¤ns.

Ihn quantum ræhlihty thæræ aræ n¤ Platonically ihdæal amd abs¤lutæ værihties amd falsihties. Why? Ihn quantum ræhlihty thæræ aræ n¤ ihdæal EEMD classical sobjects.

Sææ verity.

Sææ ¤ur Basæs ¤f Jihudgmænt amd ¤ur What issi Wr¤ng wihth Pr¤babilihty as Valuæ?

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: For

: F¤r

As preposition, see of. In quantum comtexts, use 'f¤r.'

Page top index.


: Form

: F¤rm, æmærqant, æmærqancy, etc.

Quantonics ch¤¤ses t¤ c¤¤pt classical 'form' amd remerq all quantum comtextual ¤ccurrences with 'emerq.' Remerq classical 'formal' with quantum 'emerqant.' Remerq classical 'formality' wihth quantum 'æmærqancy.'

Page top index.


: Forward

: F¤rward

Classically 'forward' implies an inanimate, homogeneous, spatial-proxied arrow of time. Unitime. Unitemporality. One time fits all.

Quantumly 'f¤rward' issi diræcti¤nless ¤mnispærsi¤n ¤f quantum~heterogæne¤uhs ænsehmbles' ch¤¤sings, chancings amd changings) duæ quantum tihmings' ihntrinsihc hætær¤gæneihties. Many tihmings. N¤ tihming fihts ahll.

See time.

Page top index.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2001-2036

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To contact Quantonics write to or call:

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2001-2036 Rev. 27Feb2018  PDR — Created 20Jul2002  PDR
(10Apr2001 rev - Add rem. for 'fact.')
(17Apr2001 rev - Add 'for.')
(24May2001 rev - Add 'form,' & 'formal.')
(9Jul2001 rev - Add 'false' TBD.)
(1Oct2003 rev - Extend, describe 'fact,' and 'false.')
(11Oct2003 rev - Reset legacy red text.)
(7Jul2004 rev - Add 'forward.' Update other terms with pull-down menus.)
(13Jul2004 rev - Update 'false.')
(19Jul2004 rev - Reset update notifications.)
(9Dec2004 rev - Add 'subjective' link under 'false.' Release table and cell width constraints.)
(10Feb2005 rev - Add page top indices.)
(12Oct2005 rev - Update 'false.')
(20Jan2005 rev - Reformat page top.)
(24May2006 rev - Add link under 'fact' to Jaynes quote on fact as superstition.)
(18Dec2007 rev - Reformat slightly.)
(26Mar2008 rev - Add mythos link to fact.)
(21Sep2008 rev - Add 'falsity' anchor.)
(20Jul2010 rev - Make page current.)
(27Feb2018 rev - Make page current.)